
Bored in the multiverse [dropped]

Wish fulfillment expect anything but unserious bullshit and have fun reading. therefore shut up and enjoy. first world: Battle through the heavens second world: Rebirth of urban immortal cultivator. Third world: Iron ladies.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

chapter 2 - Xiao shen

In the great thousand world where vast planes are interconnected with countless lower planes where power were only right. It was the place where pity was a privileges and death is common among them.

Within one of the planes called dou di continent where the inhabitants used the energy called dou qi using it gain powerful and world-shattering power that could see the mortal lives as insignificant as ant.

One of the far region called the northwest region where the jia mi empire was established and within it was a small city called wutan city where three influential clans ruled the places.

Their names were jie lie, ao ba and more benevolent one are the xiao clan where one of their claimed genius had fallen into becoming a trash after losing his power but that is another story.

From inside of the houses in the xiao clan a young man with long dark hair wearing cultivation robes awoken from his slumber. His eyes shone with excited gain smiled in the process.

"Hahahah I can't believe such thing would come true! Though it is unusual I gain li qiye temperament but that's relevant."

The young man stood up while gaining the information about who he was. His named was xiao shen, he was the adopted child of the current patriarch and the father of xiao yan, xiao zhan. From what he remembers being found in the deep forest when he was only an infant and had deep relation with him.

Unlike the canon, xiao shen was the one who xiao xun-er liked due to being crippled from the start. From his memory the three of them are closes liked sworn brother and sister.

Though this only the memory of the original body and the mc wouldn't go out his way to help xaio yan in his journey knowing fate itself would give him the opportunity. However he still had the tendency to refute and help xiao yan if her can.

It was the least he could do for his adopted father. Xiao shen felt warmth remembering the time with him and his adopted mother. Being an orphan in his previous life made him vow to help when the time comes but first.

"Now then I should used create a system to help me see my progress."

The sensation of his wish was unique feeling the overwhelming energy from the skill itself. He imagines how the system works and how it was organized.



[Name: Xiao shen]

[Race: Human]

[Bloodline: None]

[Cultivation level: Dou shi qi(Crippled)]

[Soul cultivation methods: None]

[Body cultivation methods: none]

[Phyqiue: None]

[Skills: Omni-Creations, instant mastery]

[Inventory: All physique inscripture.]

[Harem: None]

[World: Dou di continent]

He grinned couldn't wait for the long journey he wish to do in this world. Xiao sheng only have partial knowing about the event because he had used the manhua than the novel where xiao yan is more likable than that ruthless one in the novel.

The next thing he did was create skills for him to used before proceeding in his crippled status. It took him a few hours to do all of it, fortunately it was still early that he had awoken allowing him to create countless skills.

[Eye of wisdom(Jade emperor power), Renewal taekwondo, ITF taekwondo, Nabong Needle Ryu, gate of Babylon, Full counter, rinne-sharigan, tenseigan, chakra fruit, all knowledge in jutsu, devil voice magic, All basic martial art and hand to hand combat knowledge, high speed parallel thought processing, Void God azathoth.]

Finishing his creation opening his eyes to showed the utmost arrogance as the world itself bow to him. The surrounding energy became much more one with him. If he claimed to be the king the world then it is true.

"Yet not enough to reach the apex…...fuck why did that stupid god put this temperament!?"

"Shen ge-ge are you awake?"

From outside the room a young woman's voice could be heard, the soft and mellow tone would make any man, woman or child feel at ease. The door creak opened to reveal a young woman wearing an extravagant light blue dress that accentuate her innocent face.

Xaio shen remain neutral only giving a warm small despite having internal panic seeing the fictional character come to life. Her appearance was like K-pop star level with the jade-chan smooth skin and silky black hair.

It was amazing that they had the gorgeous appearance when they did not have any shampoo or conditioner. He can't help but facepalm when remembering xiao yan was an earthling such himself.

