
Booking Glory

#Wrestling #Sports #Business #Showbiz #Booking "When the lights turn off, the ring becomes empty, and the fans walk away, I want to see their anger, hate, tears, joy, frustration, and vindication. In short, I want them to remember those 90 minutes they paid for." Rob Williams has one goal in his life. To bring pro wrestling to the heights he had experienced in his previous life. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to do. In a world where pro wrestling is considered to be a niche sport, that barely receives any recognition, Rob Williams has his job cut out for him. But, his passion and bold ideas alone won't help him much when he has to battle on all fronts. Some called him a madman. Some see him as a delusional fool dreaming of something impossible. But, there were others who called him a genius, even a visionary. But, Rob was just a man who worked towards a single dream. A stadium full of fans, cheering and booing as he envisioned!!!

kirupakaran · Sports
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109 Chs

A Satisfying Kick

Rob's new pickup truck came in really handy when it came to going to and fro from work. As much as he grumbled with Dacey about it, he kinda enjoyed driving in his new pickup. It gave him a kind of country feel.

The next two days passed in a blur as Rob immersed himself in work. This episode of <Fyre> was going to be a pivotal moment. Rob had his hands full in planning things for the women's division.

This episode of <Fyre> was important for two reasons. One, the follow-up of Diana's character development must be done properly. If not, things wouldn't be as good as he hoped. This might even affect his long-term plans.

The other one was the match between Evelyn and Selena.

LWC has built it for weeks and a proper payoff must be given to that. He had haggled for a bit and somehow managed to get Robin to give 20 mins for the women's division as a whole.