
Books Of Paladins : The Spectre

Night at the Fountain of Spirit. A quiet place whereas at the other side, far from it, there's vague burning light and smoke. There's a young woman in white dress that suddenly emerge and appear like a ghost. She had beautiful and innocent face, long black hair, and eyes which had color of ocean. She step on the water,,, Step by step, somehow keep float on it. She looked around her happily with smile. In her sight, there, stood around her, countless souls of woman standing. They directed their eyes on the base of Fountain who keep shoot water upwards into the air. There's some sound of murmur reaching her, 'So pretty, hihihi' 'I never expected i could see the Legendary Fountain up close' 'Amazing' 'How can it keep spouting water?' ... ... ... ... ... ... But then, the young woman smile is fading, somewhat realized something, There is mournful and dejected expression on her face. "You're all leaving?" When they heard her, the souls smiling, Then started to lifted one by one. 'We're not belong to this world anymore' ... 'No one wanted us anyway' ... 'Yeah, we wish to rest' ... 'Remember our promise' ... 'Have a cat' ... 'Play and run on a big, big garden' ... 'Take care of my mom' ... 'Eat a lot of delicious food' ... 'Buy lots of pretty dress' ... 'Smile and having as much of fun ' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... At the end, there is woman soul with wavy hair, who close to her, smiling, and said, 'Live' Then she also lifted to the sky. With tears in her eyes that keep falling, she smile at the transparent Souls that drifted and lifted up to Heaven, till they couldn't be seen anymore. She then close her eyes, joint her fingers, and hold it above her chest. 'I pray there really is a Heaven. And A God full of Compassion. And that you're all happy there...' ... ... All your dreams is live inside of me. I live for all of your sake as well.' Then she gaze at the castle who reach high in the sky. With indifferent expression, who contain fury,,, Wrath... She spoke calmly, "but first,,, ... Revenge..." Then her shadow started churning, wrap then envelop her fully. The next after, she vanish without trace. ... ...

Ar7_Storm · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Part 1 : The Cruelty Of The New King

The morning, where sun hang and just lay claim to the land and each surface. With light that shone, covering some part of Eccionus planet. Most would wonder it will be great day. But not at all in some of it's region.

The cloud that darken, hidden the storm and made the land it pass appear bleak.

While the inhabitant know it's signify the sign of a great unrest.

... ... ...

Dawnlight Empire famed shoot through the sky for their great knowledge and arsenal of weapon. Countless warrior and hero born from this land. They're also the leader and pillar to maintains the peace and balance of each Empire. This also the reason why most attack from the Devils came to this Empire.

Wildeville Empire famous for their concept of beauty toward preservation of nature. For their peace and also for their stability. The citizens itself used to advertise and publish the important about human technological progress that may harm their own living place.

Smoothshore Empire is known for their eccentric trait, included the quirky behaviour of their King themselves. Known for the Empire who, most of the citizen had love for adventure. The Land of Wanderer, or so they say. Though create a lot of trouble for the other State.

While Sleetfrost Empire famed for their Ceremony, and the greatest known is their Art that given birth to music, painting, fashion, style and much more which become foremost for countless years. Added with their Unique floating island, it became the Land which sought by countless to visit.


A deal occur. Hidden in the dark and secretly brew until the time it moved, bringing countless death.






And Pain.

As it all is the price to earn more.


And more.

Sleetfrost Empire then began it's advancement with iron hand.




To surpass Light Empire. Till control is right in their hands.

And still...

keep progressing.


Devils breed in the heart, and lay waste to the live of the innocent.

... ...

But the consequence of their action will soon became their judge.

... ...

It wasn't so at first.

It start with the incident where all the Royal family member, included the first King of Sleetfrost Empire named Ragnvald Tigin is assassinated. Then replaced by his own brother, Ragnvald Gyltira. The other Empires included the Dawnlight Empire quick gain the intelligence.

But it is too late.

In matters of hours, with an unknown force, he brought down the whole Administration System, Military, Nobility, Civilians and gain control over it.

Then Reign as the new King.

... ...

It happens after the Ragnvald Gyltira ascend as the King, replacing the previous King, all the other Empires are all under the attack of Half-Devils and few True Devils. They inflitrate all the depends line, attacking the Royal Palace of each Empires. Though it could be handled, the toll of dead on high level Igniters is enough to make each of the 3 Empire breathless. Added with the significant increase of Devil Worshippers and incident of massacre,,, Great unrest is spread, while chaos that ensued keep escalate.

It was the time where news keep broadcasted about sighted of ghost, malicious spirit, and wraths. A lot of marches and rallies keep appear, reclamation to the government, even demand and inquire an Audience To The King, that the Empire itself had hidden something from the mass. Posters and banners spread around the street. Along with it came Riots, looting, vandalism, and even illegal firearm.

While the Nobility and all leaders in each region is anxious and keep pressured, some High Personnel of each Empires conduct a meeting without participant of Sleetfrost Empire.

... ...

"It's them, what else is there to talk? Renegade. They betray humanity and sided to Devil's side. Go,,, let's go. Send our own force and slam them to pieces." Said loudly by one of the Adviser and Minister of Smootshore Empire, Minister Vax Siedor. He had brown skin, black long curly hair, tied behind with some gray hair, and long beard.

