
Border World: Your Given Name

Human beings, or all living creatures, are not created to live alone. Instead, we thrive off of each other, learn from each other, and experience life from each other. These interactions of love, hatred, violence, and care are all part of this world and the way of life. No one is born and destined to die alone. Whether it be to reach out our hands to those in need or stomp on their fingers to climb higher and reach new heights, none of it is done purely alone. We strive, fight, survive, and even kill. We ingrain these moments into our lives, and we ingrain these people we meet into our world with only a few breaths and words. These beings live on in other people's minds and memories for years, all underneath something as simple as a name. Names received from those whose lives have just begun or those whose lives have ended. This is the story of those who have been given a name and the journey they take in a brave new world. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ "They're not just monster's. This is their world just as much as it's ours." After years of struggling as a low-class Hunter in the Borderworld Matthew Harrison awakens his ability. "Kin" the ability to name and add monsters to his Family. This is the story of his family through the new land known as "The Borderworld". ************************************ Authors Note Hello everyone. Im a novice writer and want to just take this time to say I'm sorry fory style of writing. I don't really have anyone to help edit it or give me creative feedback or criticism. so please feel free to help me, I'd appreciate it!

Vizzard99 · Action
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 The Red Oni Watches Me

It towered over me. A being with a dark crimson skin and amber eyes peered down at me. Its face was that of pure apathy, but its body was covered in blood and viscera. Looking between me and the battle ensuing in front of it. It raised its weapon and rested it against its shoulder.

Lifting its free hand it pointed towards the battlefield, almost as if telling me to witness what lay ahead.

With no choice and no one to come save me, I could only accept the command the oni gave me.

"HROOOAGHJGH!!!" The sound of the Ushi-Oni screaming turned my attention away from the Red-Oni. Upon which I saw a cloud of green toxins spew from its mouth and fill the air around it.

It engulfed the Blue oni in a sea of green fog.

Just as quickly as it swallowed the Blue oni in its toxin, a powerful surge or pressure erupted from where the oni stood and a blast of wind cleared the area of the green fog.

Standing with his blade drawn was the blue oni. Unfettered by the toxins. Or that's what it would seem. Its body was shaking, and upon further inspection bits of its skin seemed almost burned off from the acidity of the toxins.

'THUMP' The sound of something heavy sounded behind me. Turning to look, I saw the red oni had sat down behind me. Crossing its leg it rested what I could only consider a Spear-Mace but more like a hunk of metal on a long staff on its lap, as it pulled a gourd from behind its back.

Uncorking the gourd, it opened its maw, revealing two large underbite fangs and huge canines, and began to drink. The smell of Alcohol quickly filled the air. As it lifted the bottle back into the air, it let out a loud cheer.

"HOOO AAAAH!" Its voice shook my very body as it screamed into the night sky.

Almost as if in sync with the Red Oni, the Blue Oni too let out a scream.

"OOOOAAAAH!" Lifting its blade once again the Blue oni charged at the Ushi, In a desperate last struggle, with its veins filled with toxins, it was almost as if it had decided to go out on its own terms.

It sounded like I was surrounded by wild animals.

Lifting its leg to attack the blue oni, the Ushi did a downward swipe only to find its bladed leg parried, reeling from its leg being pushed back the Ushi attempted to go for a bull headed rush. Its horn clashed against the side of the Oni's blade as it redirected it into the ground. Causing its horns to bury itself deep into the dirt.

'It's dying…' was the only thought that came to mind as I watched the Blue oni battle. Its breathing was ragged. Its body shook and trembled. Yet it still fought.

I took the time to look at the Red Oni once more. It took a swig from its gourd again and continued watching the fight.

Almost as if noticing me watching it, the Red Oni lifted his gourd towards me. Almost if it was offering it.

"&%(*&)($." it's voice was gruff, guttural and completely incomprehensible.

Looking at the gourd and smell coming from both it and the oni I raised my hand in a gesture of no.

I had long since lost my opportunity to flee and the red oni wants me to witness the outcome of this fight.

All I can do is hope they won't kill me after…

Interrupting my thoughts, the sound of the blue oni's blade stabbing into the ground to support itself was followed by its hard and labored breaths.

Quickly the Ushi freed its head from the ground and turned to face the Blue oni once more.

Picking up its blade, it ready itself. Using both hands, it raised its seven foot blade to shoulder shoulder level. Judging from the state it was in. This was the oni's last Clash. Whatever happened here would result in either its death or the Ushis.

The red oni's face was still that of apathy. Another drink from its gourd it watched as the other Oni prepared for one last clash.

The ushi made the first move. Charging at the oni it barreled straight forward, its horns lowered and ready to pierce.

What followed next was an attack that slashed through the cold wind.

'CLICK' the sound of a blade falling back into its sheath rang into the night sky.

'Impossibly fast!' The speed in which it drew its blade and placed it back into its sheath was so fast I couldn't even see the blade move.

"MROOOAAAH!!!" The ushi oni let out a painful scream as blood poured from the side of its face and a horn fell to the ground. The oni had left a gash from its horn all the way down its face, taking its eye with it.

The oni had successfully crippled the Ushis' sight but unfortunately that's all it could do. As the Ushi rampaged and swung its head and appendages wildly, the blue oni's body had collapsed onto the ground and black swirls of energy began to dissipate from its body.

Almost in a vein attempted to survive it attempted to lift its body up. Using its sword to prop itself up its body trembled with every movement.

I was speechless. Watching it struggle to stand was almost pitiful.

Seeing his ally in such a state the red oni Stood up. Leaving its now empty gourd on the ground and heaved its Mace Onto its shoulder.

Its steps were heavy as it made its way to the fallen swordsman. Its wild white mane fluttered in the wind as it stopped in front of its brother. Looking down at each other there was an unspoken understanding between the two.

Then the black swirls of energy disappeared, along with the blue oni. Leaving only its nodachi in the hands of the red Oni.