
Books Of Paladins: The Journey

In the shadowy realm of Threa, darkness and mystery are woven into the very essence of its history. The land is haunted by countless spirits, remnants of a turbulent past who relentlessly attack humans. Central to Threa's mythology is Origin, one of the revered Celestials believed to have created all things. Origin bestowed upon humanity the strength to advance and endure amidst relentless adversities. This divine gift has led to countless miracles, enabling humans to survive and even thrive in a world fraught with supernatural dangers. Yet, the greed of human's mirrors that of the spirits, as they keep seeking power and wealth that the action itself often backfire, leading to unintended consequences. The spirits with their perpetual hunger to absorb Life Energy, grow ever closer to the world of the living. This unnatural proximity begins to wrap reality, causing events that even defy the natural order. The history of Threa is rich with tales of heroism and despair, where the boundary between the living and the dead is often blurred. The spirits, driven by their hunger and emotions clash with humans, creating a perpetual cycle of conflict and survival. Yet, it is through these trials that humanity finds its resilience, guided by the celestial influence. ... Or so they believe. ... Would you be the same???

Ar7Storm · Fantasy
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14 Chs

What About Us

Two military cars could be seen speeding on a smooth road without uneven surface like the hours of journey they took before.

Kalina, Asher, and Ren were seated in the back of the military vehicle with the steady hum of the engines serving as a constant reminder of their newly acquired freedom. As the vehicle neared an expansive, towering white gate, a vibrant then city came into view. Its charm then further accentuated by the picturesque harbor to the side, with the ship crews actively busy unloading the property and the small belonging of the passengers.

The harbor's water sparkled under the late afternoon sun, with boats bobbing gently as if welcoming the trio to the real world.

Kalina with her raven black hair cascading over her shoulders as she sticking herself to the glass window, stared at such sights with wonder. And sorrow. Her emerald eyes that usually so vibrant even amidst the torturous trials and experiments in the Lab were now dulled by the recent loss, reflected a turmoil within. Yet, there's a flicker of hope as a glimmer of life that had been absent during the five years of her captivity now started to shine, though there is intense feeling of guilt mixed, "Do I… deserve this? Jenny."

Ren, the oldest with her long flowing black hair and black eyes sat beside Kalina. Her gaze fixed on the breathtaking view before them. The serene sea, ships and boats gently swaying, and the grand gate leading to the bustling city beyond. But despite the picturesque scene, a chill and fury still simmered within her, untouched by the beauty around her. With one hand resting over the knife still strapped on her leg, a storm that no external splendor could calm still brewing inside her, a testament to the depth of her unresolved emotions that threatened to consume her own very soul.

Asher cast a glance at Kalina and Ren who looked out of the window, both lost in their own thoughts. With his blonde hair that long enough to reach his shoulders and his deep blue eyes, overwhelmed with a mix of emotions as he too looked at the wondrous sight. He sighed silently as his heart heavy with the burden of their shared pain. Remember something from his memory, he looked secretly at the both of them. Determined to cheer them up and help them let go of their desire for revenge, he resolved to take on all the burdens himself.

It was his obligation as the only male who managed to survive the ordeal. It was his broad shoulders that making him sure it was his destiny to take on this path, alone. 'Just like Marekh said, a man and his duty should be above trivialities.' Though they had laughed at the words that Marekh recall from what his brother once said, since it was kind of hard to understand at their age, but still. Asher remember it clearly. Both thought it was cool, strong and feels like an unyielding will of short.

Looked at their white little faces that seems to be illuminated by a soft glowing lights, his heart feels leaden by the weight of his decision. But still, he beliefs the two of them deserve to experience the beauty of life with all of its splendor, as by now he viewed the two as his real sisters. Imagine them both laugh freely while playing and eating tasty food without the weight of the hatred, it filled him with so much bliss. 'Yes, that's it. That's what a man should do.'

As the trio were engrossed in their own thoughts with their youthful, baby faces that look pensive, the man who were driving the car exchanged glances with Brynna at the side, looking at them secretly from the rearview mirror. Observing their faces, one might think they were on the brink of war, poised to conquer the world, or ready to vanquish evil organizations whatnot.

He sighed, for this was the second time he had rescued children from the Lab. Yet, even so, there was no intensity in the silence quite like theirs.


There's one boy.

Same as the three, the individuals in that Lab referred to them as special specimens. However, only one of those children survived. His memories of it were clear. A child whose gaze matched that of the girl in the center.

'But oh well, let's wait until they arrive.'


Situated on the outskirts of the city, far from the sea and its clamorous bustling crowd.

There it is…

A grand, greyish mansion that standing tall amidst the lush of greenery. The mansion stone façade weathered by time, exudes and air of elegance as ivy creeps up the walls, adding to its old worlds charm.

At the front, a meticulously maintained garden seems to ready on all time to welcome visitors. Manicured hedges and vibrant flower beds lined the cobblestones path, leading to the entrance. In the center of this garden, a majestic fountain stands with an angelic statue holding a white jar from which water flows endlessly as it cascading gracefully into a large stone basin, creating a soothing symphony of splashes.

