
Borderlands: The Peacemaker

Born in Gehenna, Wyatt Thorton, more known as Kid, is an experienced man who has a decent life on a borderland planet, which was the planet with the highest crime rates due to the lack of a fixed government, these planets were mostly controlled by corporations until they were sold and passed on to another corporation. After a tragic event, Kid decides to disappear for a while. He just forgot that his perception of time was a bit sloppy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disclaimer: All rights reserved to their respective owners, the cover photo and paintings/drawings used for readers' viewing are given their artists' proper citations.

123456789bshsush · Video Games
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29 Chs

Yes, Lilith, You did It

The vault hunters walked cautiously through the corridors of the abandoned bunker, now serving as a private warehouse for the biggest criminal leader in the entire Arid Badlands. Lilith, as always, was at the head of the group to notify them of any enemies. With teamwork, they managed to advance quickly through the dark, rusty corridors of the bunker without the mindless bandits realising they were being attacked.

The place stank of rot and it was no surprise to anyone that they found the remains of decomposing bodies, rats, cockroaches and disgusting insects along the way.

Inspecting the place with his gun and aiming where his eyes could see, Roland searched the place as a truly experienced soldier would, and when he saw that there were no enemies nearby, he spoke.

"All clear, we can rest for now"

"Are you trying to be funny Roland?" Brick retorts with a smile, but he still sits down on the floor to rest.

Everyone else does the same, although they are experienced and used to being in situations like these, they are still human and subject to having their nerves frayed, especially in enemy territory.

"What's taking so long?! I did some quick calculations and we've already killed more than 60 Psycho! What has this Sledger been up to, gathering so many psychos?" Lilith complains, her hair a little dishevelled.

"That's true, these Psychos patrol the bunker in a very organised way, for a moment I thought we were dealing with normal people" Mordecai nods.

"Don't let your guard down, these psychos aren't very normal, I've had a bad feeling since we got here, one of them was still alive even after having half his skull blown off." Roland speaks, he was looking from side to side.

"You're being paranoid again Roland, he died, like, seven seconds later." Lilith no longer believes what Roland is saying and thinks he's exaggerating.

"Come on Lilith, even I got scared, I know my gun well enough to know that nobody can move after being shot in the skull by it." Kid speaks, but suddenly his bright eyes go wide, as he's getting up the cause of his premonition appears.





The vault hunters try to find shelter but suddenly start to slow down until they stop in time. Kid runs over to the grenade, and as quickly as he can, takes the grenade to a dwarf psycho who was hiding in the pipe. Kid then returns to where he was before everything started moving normally.


Several pieces of what was left of the Psycho fly out of the pipe, and the vault hunters stand up, stunned by the sudden change. Although Lilith quickly realised what had happened, her head turned to Kid, whose nose was bleeding.

Blue and amber eyes looked at each other, a tacit understanding being exchanged.

"Incredible Lilith! You saved everyone's arse here by teleporting the grenade away!" Kid approaches Lilith and pats the woman on the back, who finally notices that she's visibly shaking.

"Ah y-yes? I mean, right, that's it!" Lilith looks confused, but decides to go with the flow.

"I'd really like to thank you very much, but we have company!" Roland shouts, taking aim with his assault rifle and spraying bullets at the invading Psychos.

The next few minutes were exclusively about a bloody and violent battle. Bullets, punches and grenades flying around the small venue, friendly fire happening not infrequently between the two parties because the space is so small, which ends up with some bullets ricocheting, in the middle of this zone the son cries and the mother doesn't see.



After several minutes the room fell silent, only the heavy breathing of the survivors of the ambush could be heard, the floor was covered in the corpses of the would-be Psychos.

"Is everyone all right?" Roland asks, he was kneeling behind his portable turret, unharmed by his turret's shield.

"I only got a few scratches, no big deal" Mordecai speaks to Bloodwing on his shoulder, the bird was eating a severed hand, possibly from one of the dead Psychos.

"I've been hit by a few bullets! But I'm fine!" Brick shouts, his cry bordering on joy rather than panic at his injury. If you looked closely, you could see that the bullets didn't go very deep into his flesh, his muscles were so dense that the bullets couldn't reach very far.

"But the little guy here suffered the most, he was almost cut in half by a Psycho holding a saw." Brick pointed to Kid sitting on the floor, Lilith was helping the man with his wound.



"Come on Kid, if you don't clean that wound it could get infected! Psychos aren't known for cleaning their weapons, especially bladed weapons." Lilith with a bottle of alcohol was kneeling next to Kid, the blond's abdomen had a deep cut, blood leaking out periodically and staining the floor.


"I know that! But let me get ready first... Pour" Kid took a few deep breaths and feeling ready he ordered Lilith to pour the alcohol on the wound.

"*HISS!" Kid grits his teeth, he keeps his eyes closed for a few minutes, until finally the burning sensation has passed, Lilith then wraps the man's abdomen with gauze, closing the wound.

"No, I don't need a syringe, just cleaning the wound is enough," Kid says as he sees Lilith pull a syringe out of her ECHO, the woman tries to counter-argue that he would be an easy target if he didn't use a syringe, but falls silent as she sees Kid show off his glowing red tattoo.

"I can heal myself, keep the syringes for yourself," Kid whispers in the woman's ear before standing up as if he's no longer injured, which he is. Brick shook his head at how tough the "kid" was.

"Right, let's continue on our way," Roland says when he sees that Kid has recovered, and the group of vault hunters continue on their way through the dark corridors of the bunker.

