
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 121 Who Is The Boss Lady?

  Autumn is a season suitable for falling in love, because the autumn leaves all over the school are already golden and look special.

  During this season, you can see young couples strolling along the walking paths piled with fallen leaves everywhere in Linda. The smell of love seems more like an idol drama in the bleak autumn wind.

  But Gao Wenhui was not happy.

  She doesn't want to fall in love, she just wants to have sex.

  But according to her observations over the past week, Jiang Qin showed up less and less frequently, while Feng Nanshu became more and more silent.

  Every day in class, eating, sleeping, no matter what I do, my face is expressionless, and I rarely have the same agility and liveliness as before.

  There are vague rumors in Finance Class 4 that Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin have broken up, otherwise they wouldn't be getting closer to strangers.

  But none of them knew that this was actually Feng Nanshu's original appearance.

  His expression was as cold as the moonlight on a cold night, and his eyes were like solidified frost and snow. He seemed to be alienated from the world, and his inner world became a small world.

  That world was heavily guarded and equipped with the strongest anti-theft locks, and she didn't even have the key.

  At dusk after sunset, the last class of Finance Class 4 ended.

  Feng Nanshu hugged the book and walked out of the teaching building in silence. After returning to the dormitory, she took off her leather shoes and climbed onto the bed silently. Then she sat on the edge of the bed, staring out the window with her little feet in white socks raised on the bed. The head no longer shook like before, but hung down.

  Autumn nights are coming earlier and earlier, and the dusk sky is becoming more beautiful.

  The little rich woman's eyes reflected the fiery red sky, and her slender and curled eyelashes were gradually dyed into a beautiful rose gold.

  "Nanshu, are you unhappy?" Gao Wenhui couldn't help but ask.

  "Jiang Qin won't play with me anymore."

  Feng Nanshu's tone was soft and quiet, and her eyes followed a bird outside the window into the distance, making her eyes look a little confused.

  Gao Wenhui narrowed his eyes: "This dog Jiang Qin, or I'll find someone to chop him to death!"


  "I'm just saying that you can't bear to leave, right?"

  Feng Nanshu still looked out the window, but nodded firmly.

  Gao Wenhui actually knew something about why Jiang Qin hadn't shown up recently. She knew that this guy was busy with off-campus promotions. He was running back and forth between Lin University and the University of Science and Technology. He didn't even have time to drink water, so there was nothing he could do. Go say something.

  It is said that his absenteeism rate in advanced mathematics has almost touched the red line, and he is in a state of ruin.

  But she never imagined that Jiang Qin's disappearance would have such a great impact on Feng Nanshu, just like the time when they first became best friends.

  Every time she mentioned going out to watch movies or singing, Feng Nanshu always shook her head and said that Jiang Qin would definitely take her there. It seemed that Jiang Qin was the only one in the world who could protect her.

  In fact, Gao Wenhui also encouraged Feng Nanshu several times to call Jiang Qin and tell him anything to get the dog coins back, whether he was pretending to be sick or acting coquettishly, and she would love him to death.

  But Feng Nanshu disagreed, because Jiang Qin said that he was very busy recently and wanted her to behave alone. If she felt bored, she would reluctantly walk Gao Wenhui.

  Gao Wenhui was so angry that he thought, is this human talk?

  In addition, can dependence on a boyfriend be replaced by the company of a best friend?

  Fan Shuling came back from the cafeteria and couldn't help but look at Gao Wenhui: "What's wrong with Nanshu?" "

  I miss Jiang Qin. I think about it during the day and at night, especially when I'm washing feet." "


  Feng Nanshu's expression was blank. Gao Wenhui said with an expression: "Wenhui, today's sunset is particularly beautiful and worth admiring."

  Gao Wenhui couldn't stand it anymore: "Put it down, you admit that you miss him and you won't disturb him!"

  "Jiang Qin hasn't been here recently? "Fan Shuling couldn't help but ask.

  "I've been here twice, but I left in a hurry each time. I didn't even have time to say a word. Last time I came, they took a chicken leg away from me. The only meat dish in my set meal was the chicken leg. It took me away. I'm so angry!"

  "How mean, it sounds like something he would do."

  Feng Nanshu turned her head with some dissatisfaction: "I later paid you back and bought you two."

  Gao Wenhui was Choking for a moment, he said, "Okay, okay, I understand. Can't you stop saying bad things about your man from now on?"

  "You can't chop him to death either."


  Just as he was speaking, several sounds suddenly came from outside the window. She yelled, her voice was very clear, and she shouted the three words "boss lady".

  To be honest, this title is very rare in the school, so it attracted countless girls to push out the windows in the dormitory to check who was being called.

  Gao Wenhui usually seemed quite smart, but when she suddenly heard the word, she couldn't react. She was about to go to the window sill to take a look, but she found that Feng Nanshu had already put on her shoes and ran out of the dormitory.

  At the same time, dormitory 505 of the School of Finance.

  Jiang Tian, ​​Jian Chun and Song Qingqing also opened the window, looking for the sound just now, and couldn't help but be a little startled when their eyes locked on Feng Nanshu.

  Ever since the last collision on South Street, they had known that Jiang Qin was the boss of Zhihu.

  Therefore, there is really no problem at all when someone calls Feng Nanshu boss lady.

