
Born again, Over and Over

"Y-YOU MUST DIE", Following those words Jian Min was killed.....once again for the nth time. After being killed Jian Min wakes up as if nothing had ever happened, memories from the day before all erased before he knows it. 'Why does he keep on dying?, Gosh! my job is to keep him alive but why is it so HARRRD?'These thoughts wondered around Hwei Ru mind over and over again. "R-Revenge....He has to pay for what he did!".... ===================== The book cover isn't mine, I found it on Pinterest so credits to the owner. This whole novel is based off a game "Urban Legend Hong Kong" so if you see any similarities that is why. This is my first novel so please show lots of love and support! Don't forget to comment your thoughts and reviews~ =====================

Phyllise · Urban
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2 Chs

Delivery man

*Ring Ring Ring* "Ah Jian Min hurry up! go and pick up the phone la, Don't keep the customer waiting." Boss Simon said as his glasses magnified his irritable glare. With a heavy sigh Jian Min rushed to pickup the phone, 'Why is he so annoying? Cant he see that I am busy packing the takeout orders? He can't even be bothered to drag his lazy ass to pick up a damn phone call'. Jian Min's head was too distracted by his thoughts that he hasn't said a word to the customer waiting to order over the phone.

"H-hello? Is anyone there?" A sweet pleasant voice asked over the phone, Jian Min quickly pushed his thoughts away and averted his attention over to the phone. "Ah yes, Can I know your order?" Said Jian Min. "Hmm.. well i would like" the sweet voice was slowly pulling away, "A cheese burger and fries please, My address is Elegant Palace 26th floor flat C on Taipo road." Before Jian Min could say anything else the call had ended.


Jian Min arrived at the address 15 minutes later with the delivery ready in his hand, However he stood outside the building for a rather long time before going in. While standing outside he thought to himself 'This place doesn't look elegant nor like a palace at all in fact it looks like some cheap low maintenance building'. He braced himself before taking a step into the building, immediately he felt something was odd but he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

Just a few seconds later a security guard crept up behind him and popped out of nowhere "Whats a young lad like you doing here?" he asked while utilising his eyes to scan Jian Min. Due to the sudden jump-scare Jian Min let out a little scream "Ah"before collecting himself together. "I am here to deliver food." Responded Jian Min while lifting the food to backup his words. "Alright but before you go tell me which floor and flat you are going to. It's my job to keep note of where you go, I am a security guard after all."

Jian Min was having a difficult time debating wether to use a crusty old elevator or to use the staircase instead. Eventually he choose to use the elevator as walking up to the 23rd floor and coming back down was too extreme for him. Looking around the elevator he found multiple spots that were covered in mold, Which gave off a very unpleasant rotten smell.

The elevator was very slow compared to the other ones that Jian Min had been in, Minutes in there felt more like hours. Finally he arrived at the 23rd floor but where was flat C? There was only A and B. Jian Min went and walked around the hallway a few times before realising that flat C was right in front of him, 'Am i seeing things today?'Nevertheless he ringed the doorbell a few times before the front door opened.


This is the first chapter and i hope that everyone who has read it enjoyed it, I am sorry if there are any gramatical errors (if there are just any comment and let me know!)

I think for this week i will try uploading a new chapter everyday then later on it will be 2 chapters a week.

See you guys until next time c:

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