
Chapter 9 Better a Stalwart Ending than a Fading Struggle

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, the gazes of all the Cocoon Breakers were focused on the two of them.

Especially the students from Fengcheng City's No. 2 Middle School, they had heard discussions about superior talent and the like when they were being led out of the hall, looking at the pair with incredulous eyes.

"Anna, isn't that Lu Bu'er?" a female classmate asked timidly.

"I didn't expect him to be a Cocoon Breaker. I remember he was in the late stages of cancer, wasn't he? After coming to the new world, with the future technology being so advanced, maybe the illness could be cured. But... could he be of superior talent? Impossible," another classmate whispered.

Anna was also looking at the two boys with suspicion.

These female classmates were always gossipy in school, and they knew about a junior who was critically ill and not long for this world; he was popular because he was good-looking and had good grades.

But most people, knowing his family's circumstances and his health condition, had gradually distanced themselves.

But times have changed.

In five hundred years, many people's fates would be different.

Could he really be of superior talent?

"Priest, these two of superior talent are among the few fine seedlings in this batch, probably the last batch before winter. Now, Linhai has a permanent population of eight hundred people with superior talent,"

Qingmu said with a smile, "Please lead them to feel the Sacred Rhythm."

He Sai mumbled, "What's the Sacred Rhythm?"

"Idiot, it's akin to a cultivation technique!"

Lu Bu'er whispered, "We're going to become superhuman."

When the two stood before the Sacred Entity, they were quite nervous.

The old priest took a deep glance at them, and calmly explained, "The Sacred Rhythm is the opportunity to step from the ordinary to the transcendent, it is also the key to embark on the path of evolution. It is your most core talent, perhaps a blessing others can't obtain even if they strive their entire lives. You should cherish it."

To be honest, the old priest's attitude toward them had obviously improved a lot.

"The principle of Sacred Rhythm is for humans to imitate Divine Tree's breathing and heartbeat, to promote one's spiritual evolution, and to thus squeeze every cell of your body, sparking the process of Life Energy generation,"

The old priest turned around, facing the Sacred Entity, and emitted a strange syllable.

The Sacred Entity trembled out of nowhere, and the translucent crystal manifested an ancient burning tree within it, breaths and heartbeats emerged in the silence like heavenly music.

Lu Bu'er's mind roared as if he was overwhelmed by the surging pressure, his world engulfed in boundless radiance, with only the ancient and profound Divine Tree rising from the ground.

In his vision, the ancient tree seemed to possess breaths and heartbeats as well, moving in a dance as holy as an Angel, stepping onto an odd rhythm, ascending to heaven!

In just a moment, his pupils were also tinged with brilliant gold, his body shaking violently, convulsing wildly in an unconscious state, painfully collapsing to the ground.

The originally tender and delicate youth now seemed to bear an unwarranted aura of dignity, even showing hints of ferocity.

He Sai's pupils turned the same golden color, and he fell to his knees with a thud, suppressing a pained cry in his throat.

"Could something have gone wrong?"

Officer An was somewhat worried; these two children were his companions who had shared hardship along the way, and after life and death experiences, it was natural to develop some affection.

To become transcendents with better treatment was certainly a good thing.

He was not jealous.

But he knew very well, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

To gain something means to lose something, and many envy others' shining achievements or fulfilling lives, overlooking the severe price they paid behind the scenes.

Even if you have paid nothing, someone else must have paid on your behalf.

Good treatment was provided, so naturally, you had to work for it.

"Old An, if these two kids can hold on, does that mean they will skyrocket to success?" Boss Zhang looked up at the two teenagers, unable to resist asking.

"I don't know, based on my experience of reading novels in my past life, they might be equivalent to inner court disciples, while we're like the outer court's errand runners?"

Qingmu's eyes became somber, and his furrowed brow showed his mind was anything but calm. Of course, he didn't care about the life and death of these two difficult brothers, but he cared about his Merit Points.

Many things, he had not told these new Cocoon Breakers.

According to the Sacred Entity's analysis, each century required a batch of outstanding Cocoon Breakers to carry the banner of the times. This task trickling down to the grassroots ended up as a performance assessment for the search and rescue teams, who had to regularly scout for good seedlings to send upwards.

Qingmu's team's performance was still below standard.

If they didn't measure up, not only would they not earn Merit Points, but they even risked punishment.

In the silence, rhythmic breathing and heartbeats could vaguely be heard.

Finally, the two young men in front of the hall stopped trembling and convulsing, their breathing and heartbeats synchronizing, as though in tune with some ancient rhythm, eventually disappearing altogether.

Seeing this scene, Qingmu's lips curved into a satisfied smile.

Indeed, he was not wrong.

For Lu Bu'er, it was as though he had been in a long dream where the world was collapsing and broken, with only the ancient burning Divine Tree illuminating the darkness, its breath and heartbeat so captivating, as if hiding universal truths or the secrets of the world.

As he became engrossed in this melody, his right palm suddenly pulsed.

The Seeds of the Heavenly God that he had merged with also started beating forcefully at this moment!