
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 202 Bring it home for New Year's Eve dinner

Bang! Chirp~Bang!

On the evening of New Year's Eve, a huge firework exploded in the night sky of Beiya River, bursting into a sky full of fireworks, and the entire surface of the water was sparkling, making the sky that had just darkened bright again.

  Jiang Qin put his hands in his pockets, leaning against the tree, his eyes reflected the colorful flowers, and his expression was extremely cold.   

Occasionally, a cold wind blew by the river bank, blowing up the hair in front of his forehead, but it couldn't mess up his heart at all.   

Damn, I must be more handsome than Daniel Wu now, right?   

Maybe... just like the scene in "A Journey to the West" where Leslie Cheung stood by the river with a black and white scarf, even more handsome.   

"Well done, Lao Qin. You are indeed a rich second-generation Jeju. Another one. Is there a night in Milan?"

" ????"   

Qin Ziang, who was setting off fireworks by the river, was so proud of himself. When he heard the sound, he turned his head blankly, and then saw Jiang Qin applauding. His face turned green in an instant.  

Damn, why is this dog here?   

These are the fireworks I bought with my own money, and he saw them all. Is there any law? Is there still law?   

He waved at his younger brother and moved the fireworks he bought with a lot of money to the other side of the river.   

You know what, the rich second-generation has an aura. When he left, most of the girls on the river bank were gone in an instant.   

Jiang Qin sighed helplessly, thinking that it was really boring. You set them up in the sky and didn't let people see them. What else can this be but selfish? He didn't understand efficient resource sharing at all.   

"Uncle, do you want some roasted sweet potatoes? They're hot and scalding!"   As they were talking, Yang Shuan and Guo Zihang came out from the green belt opposite, holding two roasted sweet potatoes in a plastic bag, plump and round.   "I've already bought them, give me one."   

Jiang Qin took the sweet potato and put it in the pocket of his down jacket. The renovation of Jeju's old city is in full swing. Because it involves various fire prevention regulations, the government departments have long issued a notice prohibiting the setting off of fireworks and firecrackers. However, they specially circled a piece of land in the Beiya River, indicating that anyone who is addicted to setting off fireworks can do so here.   

Because there is still some time before the New Year's Eve dinner, Yang Shuan and Guo Zihang suggested coming to join in the fun.   

Indeed, it was very lively. They saw countless fireworks and met many old classmates.   

"Jiang Qin!"   

Jiang Qin was looking at the sky full of fireworks when he suddenly saw a group of four or five people walking towards this side, some men and some women. He looked closely and found that they were classmates in the third year of high school.   

Hong something Dong, Yu something Yang, the girl with a ponytail behind her should be surnamed Zhao, and there was also something Qianqian.   

"Long time no see, Jiang Qin."   

"Long time no see, Lao Hong, Lao Yu, Lao Zhao, Qian Qian."   

Jiang Qin greeted calmly, confident as if he knew everyone's full name, not guilty at all.   

Zhao Lu: "Lao Zhao?"   

Kong Qian Qian: "Isn't he calling her too intimate?"   

Jiang Qin saw that the two girls had strange expressions, and he didn't know if he remembered it wrong, but he didn't care.   

If you can't even remember the name, it's good to know "I seem to know her" when you meet her by chance.   

"Is there anything wrong with you?"   

Hong Zhendong walked up to Jiang Qin and touched his shoulder: "Old Jiang, you've been so popular recently. Everyone is talking about you on QQ space. I was puzzled at first, thinking that there was no beast in our class. Later I found out that it was you!" Jiang Qin sneered: "I'll give you one more chance, you'd better come to me for something." "   

We just want to ask, are you really in love with Feng Nanshu? Is what you said in the space true or false?"   

"Defamation, pure slander. The rumors nowadays are outrageous. Even I, the person involved, don't know."   

Hong Zhendong laughed instantly: "I said, how could Feng Nanshu be in love? Qin Ziang also said it was fake. After hearing your clarification, we are relieved."   

Zhao Lu and Kong Qianqian also laughed: "I said it was impossible. I don't know who started it. Some people also said that you and Feng Nanshu were holding hands at the temple fair."   

"Old Jiang, tell me the truth, are you bragging after drinking?" Yu Yiyang winked at him.   

Jiang Qin shook his head: "I don't know, but it's absolutely impossible for us to be in love. If you hear such rumors again, remember to help me dispel them."   Kong Qianqian couldn't help but pout: "Jiang Qin, you seem to have a scandal every year. Last year it was with Chu Siqi, and this year even Feng Nanshu was dragged into it. It's getting more and more unreal. Are you really not just bragging?"   Hong Zhendong coughed: "This shows that Jiang Qin is courageous. The heroine in the story is getting more and more beautiful. Even Feng Nanshu dares to touch the porcelain!"


While talking, there was a rustling sound from the grass behind Jiang Qin. This is because the grass leaves will become very dry in winter, and when someone steps on them, a slight cracking sound will be produced.   

Feng Nanshu, wearing a white cotton coat, walked over. The sky with fireworks was reflected in her smart eyes. The cold wind blew through the soft fine hair on the brim of her hat and gently brushed her cold and beautiful face.   

