
Bored God in a chat group

What happenes when a Omnipotent lazy multiversally otaku has a chat group that contains some peculiar people well a lot of bullshit apparently warning: Read at your own risk AND HELP ME I'VE BEEN TRAPPED IN HERE FOR MONTHS I WANNA SEE MA FAMALI- *gets beat up and thrown back in the basement*

Cosmic_darkrai666 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 : Unraveling Threads

within the ethereal confines of the Multiversal Chatroom, discussions surged on, each member contributing their insights amidst the whirlwind of conversations.

Accelerator's frustration was palpable as he attempted to explain the intricate mechanics of dimensional disturbances. "It's not just a matter of anomaly. The vectors within these rifts are behaving erratically, beyond any scientific explanation."

Naofumi nodded, his shield glinting in the digital light. "I've encountered rifts where reality seems to be warping. It's as if different timelines are bleeding into one another."

Shido, maintaining his composed demeanor, added, "I've observed increased Spirit activity near these rifts. They might be reacting to the dimensional instability."

Kaito, lounging on his virtual couch, offered a casual remark, "Interesting. Maybe it's a crossover event between parallel universes. Like that 'Isekai Convergence' anime."

Accelerator scoffed, "This isn't some fanfiction event. We need to take this seriously."

Before the debate could escalate, a new member notification chimed through the chat. A portal icon materialized, revealing a character new to the group—a stoic figure adorned in a black cloak with piercing red eyes.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the newcomer typed. "I am Alucard, a vampire of unparalleled power."

The group exchanged glances, some recognizing Alucard from his legendary exploits across various dimensions.

"Welcome," Naofumi typed, extending a courteous greeting.

Accelerator eyed the newcomer warily, his distrust evident in his terse responses. "What brings a vampire to our chat?"

Alucard's response was cryptic yet foreboding. "I've sensed the disturbance in the fabric of reality. I seek answers and perhaps allies in preventing the impending chaos."

Kaito, momentarily lifting his gaze from his anime, chimed in lazily, "Hey, another powerful character! Nice to meet you, Alucard. You're just in time for the discussion about the merging timelines and dimensional rifts."

Alucard's demeanor remained enigmatic. "I've encountered such phenomena before. There might be ancient forces at play here, ones beyond our comprehension."

As the chat progressed, blending theories and personal experiences, the rifts between realities pulsed ominously, their unstable nature growing more pronounced.

However, amidst the burgeoning crisis, the diverse assembly of characters found a strange camaraderie—a convergence of individuals united by an impending catastrophe, unaware of the role each would play in the unraveling events that threatened to reshape the multiverse.

Author note: This fic is a metal patient based parody all characters belong to their respective owner

And before they get me

Tell my family I love th-

*gets shot in the spine and dragged away*