

this is a story of a boy named VIK (my name cause too lazy to think name for hero) who is in coma (just a story im really not in coma) because of an accident happened when he was in crossing road (that's why be careful when crossing road), where he is imagining that life he dreamed when he was alive.

DREAM 1: terrorist attack on school

vik was going to school as usually while he was stunned by the beauty of a girl 👧(can't think of name so no name for this character) who is his junior in school, while his friends (assholes) started shouting his name infront of his crush.while vik was trying his best not to react for this behaviour of his friends.After when the assembly was over vik and his friends entered their classroom (vik & his friends were those students who sit in middle row , neither nerds or last bench student's.) while the first period was going on P.E teacher entered the class because he was bored and wanted to flirt with teacher (guys im from india,the P.E teacher we had can't speak English properly and used to beat kids in classroom infornt of lady teacher's and in P.E classes he would go out or give substitution classes for math's teacher) when the P.E teacher came in he spoke with vik (i, was volleyball captain) he talked with vik about the a tournament while they were chatting suddenly a bus was crashed into school, while everyone coming out of their classroom to see what happened a group of people wearing mask and had guns stepped out of bus and surrounded the school. teacher were scared and shouted loudly help (which is the dumbest idea) when the terrorist heard this noise they fucking beat the crap of the teacher 🤣🤣🤣

then one terrorist for every classroom kept watched while vik in room 1 was thinking what to do he signalled his friend's who were sitting in other corner (idk how his friends went to other corner) somehow they managed to get together and started to play ✊ ✋ ✂ and hand cricket with some bet's first they made 2 teams consist of 5 member's and started the game while they were playing team 1 started to lose so they started to trash talk another team this argument got heat because the bet's were $500 team 1 didn't want to lose $500 when the terrorist assigned to class saw this he just gave $500 to team 2 so the argument settled and the police also agreed to the terrorist request and provided them with a helicopter to escape but the group of terrorist did not believe in police so they wanted to take a hostage with them so when they turned everyone in vik class suggest to take P.E teacher as hostage.

THE END (sorry guys if expected vik to kill terrorist and be hero of school that's not gonna happen in real life. and also this is my first time writing something so leave the comment if u read this story. the reason why i wrote this is because its lockdown and i didn't have any online classes today so)