
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 231 Sitting in the arms is also pure and innocent

  "It doesn't taste good."

  After taking another sip, Jiang Qin finally confirmed that this was not the kind of wine he drank last night.

  Although the brand is the same and the bottle is the same, the taste is very different, as if something is missing, but he doesn't know what went wrong, so he can only think of it as being cheated.

  It's impossible to walk by the river without getting your shoes wet. It doesn't matter if you cheat people every day or get cheated once in a while.

  Jiang Qin covered the lid and put it in the cabinet together with the unopened bottle, without even throwing away the wine box.

  "Boss, why keep it if it doesn't taste good?" Lu Feiyu looked puzzled.

  "More than 800 yuan a bottle, it's almost as expensive as Wuliangye. Isn't it a pity to throw it away? I'll use it as a gift or to entertain guests in the future. Let's not talk about how it tastes, but the price is real."

  "Fuck, I learned..."

  Jiang Qin closed the cabinet door and looked up at the class schedule posted on the wall.

  This was the class schedule for last semester, and it has long expired, so Jiang Qin peeled it off and printed a new one and posted it.

  Tomorrow is Monday, and there will be classes in the morning and afternoon.

  Jiang Qin finally remembered that he was a student at this moment. After thinking for a while, he decided to take a shower and go to class tomorrow to be refreshed and give a good impression to the teachers.

  Hey, although Jiang Qin always skips classes, he is still quite handsome, so forgive him.

  Jiang Qin showed an arrogant smile, got up and left the entrepreneurship base, called the little rich woman, and said he would take her to take a shower.

  Feng Nanshu hadn't seen Jiang Qin for the whole day. When she heard that Jiang Qin was going to take a shower, she could feel her joy from the phone call, because Jiang Qin heard the sound of people getting out of bed in a hurry just after she finished speaking.

  Ten minutes later, he came to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory and met the little rich woman.

  The little rich woman was wearing a yellow three-quarter sleeve shirt and a light gray denim skirt, which set off her smooth and fair skin, and outlined her slender waist and perky little butt.

  But what surprised Jiang Qin was that Feng Nanshu seemed to be holding up her mobile phone and making a call. Her expression was as well-behaved as a tabby cat basking in the sun. She didn't hang up the phone until she saw Jiang Qin, and then she ran over.

  The cheerful footsteps and the smart and pure expression instantly ran out of the youth in many people's memories.

  "Who are you calling? Why are you so happy?" Jiang Qin looked at her with a stern face.

  Feng Nanshu put his hand into his pocket and spoke softly: "It was my aunt who called to ask if I had eaten."

  "So you have an aunt? Is she in Shanghai or Jeju?"


  The little rich woman looked up at him and felt that the handsome bear seemed to be silly again.

  Jiang Qin also reacted at this time. After a moment of stunned, his eyes gradually narrowed: "The aunt you are talking about is not my mother, right?"

  Feng Nanshu nodded obediently.

  "But didn't I give you my mother's phone number? How did you two get in touch?"

  "I memorized it the last time I answered the phone, and then I secretly called once, and then my aunt often called me." The little rich woman's eyes were full of water.


  Jiang Qin choked slightly, and was very convinced by Ms. Yuan Youqin's operation.

  Oh, I refuse to find a girlfriend, so you personally take action? You really want to trick the little rich woman into going home to be your daughter-in-law because she is stupid, right?

  Sure enough, the only one who can trick me is my mother, because the old ginger must be spicy.

  Jiang Qin smacked his lips, thinking that all this was to blame on the Auntie Li next door. It was estimated that since he started school, she must have carried her grandson to his house frequently, and it was very likely that she even teased her grandson in person.

  "Youqin, look at our eldest grandson, how fair and chubby he is, do you want to hold him?"

  Jiang Qin could imagine Auntie Li's tone, what a good Chinese neighbor.

  Ms. Yuan has never been inferior to others in her life, so she must not be able to swallow this breath.

  It's just that there is no WeChat now, otherwise, she must have dragged Feng Nanshu into the "loving family" to be satisfied.

  Jiang Qin reached into his pocket, pinched the little rich woman's hand and rubbed it: "Besides asking if you've eaten, what else did my mother say? Tell me the truth."

  "Nothing else, just this."


  Feng Nanshu nodded confidently: "Jiang Qin, I never lie to you."

  Jiang Qin approached her delicate face with a suspicious look: "Did she lie to you to change her words or something, such as not calling her aunt, but calling her something else?"

  "I, I don't know anything." Feng Nanshu felt a little guilty.


  "Forget it, let's take a bath first."

  Jiang Qin had no way to deal with his mother. This is called one thing conquers another. No matter how arrogant you are outside, you just can't beat the angry parents, so he simply pretended not to know and took the little rich woman to the bathhouse. On the

  last day of the weekend, there were a lot of people taking a bath in the bathhouse. It was rare to see big men, but female college students with white calves came one after another.

  Jiang Qin found a corner and took off the shoes and socks for the rich girl. He suddenly remembered the threat from the braised pork trotters last night, so he stretched out his hand to pinch her pink toes and rubbed her snow-white feet twice, which was considered to be a way to vent his anger.

