
Borderlands : DOOM

A 16 years old boy is playing DOOM eternal in his room when he get killed by a suddent explosion caused by terrorists and when he woke up he was in the void, then met ROB who reincarnated him into the world of Borderlands with the DOOM Slayer abilities. [the cover is not mine]

Shenlong_2005 · Video Games
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7 Chs

Dr. Zed's test/task

"Outside of Fyrestone, just past the gate and across the road, you'll find several skag den. A skag is a vicious four-legged creature, and they'll eat anything, including you. I wanna know if you can handle yourself in a fight against some of these beasts, so head on out there and kill some of 'em for me. If you're still in one piece, then c'mon back."

We talked with Dr. Zed, he gave me an old ECHO he had when i asked if he had one i could use. The other looked at me strangely because i didn't have an ECHO but i just told them mine got destroyed and they seemed to accept that.

We then turned to Dr. Zed and accepted his test.

I definitely need that since i'm not as skilled as the others. All i have is around an hour of weapon training, 3 years of boxing for my combat expérience, and the abilities of the DOOM slayer, so even if i can survive for some years it won't be enough, if i want to open the vaults or just follow the story, i will need more experience.

So we followed Claptrap to the gate but a bandits Outtuner appeared and did a 360 while firing from the machine gun, hitting Claptrap.

"Oh my God. I'm leaking ! I think I'm leaking ! Aaahhh, I'm leaking ! There's oil everywhere !"

[Authors note : insert America meme]

Then a few bandit climbed the wall and started shooting at us.

We killed them without problem and heard Dr. Zed on our ECHO "Look like you got under Nine-Toes' skin. Don't worry, he'll get what's comin' to him !"

'Nine-Toes ? Didn't he have 3 balls too ?' i thought, thinking about the little knowledge i have of the first game.

I played the second game for years and barely played Pre-sequel and only rushed the first game without really paying attention so i will need to follow the Vault hunters for now.

"You did it ! I knew you where the right choice. Oh...! That poor little robot needs out help. Would you kindly give him a hand ?" We heard Angel talk through our ECHO.

'So she already hacked my ECHO. ' i thought and asked "Who are you ?" Even though i already knew it was Angel (for those who don't know, she is the daughter of the Handsome Jack).

"I am here to guide you and help you find the vault." Angel replied calmly.

"The Vault ? What do you know about it ?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"I have information that can help you. Trust me." She replied firmly.

Brick grunted. "Well, if she's got info on the Vault, i'm willing to listen."

"Anyway we got a robot to help." I tell everyone as i look at Claptrap on the ground leaking oil everywhere.

The damage are minor and there's only a few cable disconnected and a hole where the oil is leaking from.

After reconnecting the cable and using ducktape that we asked Dr. Zed for, Claptrap is rolling once again "Ah ah. Whew ! Good as new ! I think...Am i leaking ?" He did a little dance before wheeling around.

"Now that you're done, can you open the gate ?" I ask Claptrap who nod and open the gate letting us go through.

"Oh, dear friends, the time has come for us to part ways. It's been a blast ! Literally, in some cases. Farewell, travelers ! I shall now return to my very important mission of cataloging every single type of rock on Pandora. Did you know there are over 14 different kinds ? Riveting stuff ! I'll be here, heroically guarding this desolate wasteland with my unparalleled skills and good looks."

Me and Lilith chuckled at his antics while brick and Mordecai looked amused and Roland remained focused on our task.

Then we headed to the skags den, and could hear the growls and snarls of the creatures inside.

Then a Skag got out of the den and i must say it's much more disgusting in reality than in the games. It looked at us, growled and then runned at us.

I raised my pistol, aiming at the charging Skag and I fired a shot that hit it in the shoulder. The beast staggered but kept coming.

I fired another shot right in it's head killing it.

Lilith vanished in a flash of blue light using her phasewalk ability, reappearing behind another Skag that had emerged. And used her SMG to kill it.

More Skags poured out of the den, their snarls filling the air. Mordecai, perched on a nearby rock, started picking them off with his sniper rifle. Each shot was precise, taking down Skags one by one. Bloodwing soared overhead, diving down to claw at any that got too close.

Brick, with a roar, charged at the largest Skag. He grabbed it by the neck and slammed it into the ground, pummeling it with his fists. "Come on, you ugly mutts ! Is that all you've got ?"

Roland unleashed a burst of gunfire from his rifle, hitting the skags that runned at him.

A Skag lunged at me, I sidestepped and punched at its side, crushing a few of it's bones. It let out a pained yelp before dying on the ground.

As the final Skag fell, I lowered my pistol and breathed veavily because of the adrenaline.

"Is that all of them ?" I asked, glancing around. Roland nodded, scanning the area. "Looks like it. Good job, everyone !"

"Alright, let's head back to Fyrestone and report to Dr. Zed," Roland said, leading the way.

[I know this chapter is short but i want to see what the vote would be in case it's Lilith or Angel that win, so the next chapter is going to be in 2-3 days when i'll see who has won the vote.

"Good morning, and in case i don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night !" ]