The mansions itself is a blend of luxury and antiquity. Tall, arched windows with intricate wrought iron designs that allow glimpses of the opulent interiors. The roof is embellished with ornate gables and chimneys, hints at the mansion's storied past.

Behind the mansion, another garden stretches out leaving even more secluded and serene atmosphere. Several large, old trees that provide shade with their leaves rustling softly in the breeze, especially the one at the middle that are the biggest and the tallest, creating an ancient, serene vibe (I Use English Holly to represent eternal life, with a bit of magical thing later in the stories). Few apple and mango trees also provide an adornment to the entirety of the back garden.

Stone benches and various statues are scattered throughout, offering spots for quiet contemplation. With the end touch as a smaller, more intimate fountain adding tranquility to the whole ambience.

In the grand study room of the mansion, a man who appears to be in his thirties is seated behind a massive oak desk, his eyes scans over the three children who sitting quietly on a plush, antique sofa in front of him.

Ren and Asher bore serious expressions, seemingly an odd contrast to their childish features. While Kalina, fidgeted nervously as it was a common reaction for her to unfamiliar faces. Sensing her discomfort, Ren and Asher naturally each took one of her hands as she is seated in the middle, offering a shooting, silent reassurance to her tense nerves.

"Ren, 12 years old, Asher, 11 years old, and Kalina, 10 years old. Is that correct?" he inquired, peering over his glasses.

"Yes." Replied by Ren with her usual composed and expressionless eyes, in unison with Asher. While Kalina herself who not so sure about her age, so she only nodding woolly.

Leaning forward, his expression softened as he addressed the children, "My superiors, including even the emperor himself, have given directions and approval for this matter. We have decided that you three will attend a school here in Elkmire City—a normal one, at that."

Ren's bewilderment was palpable, particularly during the school segment, as she slowly opened her eyes in response to the statement. Suddenly, she leapt from her chair, eyes intense, exclaiming, "What???"

Chris was stunned, dazed by the man's words before him.

Meanwhile, Kalina wore a peculiar expression, as if she was piecing together the stories of the other children at the Lab.

It was about.


Yep, school. They are talking about school.

As she is taken away by the Lab at five years old from a collapsed house full of debris, with her condition at that time is starving, and on the brink of death. With no parents whatsoever to even remember, so school and its meaning is an entirely new realm of knowledge for her.

"But what about training us to become your soldiers, or whatever? What about using us? Isn't that the reason you saved us in the first place?" Ren complained, deviating from her usual composed demeanor. They were asked to attend school. 'What the hell? What about us? What about me?' she thought, bewildered about what to do or say. The concept of school was foreign to her, having attended for barely two months before being kidnapped away. In the Lab, they were also taught but in a completely different way with what school she remembered are, as they monitored and observed to see if the experiments could enhance their brains or not. Failure to meet the Lab's standards meant punishment, with the worst is death, while the very least is starvation.

While Chris also added inside his thought without daring to voice it out loud since somehow it made him kind of cringed, 'Yeah, what about my manly choice. My destiny.'

The man waited patiently for Ren to finish, then spoke, "Listen here, young lady, and this includes both of you." Then he looked at Ren while slightly tilting his glasses till it stuck at the bridge of his nose, so he could see her clearly with his own brown eyes. Addressing at Ren, he revealed, "Your name is Renee. At the age of six, you and your four-year-old sister, Rinee, were abducted during the night in the Guomin Kingdom, which was under the rule of the Sleetfrost Empire. However, your and your sister's real names are Tsukiko Ren and Tsukiko Rin, respectively, from a family that hails from the neighboring kingdom. I suppose you are unaware of this, aren't you?"

Hearing that, Ren's mouth hung open, dazed by what she heard. "What? Tsukiko? But I only knew my name to be Renee. We are a simple family..." She then recalled the time when she accidentally found a luxurious golden pendant with an odd lotus symbol that shimmered when it's in her grasp. Although her memories were patchy, they carried a certain weight, knowing she once had a family—a loving family that managed a small clan. They weren't poor, but not rich either. Yet, she figured the golden pendant was too lavish for a modest clan.

Then the man, with his neat and tidy appearance, slick short black hair, and dressed in a crisp long-sleeved white shirt and black trousers, looked at Asher, who began to grow nervous as he barely remembered anything from his childhood, and at Kalina, who was confused about what she should feel or think. She pondered whether she even wanted to uncover her past.

He opened his mouth and said, "As for you two..." A heavy silence filled the room, and Ren, who had returned to sit beside them, was still deep in thought. He continued, "I'm sorry, but we are still reviewing it. We need more time to confirm both of your identities in our database using DNA. The injections and experiments you underwent previously appear to have caused a mutation, making it difficult to match your results with the data we currently have access to. While we were fortunate to find Ren's family through her sister's hair, we haven't been as fortunate with you two. But don't worry, it just takes time; there's usually always a trace that leads to it."

Hearing this, Ren touched her pendant, made from a cloth that turned red from her sister's blood, and inside, it contains strands of the latter hair. When asked about any possessions she might have, Ren then revealed her pendant reluctantly. As she too wanted to know if she still had any family left. At least, that's what she initially thought.