  Feng Nanshu's soles were itchy from being rubbed, and she almost kicked him in the face.

  "Wait for me here later, don't run around."

  "I know."   

  Feng Nanshu agreed coldly, then put on her slippers and went into the women's bathroom.

  Insertion, running water, bathing, Jiang Qin repeated a series of mechanical actions, then came out of the bathroom and went to the dressing table to occupy the hair dryer.

  Ten minutes later, the little rich woman also came out, as if she was a lotus emerging from the water, pretty and beautiful beyond description.

  Jiang Qin asked her to turn her back to him, then ran her slender fingers through her hair and dried it carefully strand by strand.

  However, because there were so many people taking a bath, they all wanted to grab the hair dryer after taking a bath, so the dressing table was very crowded. Several people were yelling and cursing, asking who was stepping on my feet and so on.

  The little rich woman was squeezed by the girls in front of her and couldn't stand steadily. She couldn't help but fall into Jiang Qin's arms several times.

  Gradually, more people squeezed in front of the table to blow their hair. When Feng Nanshu sat in Jiang Qin's arms again, a girl immediately squeezed in, resulting in the little rich woman having no space to stand up.

  This should be considered a hug.

  The rich girl sat obediently in Jiang Qin's arms, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, feeling the temperature of the hair dryer, and suddenly remembered the post on the Internet.

  Everyone says that although good friends cannot kiss, they can hug.

  What's more coincidental is that Jiang Qin, feeling the little butt sitting on his legs, was also thinking of the post a few days ago, which said that good friends can hug each other and it is not considered crossing the line. What

  's more, this is a last resort and understandable.

  Everyone is innocent, just sit on your legs, there is no need to be so sensitive, and forcing a distance will make it seem that there is something wrong.

  "Jiang Qin, something is poking my butt."

  "It's okay, my phone is in my pants pocket."

  Jiang Qin blew her hair calmly, making Feng Nanshu happy.

  But if there is a hair dryer, there will be a queue, and the queue is boring, so many people focus their attention on them.

  "Look, does that kind of beauty really exist?"

  "I know her, Feng Nanshu from the School of Finance, she is said to be the best girl in Linchuan University."

  "I said the results of the campus beauty contest are not rigorous, how could such a top beauty be missed?"

  "She is not only beautiful, but also very lucky. Look how gentle her boyfriend is to her."

  "Who wouldn't be gentle with such a beautiful girlfriend sitting in his arms?" There were

  many discussions, and most of them were close, so the little rich woman could easily hear them, and could hear several sentences at a time.

  Although her expression was very cold, her eyes were very happy.

  After a while, Jiang Qin turned off the hair dryer: "Okay, it's dry, let's go, I'll take you to the cafeteria for dinner."

  "Jiang Qin, blow for a while."

  Feng Nanshu wanted to sit for a while longer, not to mention that the people here spoke nicely.

  "If you blow dry your hair for too long, it will burn, and there are people queuing behind you. We have to give them our seats, be obedient."


  Just like Jiang Qin couldn't stand the word brother, Feng Nanshu couldn't stand Jiang Qin's word obedient, so she left Jiang Qin's arms and ran to change her shoes.

  By the time they had changed their shoes, Jiang Qin had come over. He had tied the coat he was wearing around his waist. From the front, it looked like he was wearing a skirt, and it rustled when he walked.

  Feng Nanshu asked with a silly look on her face why he wore it like that, and Jiang Qin said very coldly that it looked cooler this way.

  Then he took the key to the locker from his wrist and took out the phones and wallets of both of them.

  "Although college is not as complicated as society, it is not impossible to lose things, so valuables must be locked in this small locker."

  "I can't take you to take a shower every time. You have to remember it when you come by yourself in the future, okay?"

  Feng Nanshu looked at his phone and was really confused: "Jiang Qin..."

  "Don't talk, come with me, I'll take you to dinner."

  Jiang Qin was as cold as a ruthless killer.

  The little rich woman suppressed her doubts and followed him out of the bathroom and came to the cafeteria, then ordered three meat dishes, one vegetable dish and two bowls of rice.

  "Jiang Qin, you hugged me when we were taking a shower just now."

  "Good friends can hug each other, it's not against the rules, and it was too crowded just now, I couldn't stand up even if I wanted to."

  Jiang Qin was only concerned with explaining the word "friend", but he had no idea that he had opened up a new idea for Feng Nanshu.

  Good friends can hug each other, so they can hug each other every day, just like friends can hold hands, so they can hold hands every day.

  After dinner, Jiang Qin sent the little rich woman back to the dormitory, then took off his coat from his waist and put it on, went back to the dormitory, turned on the computer, and watched an episode of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf".

  Damn, is this the Green Grassland Club? Why does this beautiful sheep look more and more coquettish the more I look at her.

  Jiang Qin didn't know why he was a little agitated, and he took out a cigarette and smoked it for a long time.

  "Old Jiang, I can understand your expression of lust, after all, it's spring now, but why did you keep staring at beautiful sheep when you were lustful?"

  Cao Guangyu sat on the bed with a very confused expression.