
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Chapter 33


Soreness, stinging, pain, now united into one essential. Seriously, a single fall can create a disability. You savage, wind!!!

Placing two hands on the ground, both eyes occasionally closed, responding to the pain of two movers.

My intention here was just to have a healthy competition, bye. But somehow the ordeal I received exceeded the weight of the earth and the sky. So frustrating, haaaah!

"Uuuhh... it hurts, I swear d-"

"Have you finished mumbling?"

Silly question. You don't need to ask, I'm definitely nodding yes, right? Funny.

About to move my tongue left and right, someone who knows who appeared, came without being given any invitation, came with a question as harmonious as a bumpy highway.

You idiot, you don't need me to explain it either, you still understand. Strange!

"You're so vain-"


K- k- so yes, the culprit is none other than you, right? K- k-


Moving, putting away both arms while saying an incomplete sentence, a small child walked very casually in the thick fog. Yep, you're not wrong, a child at the level of an elementary school student is depicted very clearly on both retinas. Moreover, he was wearing brightly colored clothes again spoiling the eyes. Really amazed, original dah.

Huh? You guys are asking for opinions? Hmmm... if I'm being honest, I'm a little starstruck, bro. How could I not be? Staring at the opponent wearing such a dress, what human being doesn't feel flattered, right? The same thing happened to me, did you understand? Okay sip.

"Wha- what the-"

<Evolution!< p>

Sha, you understand what patience is, don't you? Suwer, since the beginning of our fight, this kid doesn't understand the politeness of words at all.

About to ask what he just said, the vindictive and stubborn boy, Sasha, uttered a word without announcement, moving both hands to the side with dreamy eyes.

Siala*, looking at his previous actions, could it be that he has the intention to launch another dangerous action? Really? One more time? Stressed indeed.


Aelah, the matter of just one match almost makes this soul want to fly freely to another realm.


Not a second after Sasha's words were spoken, a big wind somehow appeared, came without an invitation, came to hit the body so hard.

Crazy, feel hit by the ferocity of the waves on the high seas. Seriously, not just one, dozens of times the gusts of wind tried to make me bounce.

Graaaahh, I won't give up even if death is looming over my head! That's right, I'm not in the mood for a joke, really.

Are? I don't feel like I'm a worshipper, you know. But somehow my suffering can disappear in a short time? Suwer, the mind is made to wonder, you know.

Trying to place both arms as before, the gusts of wind circulating around instantly disappeared without leaving a single trace, giving birth to an area of silence for the next few moments.

Etdah, come unescorted, go home without being picked up, you know, don't give me a headache.



Fumu, the sound of blowing? Seriously? But who? Where? How could there be anyone other than her, right?

As both eyelids went into work mode, a long, deep sigh was clearly heard in both senses.

Woilah, there were some strange moments during the match. That's hilarious.


I don't want to, I don't want to be trapped in a curious hole. That's right, I'm very restless when various questions are hit at the same time.

"So a-"


Hol* sh*t. Bruh, this isn't a joke, right? It's not April Fools' Day, right? What a lie, huh? M- that kind of-

She changed her appearance?

T- no, it's not for no reason that I'm saying that. Ouch, the flick of her eyes when she blinks can make a man of the same age drown in a prolonged haze. I swear, even lying is useless, honestly.

Sibak, returning the function of the eyes to normal, a cute girl is quite clearly displayed in the sense of sight.

Ho'oh, I'm not just going to compliment my opponent, especially when she stepped on that leg, it made me focus wrong, suwer.

Moving both thighs forward, a little girl dressed in a white dress typical of Japanese nobility in the 15th century, was very clearly depicted as beautiful and cute. Even though her God-made image capture device was being silenced as tightly as possible, it did not diminish my admiration.

I swear, you're so cool, Sasha. Wearing that kind of outfit into the arena is probably one of the best tricks to impress me with you. Excellent dah, I really appreciate your effort. Well even though my spirit surpasses everything on earth, anyway. That's not a myth, guys, but an actual fact!


Edyan, roll your eyes, you really want to give me a nosebleed, huh Sasha?! Fuck, how can I be amazed just by looking at that kid? Don't understand, lah.

Watching a boy from a distance, the pupils of bright eyes again colored with the 7 colors of the rainbow are obviously installed in such a way on both senses.

Edyan, neat eyelashes, composed of various eye-energizing colors, you are indeed a temptress of faith, Sasha!


Yaelah, my eyes are not satisfied to see, tablets. Just swallowed the game like that, anyway?

Daydreaming, dissolving in endless fantasies, something like a bright fog was suddenly present, appearing without a word of excuse, coming along with the disappearance of Sasha from sight.

Suddenly, Sasha was devoured by the mist. Somebody, please get her out. As a fellow Human Change, we should not let the safety of people's lives be threatened, right? Anyway, this particle is really fun, bye.


Wow, could she be a goddess from heaven? I swear, that appearance of hers can plunge a man like me into infinite illusions.

After spinning around like a road wheel, the mist surrounding the opponent's body is now gone, spreading in all directions, disappearing without saying goodbye.

Well, in other words, I can look at Sasha again, right? Huhu, I can't wait to see her again.

Fumu-fumu, I seem to have retracted what I said about the boy's appearance. Suwer, if you look at him, thoughts of your future ridiculous actions will definitely arise, imagined every time you activate your brain function.

After the wisps of fog were removed, the 7-colored boy, Sasha, was seen standing while staring at the rocks for no reason.

Well, the reason why my words were taken back was not without reason. Didn't you see the colorful sword behind his back, tah? It's crazy, it's so big, if you measured it using a meter, it would probably reach 3-5 meters.

Keeping my eyes forward, a weapon that exceeded the height of a normal human was visibly attached to the back.

Wow, this is the first time I've seen a kid carrying such a big sword. Moreover, the sword is placed in a tilted position, again. Oy Sha, doesn't your back hurt? It must be so heavy, there's no way you can carry it for more than 10 seconds. Seriously, why am I joking? What a self-torturer.

"Huh? You mean carrying her is a-"

"Shut up!"

What's wrong with this kid? Sick? Delirious? Aish, what a d-

Whoever, please save me! I don't understand, I really don't understand. Why do unexplained events always accompany my departure? Why?! I don't understand at all, suwer.

Exuding annoyance on my face, my left thigh suddenly collapsed, losing its function as a support, falling downwards as a result of standing without balance.

Shucks, what's wrong now, bye! I had to prop up my right knee. Well, rather than hit my head on the ground, I'd better act first, right?


"Emhhhh... emhhhhhh...."

Not responding? Liar, this must be an illusion, right? How could I be paralyzed?!!!

Placing two knees to support my weight, I vigorously moved my left knee even though the results were not directly proportional. Seriously, instead of giving birth to something, my action just now seemed to produce nothing, ciyus.

Ahhhh... let's move, move! I still need you. Without you, how could I possibly feel the pleasure of walking. It's very much begging.
