

Kim Sunhee POV:

I woke up as I felt a tap on my shoulder, wait did I sleep for long..Did I slept long, I turned my gaze towards the person who was sitting next to me..

"Ugh did we reached" did I just screamed before someone who I don't even know..

"Not yet miss,it's just your mobile fell it will be in appropriate to touch it without you permission so I have to wake you up" the man smiled showing Charming side of him..

"Oh, I thought we reached and sorry I'm loud sometimes" I reached to take my mobile from his hand as he surpassed a chuckle..

"By the way thanks for it" I need to say it cause he seems to be good guy..

" No problem, my name is Im Jaebum and your good name" he showed me his hand to shake with it..i narrowed my eyes at him..

Isn't he moving to fast???

"May be next time we meet I will tell you my good name Mr.Jaebum" I'm being sarcastic here..

I heard him laughing looking at me..

"You are really something and I'm sure we will meet again Miss" gosh his handsome face should stop smiling like it...

I shook my head as I once Again closed my eyes...I sighed as my headphone was pulled again..

"Now what" pardon me but I'm always loud..

"I'm being bore here you can't sleep on someone like that" this Jaebum guy is really annoying..

"So play with your own" I said glaring at him..

"I can't since we know each other let's talk" he suggested tapping his slim fingers on his perfect shaped chin..

"Since when did we know each other,we just met" I questioned him raising my eyebrows..

"Since now, just tell me your name and will know each other" this guy is so sticky..

A smile crept on my face as an idea popped in my smart head..

"Uhh my name is Jung sunmi, nice to meet you" I said sarcastically as my face is still holding a smile..

"I bet you are lying to me Miss, but still you are saying it I will accept it" his gaze never left mine as it was hard to move it away..

"Jung sunmi isn't strange you kept lying about your name" I gulped looking at him, how the hell did he catched me..

"An...aniya I'm not lying" I said firmly glaring at him.

"But next time we meet hope that you will tell me your real name" he smiled again.. his smile is killer..

Kim Sunhee what the hell are you doing you are not here to flirt with this guy..

I faked a cough.."let's just see if that happens"

This guy isn't that bad to feel thou he is good when it comes to accompany..

"Deal" he said, as I rolled my eyes..

"Yeah what ever" he winked as he left yah he left since we landed..what's with this guy..

Whatever my phone started to buzz pulling me out of that guy's world...

"Oh Hana" I said while looking for taxi..

"Hee did you reached are you here?" I sighed as I started to keep my luggage in taxi..

"I did reached to Jeju Hana, I'm on my way to apartment" I heard her sighing in relief...

"You sure worry alot girl" I teased her, I know she is pouting right now..

"Whatever comes soon" she hung up the call...

"Finally I'm here" I screamed my lungs out as I saw Hana walking towards me with a huge smile on her face...

"You are screaming alot loud" she hit my shoulder glaring me..

"Yah you are so fighter" I pouted rubbing my shoulder...as she surpassed a chuckle...

"What are you thinking He?" Hana asked as she sat on the edge the bed...

"Hana why is hard?" I replied with a question, she got confused...

"What do you mean?" She raised her brows give me a look to explain my words..

"Nothing let's sleep I'm tired plus we have early classes tomorrow hell with this passion of designer" I said rubbing my forehead..

I felt my bed that means Hana left my room..once I heard door slam I quickly stood up from bed and walked towards my study table where I kept my diary,as I opened it with a sigh..

I took my diary and pen Walked towards my bed and climbed on it.. leaning my head on headboard..I looked at the list of things I'm gonna do starting tomorrow...

But will it be okay???

This question really bothers me alot since I met him...

I took my phone and started to call someone who can help me know since that's the person who knew what's going on..

"T" I sighed once he lift the call..


"Do you think I can do this I mean will he get angry of what I'm going to with" I said releasing my stress as I talked...


"Okay T good night I hope next morning will be bright for me"I rested my head on pillow before going to sleep..

"Byun Baekhyun"

"Yah Hee we will get late if you wanna sleep then sleep I'm going" I heard Hana's panicking voice..

"Hana what the-- oh shit we are late why the hell didn't you wake me up before Hana" I said running towards bathroom to get fresh up..

"You were dreaming about Baekhyun sunbae what can I do?" I heard her screaming...

"I wasn't dreaming about him don't like" I screamed back..

"Yah when a pig flys" she started singing she is annoying...

"By the way admit it Hee you like Baekhyun right" we are on our way to class room when I heard Hana whispering to me..

I tried my best to compose and not to show that I'm angry..


"Don't Hana me" she glared at me..

"Yes I like him, I want to cheer him up he can't be always sad you know" I said placing my bag on my seat..

She nodded..

"So what's the plan" she asked me curiously as I just smirked at her...

"Well I have to leave I will be back before class starts" I said and left Hana is smart she literally catched me..

Baekhyun POV:

"Sir that's it there is nothing more new coming in this University" I heard Jina speak, well she is the head if this University she knows all..

I nodded my head walking towards my cabin...

Taking my suit off I placed it on chair, I ran my hand through my hair before one thing catched my eyes...

"A letter" I mumbled as I grabbed it narrowing my eyes..as I started to pounder who could send it here...

Did someone invaded my cabin?but how and why??

Without wasting anytime I took the letter and started to read it which made my eyes widen in shock...

"Keep a smile on your face...

It will brighten up your day"


I frowned looking at the silly letter who can be this childish to send something stupid to me..

I crumbled the letter and threw in a dust bin..once I just find you are dead..