For ten thousand year he did not even bother to fix the lives of this people using both dou qi and modern knowledge to his advantage. The only thing he doesn't know is what era xiao yan past live died.

"What is it you need, xun-er?"

"Oh does shen-ge not like me being here?"

Xun-er pretend to cry for her ge-ge to give him the supreme headpat. The sensation was far different because he was using the vital manipulation to add some dou di in order to increase the warmth.

"Silly girl you liked to bully you're ge-ge."

"Hehehe shen-ge caress is the best!"

He smiled feeling the emotion of having family and someone that she wanted to protect no matter what. Xiao shen knew from the manhua that xun-er was from an ancient clan called gu clan that desire one of the key for the ancient tomb of the last dou di.

Scoff at the so called dou di or god the power in which they call a powerhouse is a mere ant in his eyes. It was quite weak when compared to the vastness of the other worlds.

'Well this world is wuxia and not xianxia therefore don't have the immortal bullshit.'

From how weak the dou di continent was he could easily become dou di with only counting using his fingers.

"Shen ge-ge are you thinking about other girls?"

"Gah!? In what manner did you thought such thing?"

"Well when we were young you said that you would have many wives but xun-er be the main one."

He thought hard trying to remember when he said such a thing and found that he told xun-er that he will explore the world and have many beauty but xun-er would the first wife.

"Uhmm are you mad xun-er?"

"No, xun-er would never hate shen ge-ge. But I'm the first you'll marry!"

She declaring loudly making xiao shen smiled then gave another ultimate head pat for her first lover.

"I promised that xun-er will shen hedge first wife. Anyway, how's xiao yan zi?"

The toned which contains grief within them. Xiao shen despite only gaining the memory a moment ago was still affected from the Time they spent together. While xiao yan was genius, he had protect him from the bully of the clans for he was crippled.

He remember many xiao clan wish to exiled him but because of xiao zhan, no one was able to argue. It was due to his capability in the business of the xiao clan that no one argues in removing him.

They had benefited from his genius calculation but despite it they still gaze him in disdain.

'An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth those that had bullied this one had only result in refinement.'

He remember the prime immortal, Li qiye whom despite being having the weaker constitution had reach unbelievable strength. The strongest asset of him is now his knowledge but the unshakable will that even old villainous heaven would be wary of.

"Xiao yan ge-ge is…."

Despite xiao shen was the one whom xun-er currently loved does not mean he doesn't hold xiao yan dear to her. She treated him as a brother while he treated her like a real sister.

Sadness was the first thing that she felt when thinking about her brother who treated her well like her xiao shen ge-ge.

'System can you tell me how long xiao yan been crippled?'

[Host, it's been only been a month since he was crippled and host is currently three year before the canon.]

'Oh so I have time to cultivate and get to know na lan ran?'

Excitement welled up within him having the thought of having the woman that was supposed to be with xiao yan will become his. He suddenlt felt xun-er intense glared and stopped thinking perverted mind.

"*Cough* well lets go meet xiao yan. Oh how we go to the market and buy some accessory?"

"Really xiao shen ge-ge!?"

"Yes, let's go and not waste anymore time."

Xun-er was happy to hear that she would spend time with him. They proceeded to strolled their way to the market while having the gaze of other xiao clan member. Of course it was to be expected a crippled and once genius become crippled was so close the genius goddess.

Having the temperament of Li qiye help his emotion I bothered by their gaze. He only pity them for having such arrogant when they hadn't even reach the apex.

They finally arrived in the market and seeing them real life made xiao shen breathless though it did not show with his unmoved face.

As the typical cultiavtion world the market was comparable to a small town and the wutan city was comparable to the biggest city New York by ten folds.

From they trolled people were gathered which made xiao shen curious and what he saw in rage his heart. Xiao yan being beaten.

"Xiao yan ge-ge!!"

Before he do anything, xun-er was the first to come to the rescue and protected xiao yan. Our main character did not desire to help because this would only refined his heart and will.

'Not to mention his plot armor.'