"Sigh... It's Easy to say? Our spy came with the news, that new Crazy King establish slavery. Do you know how much of those people they had? A bit brainwashing, and bam. They made cannon fodder out of them. And what if the Devils really behind them, purposely wait to divide our diminished force." Response by one of the Generals from Light Empire, Meister Ryliam. He had olive skin, with short auburn hair.

"True. We need to calm down. If it were really like what Sir Meister told us, then high possibility, if we attack, those innocent will be first to bear the impact, while those responsible is untouched. If it is really the Devils mastermind behind this. They may again use our own weapon. It will be massacre of our own, and a lost cause without any gain for us" Said one of the female Minister from Wildeville Empire. She had fair skin and brown hair with bun style.

"But the Gate's closed? How they could pass and come inside attack us? " Asked one of the personnel from the Light Empire.

While they still discussing in the conference room, suddenly a cough came from the side of the seat who purposely elevated higher, the people who presiding upon the meeting. It was the seats of The Kings, Elders, and Senators. The cough itself came from the second King of the Light Empire, Alexander Firash.

"Alright, it is quite urgent for us to quickly arrange a plan to solve our predicament. As it is believed that The Sleetfrost Empire had high possibility to assist the Devil to infiltrate, specifically built upon by the report of General Rennington." Then the King look upon the side of Smoothshore Empire, there sat a somewhat young man with olive skin and braided long brown hair, look upon the King Alexander, than bow his head politely with a light smile.

Then the King Alexander continue, "As to how the Devil who we, specifically though still imprisoned, is strike us with organized strike, we, the Council had concur to set a team carry investigation the cause, to all possible suspected place and cause that may overlooked, especially the Dome of Holy Grail. Still we doesn't had any proper evidence, since all of our connection inside the Sleetfrost Empire is lost.

Alright, to not wasting time anymore, we invite all personnel who wish to convey report, pertaining all relevant information, that may had any insignificance to solve our current problem." While the King raise his hand with gesture 'please'.

While at the other side, the Nebula Great Island, Sleetfrost Empire. The Capital of Morbius, at the Palace of Arviens,

The new King of Sleetfrost Empire, Ragnvald Gyltira sit on his throne while holding a golden chalice. With red face, he keep sip at his wine, which clearly is the sign he's drunk.

While all of his Personnel, Nobles, Generals and Leaders who handle all of Empire Regions, standing, attending the ceremony.

The King who still sit, created a rune, which then shattered, amplify his voice till it the reach the end of the hall,

"Today, I, The King of Sleetfrost Empire, wish to recount the annals of history, for the time where we not only live for food and gold. But to conquer and improve us individually. As new phase,,, New comprehension and understanding about strength come to our door.


For 150 years since our great finding on Relic of Forbidden Land, we share the same contribution,,, The same effort,,, The same right on establishment and research of Life Energy...

(He raise his voices) But the King of the Light Empire, with his greedy nature, suppress us with his scheme. He took the liberty as the first who find and discover the book of Life. Who contain trace and a way to our evolution. The Gate toward eternal life...

The door toward the great power.

Then he...


He took it, from all of us... ..." The King hit the handle of the Throne, then continued,

"They share us about Rune and all of those rubbish bulls##t.

They invented all those weapon and tools to suppress us. And to lay claim to the truth of great might. They drunk on their strength, to be number one. To be the best from all of us."

The King standing from his throne, then spoke again with loud voice.

"But are we keep lay, and beaten just like that. Are we sleep just like other Empire and let them step on our pride. To be number two? To be nothing but grass under their feet. To be step upon them so as to make them elevated higher and higher. They'll had the biggest land. The highest power. And we...


Had nothing... ..."

The King took deep breath. And solemn gaze look at all his kingdom chancellors, Ministers, and generals. 'This is all mine,, but is this enough? No... Of course no. Progress is there because human never satisfied.'

"Now, after all of our research...

All of our sacrifice..."

The King speech is interrupted by one of his Minister. With glass on his eyes that look unfit, red and swollen eyes with dark circle under it. He shouted, "You liar... Killer... How dare you lay your hand and sit on that Throne. You devil...

And what bulls##t you spoke about. All sh#t,,, sh##t. You hear me???"

"Guard..." Said one of the Noble loudly with anger, horror and trepidation. He thought 'what if the King mad then slaughter all of them like all of those who against him'

While all the people close to that Minister quickly shuffle and distanced away, "You damn murderer. You fu##er dare to sit on that Throne. You bas##rd. You kill your own brother who help you... Who trust you... You ingrateful sw#ne... I swear your dead will be more than just miserable, you,,, eh,, uhrrrkk,,,,uhrrrkkk....ukkk..."

The guard who used black clothes and mask, a dark purple emblem with crow picture on his left chest, already made their way before that loud voice, quickly came to the Minister who scream and insult the King, pull out a knife then stabbed it at the side of his neck, expressionlessly.

Blood spurt around, which he ignore and drag the latter away from the crowd. It could be seen the Minister still somewhat alive, twitching while being drag on the ground.

The King who interrupted instead smile warmly, but it can be seen the corner of his is eyes is somewhat darken. He look around then asked with somewhat chilling voice, "Anyone else???"

... ...

To be continued...