"Wait!... Are you listening to this?" Roland raises his hand, making everyone stop.

"No, it's been a while since I cleaned my ears," Brick says, twirling his finger in his ear.

"It sounds like a Claptrap unit to me, that annoying voice of those little things is easily recognisable" Mordecai argues and Bloodwing shouts in affirmation.

"I can see... the codes, OH, someone help me!" Once they got closer the voice became more easily recognisable, and indeed it was a Claptrap unit, as they got closer they could see that it was in a critical state, with oil leaking from its parts.

"Hmm, it's just a Claptrap unit, let's go." Roland says disinterestedly.

"Oh come on Roland, have a bit of pity on the poor thing." Lilith kneels down next to the robot.

"We're not here for charity Lilith, we're in hostile territory, we need you to go ahead of us, we can't stop now because of a Claptrap unit" Roland lets out a frustrated sigh, a very frequent action since he met his 3 mates.

"I'll fix it, someone taught me how to fix Claptrap units, I just need to find some tools" Kid proposes.

"No, we need to stick together, if one of us is alone there's little chance of survival, we don't know the bunker" Roland argues rationally.

"And that's why we should fix this unit, it probably knows the place, with it fixed it can take us to where the key is and in the worst-case scenario it can still be useful to know our location in the bunker." Kid doesn't give up and gives his opinion.

"That's it... How long do you think you can fix the robot?" Roland stops for a moment, what Kid says is quite reasonable.

"I haven't examined the unit yet but it shouldn't be too serious, just a leak since it's still working and talking, give me 15 minutes, if I can't we'll go on without the robot."

Roland nods in affirmation and the group changes objective, they go after some tools and fortunately, the bandits didn't throw away the stuff from the bunker, although most of the tools were covered in dried blood and rust.

Grabbing everything he needed, Kid wasted no time repairing the little robot, Guardian Angel had taught him the most important things about the Claptrap's chassis and the correct way to open them without damaging any important components.

Taking less time than the proposed Kid to fix the Unit with ease, the little robot stood up awkwardly.

"Thank you, kind traveller! I can now return to my appointed tasks. By the way, I found this while sweeping out the storage bins. You look like you could use one of these!"

Kid's eyes widen as he sees the robot pull out a small chip. The blond knew from the look of the chip that it was an SDU, and with a quick flash his hands grab the chip and immediately put it in his ECHO.

"Lucky bastard!" Lilith says as she sees the robot hand over an item worth more than 800,000 dollars.

"He fixed it, so it's only fair to keep the SDU" Roland comments.

The Claptrap unit then leads them into a room, unlocking the door the vault hunters see a box with a Dahl logo, opening the box reveals two weapons, a sniper rifle along a submachine gun.

"Nice" Lilith says as she unceremoniously picks up the submachine gun, the woman realises it is much better than her current one just by the design, the gun was dusty but well preserved, Lilith inspects the side of the gun finding the specifications.

Dahl L.F 513 Kaoson.

"It looks like a very high-quality weapon, how did Dahl leave something like that behind?" Mordecai says, he also inspects the smg after seeing that the sniper wasn't that impressive.

"I don't care, found is not stolen" Lilith says with a smile on her face, putting the gun away in her ECHO.

Roland, who was having a conversation with the robot, gets up from his lowered position. "As I thought, the key to the mine is at the end of the bunker, Sledger isn't as dumb as I thought."

"Conquering the Arid Badlands and ruling over the Psychos requires some level of intelligence," Kid says from the side.

"Let's go ahead, the unit will show us the way to the key." Roland says before starting to follow the little robot.

The vault hunters move quickly through the bunker, until they finally reach a long corridor, when they reach the end of the corridor they enter a spacious area, several red flags with white skulls adorn the place, a flickering red light gives a sense of anguish and threat.

"Is this where the key is?" Kid asks.

"Yes, our robot friend told us that the key is here, we just need to look for it," Roland replied.

"So where exactly is our robot friend?" commented Kid when he saw the absence of the claptrap, he was already thinking of keeping the robot for himself.

"He ran off with his tail between his legs, he said some nonsense before he ran off," Lilith said overhearing the conversation between the two, her boots making an echoing sound as she made her way to the centre of the place.

"What would that thing be?"

"I don't know, maybe a trap"

"Or maybe Sledger put some kind of monster to guard the place, skags grow to absurd sizes, it wouldn't be surprising if there was one here."

"Stop talking so much rubbish, there's nobody here. I have a feeling the key must be right here in the centre" Lilith says as she surveys the place, finding a green button the woman presses it, and before she knows it a large door behind her opens.

'And I have a feeling your big mouth just fucked us over' Kid says internally, already pulling his Sudden Passion from his waistband.

A large figure slowly walks out of the door, the being that had come out of the door was so large that the mere act of breathing out made a strong wind. The figure approached Lilith step by step, the woman clearly sensing the approach by the occasional trembling of the ground.

"I screwed up again, didn't I?" Lilith says with a wry smile on her face.

"Yes, Lilith, you did it" 4x 

The woman turns round with her new smg ready, pulling the trigger, Kaoson roars and spits out several bullets in a short space of time, when the projectiles hit their target they explode into a large flame that burns the flesh of the large figure, who roars in pain and tries to crush Lilith.


"Shit, IT'S A BADASS!" Roland shouts "Get out of there now Lilith!".

Unfortunately, the woman wasn't quick enough and her hand was about to crush her. Kid was ready to help her, his coat had a vague red light, but he stopped when he saw the woman looking at him with that cheeky grin that only Lilith could pull off.