But she didn't expect that there were so many people around Jiang Qin. She looked cold and timid, a little panicked, and then quietly approached and showed her little face from behind Jiang Qin.   

"Have you finished talking to Gao Wenhui?"   

"Yes, she asked me to wish you a happy new year on her behalf." Feng Nan spoke softly.   

Jiang Qin smacked his lips after hearing this: "I am the boss after all, why don't you even call to wish you a happy new year in person?"   

  "She said that since we are like a family, it's easier to get along."


  Feng Nanshu suddenly lowered his head, stretched out his little hand from his sleeve and tried to reach into Jiang Qin's pocket, but was stopped before he could get it in.

  The next second, Jiang Qin took out the roasted sweet potato from his pocket, and his face showed an expression of surviving a disaster.

  "Your little hands are too strong. If I don't stop you, you will definitely be famous tomorrow. People will say that Jiang Qin has poop in his pocket, and it's still warm. Damn, I'm scared just thinking about it."

  Feng Nanshu couldn't keep up with his train of thought, and said coldly: "Jiang Qin, I want to see the fireworks."

  Jiang Qin glanced at the south side of the river bank: "Qin Ziang moved all the fireworks he bought to the east. Come on, I'll take you to find him." "

  Let's go and find him holding hands." Feng Nanshu handed over his hand with a cold face.


  "Brother, hold it."

  Jiang Qin was silent for a long time and then raised a finger: "It's New Year's Day, I allow you to rebel once."

  Feng Nanshu nodded expressionlessly, and then her little hand was firmly held, chasing in the direction of Qin Ziang.

  Seeing this scene, Hong Zhendong, Yu Yiyang, Zhao Lu and Kong Qianqian were silent for a long time. The numbness of their scalps could not be relieved. They were too embarrassed to speak or move. They always felt that what they saw and felt was like the fireworks in the sky, dreamlike and unreal. Guo

  Zihang and Yang Shuan squatted beside them, eating sweet potatoes while watching the whole process, with their mouths crooked.

  "I told my godfather a long time ago that people should not be too humble. Look, his humility has been exchanged for even more arrogance." "

  Old Guo, you said it very well. Is there anything else? Say a few more, I love to hear it." Yang Shuan's eyes lit up.

  Guo Zihang held it in for a long time: "If I had known I would not buy roasted sweet potatoes, I should have bought popcorn. It's almost the same." "

  This sentence is almost the same."

  Hong Zhendong and the others couldn't stand it anymore, so they turned around and walked away without saying anything. As a result, they had just walked a few steps when a loud noise came from the north of the river bank.

  "Fuck, those are the fireworks I bought. Jiang Qin, put them down!" "

  Children should not play with them. It's easy to get burned. Look, uncle will show you how to set off fireworks safely." "You are too shameless. If you want to set off fireworks, buy them yourself!" "I am a rich man. I will set off fireworks for you in person. What else are you dissatisfied with?

  " " Children, I will set off fireworks for you in person. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"Children, I will set off fireworks for you in person. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"Children, I will set off fireworks in person in the night sky. ...   

Qin Ziang stood by the river bank, holding a lighter in his hand, with an expression like a little girl who had been abused.   

After a while, when the fireworks were over, Jiang Qin received a call from home, urging him to go back for the New Year's Eve dinner.   "Little rich woman, my mother called me to go home for the New Year's Eve dinner."   

"Then I'll go home too."   

"Do you have a New Year's Eve dinner to eat?"   

Feng Nanshu nodded gently: "I have food to eat."   

"Feng Nanshu, only eating with family can be called New Year's Eve dinner." Jiang Qin thought for a while and spoke.   


Feng Nanshu looked at the fireworks in the distance, pretending to be indifferent.   

Jiang Qin sighed, grabbed her little hand and got into the car. The little rich woman didn't say much along the way, and her expression was as cold as that year in high school. Bang bang bang   -   Hongrong Home, Jiang's house.   

Yuan Youqin was directing Jiang Zhenghong to cook dumplings and stews. After hearing the knock on the door, she immediately left the kitchen, but her face was very bad.   

She originally wanted to ask this brat to go out and buy vinegar, because the convenience supermarket downstairs will be completely closed at six o'clock. If he doesn't buy it now, he won't be able to dip the dumplings until the third day of the Chinese New Year. As a result, Jiang Qin went out for more than two hours and just came back now.   

"You have to go to Shanxi to buy vinegar, right?!"   

Feng Nanshu stood at the door coquettishly, a little panicked: "Ah, Auntie."   

Yuan Youqin was stunned for a moment, then put on a loving smile:

"Are you Nanshu? Come to my house to play, come in quickly, the dumplings are cooked, and you didn't tell me earlier, so Auntie couldn't prepare a red envelope for you."   

"I don't need a red envelope." Feng Nanshu waved her hand.   

"That won't work. I'll take down Jiang Qin's and give it to you later. By the way, where are you going, Jiang Qin?" Just as he finished speaking, the door was knocked again. Jiang Qin walked in with a helpless look on his face, empty-handed: "Mom, the supermarket downstairs is closed, and I didn't buy vinegar."   

"Forget it, go wash your hands and get ready for dinner."   


Jiang Qin's mouth twitched, thinking that if this happened at any other time, wouldn't he have scolded me for half an hour?