
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Chapter 12

"H- how could that be possible-"

"Why are you surprised? Didn't the academy try to explain this when you registered?


"The Spirit Core is the second heart of Human Change, it has quite an important role for the user to be able to produce a super ability from within the body. You need to know participant number 100, this source of power belonging to Human Change has different levels of strength. If In other words, every superhuman is depicted like dozens of books stacked together."

"It's not without reason that we consider every Human Change to be like that, because every object that can produce power energy certainly has its own power level. The superiority of Human Change power is differentiated through group levels, so that a hierarchical system applies in this world."


"Each Human Change with the weakest energy/ability producing category will be placed at the bottom. Meanwhile Human Change with very high energy income will be placed in the top group. You need to know, participant number 100, Human Change in the lowest caste will not never achieved anything more than hurting Human Change at the top level. Why? This is because there is a fairly dominant difference in strength between the two groups. For Human Change at the lowest level, they can only dream of being able to defeat the group of superhumans at the top of the hierarchy. and the earth stood apart, and so did the people."


"Oh, there's one piece of information left, even though they have a very low level of strength, the Spirit Core of every superhuman has something in common in the form of being immune to physical and mental attacks. Being centered in the mind so that it cannot be found in the body makes the owner resistant to burns, lacerations, stab wounds, quite strong blows from Human Change, mind-based attacks, and other similar attacks. A big mistake for people who want to destroy an opponent's Spirit Core without any calculation, because this sacred object will protect the owner from everything. kind of danger around them. So if a conclusion is drawn, superhumans will not be able to kill others if their energy strength is not comparable or can exactly match the opponent's abilities."

"That's how we provide this information to you. If you have any questions, please ask now, understand?"


The words artificial intelligence suddenly came to mind, huh? Spirit Core users cannot be harmed using mind or physical attacks? If that's the case...

"M- you mean-"

Eits, I'm not tsundere, either, I just remembered about the hidden abilities of the Spirit Essence. Damn, my attack to injure Sasha failed as a result of her second heart skill, huh?

"Hohoho, surprised? I can understand that, after all you are nothing but a low-class Human Changeling."

B-b-b- I admit that my knowledge is minimal. Just... is it polite to say the sentence just now to an older person? Bruh, you have morals and manners, right? If not, I can understand, seriously.


Angry? Yes, that's hilarious. Regarding ignorance, I can be insulted like this. Which person wouldn't get emotional?

"Hey, you're really fierce, relax, bro, relax, why are you being so angry anyway? You want to end up like them, huh?"

W- what do you mean by saying that Sha?!! You're comparing me to people outside the arena, huh?!!


Oi mind, please don't think anywhere else. Seriously, how come it happened like this? It really gives me a headache.

For some reason, question after question began to appear one by one in my mind. Seriously, I don't understand, everything can come by itself. I swear, why am I kidding d-

"Guarding is the key to defeat-!!"



Damn Sasha! The opponent is fantasizing about being punched so hard. What a bastard!!

Hearing your opponent talk to himself certainly raises a big question mark in your mind, right? Yes, I'm feeling the same thing.

Really, hearing this child talk without involving me certainly makes your mind filled with curiosity, right? That's how it was, the curiosity that took root in my mind suddenly made my mouth say one or two questions.

It was very unfortunate, before his words were finished, Sasha viciously hit him, causing a light wound in his stomach, accidentally producing a beam of light that was quite dazzling for both eyes.


Wow, the light is really dazzling. If this continues, my eyes might become slanted.

Enduring the pain, I tried to close most of my eyelids as a sign that my sense of sight was unable to see any longer.

Seriously, what do kids eat? Being able to emit that kind of glare, is it possible that you have abilities like stars in outer space? Yes, really? Is it right? Suwer, this is indeed a different descendant of the Witch family.


Argghh... attacking when people are not ready, you deserve a penalty. Imagine, when my head was full of questions, this child, without feeling guilty, threw a hard punch that made me take three steps back. Damn* you brat!

Trying to minimize the pain in my stomach, I spontaneously took a step away with the intention of not being hurt again by the child.


Fuck the pain. If I get punched, I'll admit defeat, right? Hahah, don't hope, kid.

After stepping a little far from Sasha's position, with my right hand pressed tightly against my stomach, I chose to stand up even though the top of my stomach still felt very painful. I swear, this is the first time I've felt a sensation of pain like this. Really, there was no intention to deceive.

"Haaah... I'll give you a clue, participant number 100."

Cla-clu, cla-clu, you think I'm on a mission?

In the midst of the pain that clouded my mind, for a moment I heard Sasha's voice from not that far away. Hadeh, instead of saying sorry, he actually wanted to give me a hint. You prawn-headed brat.


Oy-oy, please don't underestimate me, okay? This is the first time I have strength, it doesn't mean that my body or physique will be weak in a situation like this.

Even though my stomach hurts, keeping my tone strong is a response when I'm feeling very emotional. If I'm honest, I'm starting to hate you, fake brat.


"Why can you still move?"

What kind of ridiculous question is this? Among all the questions, why are you asking such an unreasonable question? Please, never mind me, even ordinary people will be scratching their heads.

"What do you mean?"

Well, even though his words were considered illogical, still, curiosity began to arise in his mind.

While holding the skin around my stomach, I sent a question to the little boy in front. I don't need to mention it, you already know who he is, right?

"Aren't you surprised, when they stopped as a result of my power, why were you still moving freely to fight me?"

Oh yeah, I just realized now. Honestly, I'm confused too. Why? Well, just like that, previously Sasha said that she stopped the flow of time, right? So my question is, why can I still move freely like the opponent in front, huh? In fact, if we take assumptions and logic, I should also freeze as a result of Sasha's strength alone. Honestly, I just thought about this, I swear.

"So what? You want to give me guidance, huh?"

Just a little joke, maybe it's okay. He doesn't look emotional though.

Trying to move one leg forward, I responded to Sasha's question while inserting a small joke.

Yes, I know that my joke is dry, but why should I be embarrassed? After all, I'm not committing a crime, right?

"Stupid, isn't it?"

Fumu, if not, then what was your purpose in saying those words just now?

Even though it seemed ridiculous, Sasha answered my response even though she spoke in a very painful tone.

OK, tell me quickly Sha, I'm curious.

"Keep going?" Stepping one foot forward again, a word representing curiosity in my mind then came out, trying to ask the reason why I could move freely without being affected by Sasha's time-stopping ability.

Come on Sasha, answer my question right now. Please turn off the feeling of astonishment that arises in my mind, please really, okay?

"Hmmm? Honestly, it's nothing. The reason I didn't freeze you was so I could play longer with a rat like you."

N- t- I didn't hear it wrong, right? You don't call disgusting animals that start with T, right? Not joking, right? If yes….

Kiss you Sasha!!!

If you give him a heart, he even asks for a heart, this child is really suitable to be used as a sacrifice for a project, seriously, I'm so sick of hearing what he just said.

Argghh... your mouth is your tiger, bloated boy!


Fall silent? No-no, I was just daydreaming because of what this kid said. I swear, ask for a basin of food, that's right.

For some reason, my mind was suddenly filled with various kinds of irregularly shaped thoughts. It's true, I don't even know where I am.

"Don't let your guard down, you idiot!"

Are you? Like hearing voices or-


What a shame, why do people always appear suddenly? Seriously, are you in the same group as spirits? Show up uninvited, go home unescorted, tell me you're not one of them, okay? Please don't scare me.

By the way, why is this kid running towards me?


D- he ran towards me? If that's the case...