  This title is a neutral term, unlike words such as academic tyrant, goddess, and school beauty, which have certain attributes of praise. But for some reason, they are full of envy and jealousy of this title at this time.

  How nice would it be if this title was given to myself?   

  Jiang Tian thought this way, Song Qingqing thought this way, and although Jian Chun didn't want to admit it, she had thought that way just that second.

  Five minutes later, Feng Nanshu returned to the dormitory, holding the team building photo album in his arms, his eyes clear.

  "What is this?"

  "Xuemei sent it here. She is a good person." Feng Nanshu put the photo album in his arms on the table.

  Gao Wenhui and Fan Shuling walked over curiously and found that there were many unknown people inside. They thought it was some kind of brochure, but when they saw the photo of Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin, they suddenly realized that it was a photo book that was formed in one go.

  They didn't have much contact with the people in 208, so they certainly weren't curious about who was inside, so they flipped through the pages quickly and only saw the photos of Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin.

  But just when they turned to the third to last page and were about to turn over it quickly, a slender and white hand suddenly stopped them.

  At this time, Feng Nanshu leaned down, got very close, and looked carefully, his little mouth gradually opened slightly.

  "Who is this bear who climbs trees to steal honey?" Gao Wenhui looked curious.

  Hearing these words, Feng Nanshu raised his head with a smile on his face.

  Gao Wenhui understood instantly: "Okay, I understand. Judging from your dissatisfied expression, this bear must be Jiang Qin."

  Fan Shuling also moved closer with some curiosity: "What is Jiang Qin doing?"

  "Climbing Tree."

  "It doesn't seem to be an ordinary tree. The leaves are red?"

  Gao Wenhui said as he came closer, and then his eyes were slightly stunned: "Damn, isn't this the kind of tree that is hung in scenic spots to seek marriage?" "

  It must be. Okay, isn't Jiang Qin just hanging a sign?" Fan Shuling pointed to the details.

  Gao Wenhui suddenly became energetic: "This is the dog food I like to eat!"

  "What is dog food?" "

  Jiang Qin said that single people are called single dogs, and those who are shown off by couples are called eating dog food, eh , Nanshu, why are you not in the photo?"

  Gao Wenhui asked as he looked up, only to find that Feng Nanshu was pressing his chest with one hand, looking out the window in a daze, and he didn't know where his soul had flown.

  However, the little rich woman can have time to relax, but Jiang Qin does not have so much free time. He did not expect that the University of Science and Technology attaches so much importance to the work-study matter. It pays too much attention to it. It also requires his initial project document and... Professor Yan is asked to issue another formal document, and finally Jiang Qin is asked to prepare a student aid plan.

  Jiang Qin went back and forth three times and finally got all the information. He thought to himself that this was too tiring for his grandma. Is it so difficult for me to just take advantage of it?

  "Senior, give me a drink."

  Cao Xinyue poured him a glass of water: "Jiang Qin, things can't be done in one day. It's getting dark today. Go back and take a rest. Driving while fatigued is very dangerous."

  After hearing this, Jiang Qin felt it made sense: "That's right. It's so uncomfortable when a person dies without spending any money." "

  Go and get some sleep."

  "Then I'll leave first. Senior sister, please remember to find someone to fix it. 207 "The window."

  Jiang Qin couldn't forget the leaky window, so he gave another instruction before returning to 207, then covered himself with a blanket and got ready to sleep.

  When Tang Lin saw Jiang Qin leaving, she couldn't help but want to laugh a little in her heart. She thought that this person's thoughts were too obvious. She had never been to the main office before, but recently she had been running here every day.

  He couldn't be here just for himself. Is he here for his school beauty best friend?

  She didn't know that Jiang Qin took the work-study channel. After all, Jiang Qin's project was in charge of Cao Xinyue, so in her opinion, those documents could have been completed in one go. If he had to score three times, his intentions were very suspicious. .

  But don't tell me yet, he is indeed on the right path.


  Because if you want to chase a girl, you must have a sense of presence all the time. If you don't even have a sense of presence, how will you get favored in the future? These are all routines.

  "Tang Lin, just put the stapler on my hand." Cao Xinyue glared at her.

  Tang Lin came to her senses immediately and quickly moved the stapler away: "Sorry, senior, I was a little distracted just now." "

  It's a good thing to have an active mind, but it's not a good thing to be distracted. You can easily cause problems like this."

  " As soon as I saw a boy clumsily asserting his presence in front of Hong Yan, I found it very interesting and couldn't help but want to laugh."


  "That Jiang Qin who just came here."


  Cao Xinyue seemed to be watching. Looking at her like a fool, she thought to herself that it was good that Hong Yan was pretty. After all, she was the fourth school beauty, and she still got fourth at the disadvantage of changing departments. It was not an exaggeration to say that she was on par with the first, but there was Have you heard of a man named Feng Nanshu?

  That's Feng Nanshu!

  At this moment, Hong Yan came back from the bathroom and saw that Jiang Qin was no longer in the general affairs office, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

  "Hong Yan, Xue Gang invites you to dinner."

  "Refuse for me, I won't go."

  Tang Lin couldn't help but sigh, and rejected the invitation of Xue Gang, vice chairman of the International Trade Department, for Hong Yan, but she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, Senior, senior, it's not like I'm eating your food for nothing but not helping you, it's really that my best friend is really hard to impress.