
borderlands the hunter

borderlands i dont own any art the cover is by maxman58 on deviant art

cockandballtorture · Video Games
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4 Chs

*the psycho*

"ok killer were gonna wait until the other vault hunters get here" <timeskip> (soon we saw some people I knew who they were but could not act suspicious. they looked at me confused I guess I would be confused too) "Lilith why is their a psycho in the area" *Axton the Gunner* "Yea whats going on here" *Maya the Siren* and the others like salvador,0,and gaige agreed (where?) I thought confused I look around eventually seeing myself in the body of a psycho i even had the buzz axe I can feel my heart spike it feels like a box closing in on me and then I pass out <timeskip> (ughhhh my head is killing me I need some water) though my body does not move and voices outside are arguing I only catch some words before coming out of the tent. The voices stop talking after hearing me come out "hey kreig" "hi Lilith" the vault hunters were shocked that I had retained my sanity in this world. I was about to talk again but I heard this loud alarm it seems like someone or something tried breaking in. (guess I should put that skill point in now)