
The Beauty of the Cosmos

In the expanse of the night,

Where the stars gleam with light,

Lies the universe, endless and wide,

The cosmos, a beauty, that cannot be denied.

Its planets, circle, around distant suns,

Its asteroids, dance, like fireflies, in the runs,

Its comets, blaze, a trail, across the sky,

A sight, that stirs, the soul, and the mind's eye.

From the depths, of the blackest space,

To the edges, of the known universe' grace,

The cosmos, holds, a mystery, untold,

Of wonder, and magic, that enrapture the soul.

It whispers, the secrets, of creation,

The stories, of life, and its revelation,

It answers, the questions, we seek to find,

Of the mysteries, of the universe, so divine.

The cosmos, a beauty, so rare and true,

A spectacle, of stars, and the universe's hue,

With each gaze, a moment, so grand,

Of awe, and wonder, at the beauty at hand.

So next time, you look, at the night sky,

And see the stars, shining bright and high,

Remember, the magic, that lies beyond,

And bask, in the wonder, of the cosmos' song.