
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 103 Fairy Girl

"Siqi, it's time to get up and eat."

 "You go ahead, I don't have the appetite to eat."

Chu Siqi huddled in the quilt and replied to Wang Huiru in a dull voice. Her voice sounded weak, as if she had been ill for many years, and she no longer had the proud tone of her tail.

After a while, she heard a soft slamming of the door and knew that Wang Huiru and Si Huiying had left, and then she got up from the bed.

At this time, the rain outside the window has become very heavy, and it sounds like a crashing sound. The sky has become extremely gloomy, and the sky is dark and low, as if it is about to collapse.

So much so that even though it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, the dormitory with no lights on was as dark as night.

Chu Siqi sat on the bed for a long time, her mind going blank. She didn't come back to her senses until the QQ prompt sounded, then opened her phone and took a look at the messages in the list.

"Senior sister, I heard that you won the first place in the school beauty contest, why don't you go out to celebrate at night?"

"Chu school beauty, I bought two movies, do you want to watch them together?"

"Holy shit, the number one beauty on campus, she's so awesome, can we have a relationship?"

"First school belle, do you have time to make a date for a meal? I'll take you to the city to eat Western food!"

Chusiqi was silent for a long time, exited QQ, which was constantly cheering, and then opened the link in her favorites, entered the Zhihu forum, searched for Jiang Qin's name in the search engine, and read some leaked posts by insiders.

After looking at it, she found a series of posts called "My Simple Life of the Rich Second Generation".

 "Two major school beauties are competing for me, Cao Guangyu. Sorry, it's easy to get together but easy to go."


 "Military training, the fairy girl from the next class is looking for me! "


 "Bentley? Sorry, I am an ordinary young master Cao"


 "Excuse me, does wearing a Patek Philippe influence me to drive a Bentley? "


Chu Siqi met Cao Guangyu once and knew that he was Jiang Qin's roommate, and the content of the first post made her feel very familiar, so familiar that she felt like looking in the mirror.

Isn't that what happened at Nanshan Restaurant on the first day of school?

 In other words, what is written in these posts is actually Jiang Qin's life.

 Luxury cars and watches, beauties and flowers, capable of turning clouds and rains, guiding the country, having the world in mind, and being passionate about charity.

Jiang Qin's life is as beautiful as a dream.

Chu Siqi's face turned slightly pale, and she suddenly felt that she was even more ridiculous.

It turns out that the man who in my opinion needs to be tested, who is not worthy of me for the time being, who is excellent but just like that, is actually so excellent in the eyes of others that no one even believes him.

 But she believed it.

Three hundred thousand in summer vacation, a luminous bar, and a forum with half a million advertising fees.

Although Chu Siqi didn't understand any of the details, she had heard everything, so she wouldn't think that this person was bragging like she did in the comment section.

 It turns out that since she rejected him, he has slowly become like a male god.

Chusiqi reopened QQ and wanted to talk to Jiang Qin, but when she came back to her senses, she remembered that she had been deleted, so she pursed her lips in disappointment, as if a large piece of her heart had been hollowed out.

She suddenly understood why a proud girl like Hong Yan fell in love with Jiang Qin when they first met.

 It's just that she missed it...

 She knew from the meeting on the train that day that what she missed was her whole life with Jiang Qin, and it was impossible for him to like her again.

Moreover, Jiang Qin now has a fairy girl. She may not be prettier than him, but she must be very good to him. ˆ

Chu Siqi felt that if the girl's appearance was really as exaggerated as described in the article, she would definitely appear in the school beauty contest. It is impossible for her to remain unknown until now. But there is a saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Xi Tzu.

Jiang Qin must like her very much to think that she is a fairy girl.

At this moment, the dormitory door was suddenly pushed open, and Wang Huiru ran back with an umbrella and two portions of fried rice in her hand. It turned out that she felt something was wrong with Chu Siqi and was a little worried, so she bought the rice and came back. She brought a copy.

"Siqi, it's time to eat." Wang Huiru handed her a pair of chopsticks.

Chu Siqi thanked him and took two bites: "Hui Ru, I understand. I probably can't win him back. I plan to give up."


 "Jiang Qin."


Wang Huiru's eyes were a little dazed, as if she had heard a fantasy.

"What I said is true. I suddenly realized that he is so good. I felt that I really had no discernment before. Hong Yan is indeed better at looking at people than me. If I can be half as good as him, maybe we will be together after the college entrance examination. Then maybe I will be envied by many people now."

After Chu Siqi finished speaking, she laughed at herself, her expression showing relief, but her heart was still filled with regret.

"Siqi, it's great that you think so, but how did you figure it out?"

Wang Huiru is very happy for her best friend, but she is actually a little curious inside because her best friend is obviously the kind of person who will never admit her mistakes despite major setbacks.

"It's useless if you don't understand. Jiang Qin already has someone he likes. She's a fairy girl."

Chusiqi's tone was light, but it still sounded full of bitterness.

Hearing this, Wang Huiru dropped her chopsticks and breathed a long sigh of relief, almost calling me stupid.

"Oh my God, you should have told me earlier. I have been holding this secret in my heart for more than three months. I have always wanted to gossip, but I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to bear it. Now that you are relieved, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"Siqi, your idea is right. I support you. Although we are good friends, I have to say that no one can compete with Feng Nanshu. Think about it, it's Feng Nanshu! It's not a loss. It's a loss, you won't lose at all!"


Wang Huiru was still chattering, obviously suppressing her anger: "Do you know how I felt after I found out that Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu were together? I can't believe that Feng Nanshu, Chengnan Baiyueguang, she actually likes Jiang Qin!"

Chu Siqi's face changed, and her voice became trembling: "What did you say?"

"Don't you remember Feng Nanshu? The fairy girl Feng Nanshu, the one in the class next to ours, never talks to anyone, she is extremely cold, but she is very dependent on Jiang Qin. I even saw Jiang Qin pinching her face in the street, so cute died!"

Wang Huiru held it in for three months and finally opened up her chatterbox with a flurry of witty remarks that left Chu Siqi dazed for a while.

 What girl doesn't like gossip? But for the sake of her best friend's mood and to prevent the situation from getting worse, Wang Huiru really had to hold it in to the limit. Today she finally released it all and felt relaxed.

 Chu Siqi's hands began to tremble.

Is the fairy girl really a fairy girl? She also came to Linchuan University?

 Are you kidding me? !

Chusiqi couldn't accept it, because even if Jiang Qin was good enough, if he found someone who was not as beautiful as herself, she could still comfort herself by saying that this was called missing each other.

 But what's going on now?

 Feng Nanshu...

I had no vision back then and missed someone. As a result, that person became better and better and became a male god.

 The most difficult thing to accept is that after I missed him, he not only became better, but also found someone more beautiful than me...