
First Dream: To be King

The light returned, I found myself in the middle of a forest, complete with trees and everything, It felt so real and natural. Maybe this is what happened when you lived in the city for too long, you start to disconnect yourself from nature.

But then again "where the hell am I?" Earlier today I was in the busy heart of London, and a small wander off the beaten path had me on the only quiet road I'd seen since the trip started. How did the quiet pawnshop there lead me, book in hand, to the bed of this forest in the blink of an eye?

[Connecting: Story Player Character Importing- Success] It's that voice in my head again!

[Player setting: You are replacing the young, arrogant son of Sir Ector Walden, whom goes by the name of Kay Walden, you were recently knighted by your Lord Father- Your past personality were Cruel and Sadistic individual who wore the mask of a gentleman. Throughout your life, you had been mistreating a young squire by the name of Arthur, Your fathers love and care for Arthur caused a deep seated jealousy which defined your relationship .

Unexpectedly however, the Squire Arthur had never once harbor any contempt toward you, for your cruel and mistreatment has taught the young squire what it is to be humble.]

[Character Situation: You went out hunting today with your Squire Arthur with a hidden agenda of wanting to get rid of him, however unexpected you were met with a vicious wild boar which interrupted your plan and wounded your leg, in an attempt to save your life, Arthur drawn the beast attention toward himself and begged you to escape while he lured it away.]

"Huh… what a strange turn of fate…Ouch..." I mused, until finally realizing the "wound" on my leg, a big bloody gash which started to caked up in dry blood now. The pain is real though, this is definitely not a game nor a dream, that I am sure of.

But still, this is a problematic situation… I definitely need to do something about this bloody gash here.

*Shreeeeeedd and without a second thought I used what I- or this body had plenty on hand, which is "nice" clothing, more specifically a cloak, I used my dagger to quickly shred out a long strip, being somehow swapping body with a "Knight" does have it advantage, since there is always a weapon on hand.

I quickly bandaged up the wound and tied it up nicely, oddly enough the knot ended up in the shape of a ribbon… probably from all the habit I've been developing after taking care of Misaki for over a year now, the little girl always end up injuring herself on the playground, thus I had to come up with a solution to distract her from the pain.

[What will you do next? Be warned, your decision will likely have an effect on the overall outcome of this story.]

'What decision? I want to get home of course!' My eyebrow twitched at the thought of the mess I'm stuck in.

[Not a valid option, please choose from the 3 choices below]

[1. Run back to the Lord Manor]

[2. Wait for Arthur here]

[3. Actively search for Arthur]

'But I want to go home…' I wallowed in my own little depression, the thought of not being able to return soon to see Misaki sadden me, especially when my return flight is within a week.

[Finish the story, then you can return home.] It's that voice again.

'FINE! I'll play this game then.' If by finishing up whatever story this is in order to return home, I'll do it. "MISAKI~ wait for Onii~Chan~" I screamed.

[Not a Valid option, pick again, this is the last warning.]

'Alright alright! Jeez, I'll take option 3.' Out of all the possible giving choices, that one seen to be the best option, a morally sane one at least.

[Option 3 has been selected, GPS activated, please follow the coordinate.]

Suddenly a ball of white light materialized before me for a good second or two, before it dashed toward a certain directly in the forest and left a trail of white mist behind.

'So you want me to follow that?' I asked the voice in my mind.

[Confirmative] Well, with that said, I use the sword around my waist as a makeshift walking cane, and began my trekking across the forest, finding whoever this person's name "Arthur" is.

Whoever he is, the guy is brave enough to lure the "boar" aways and tell him to escape.

It wouldn't hurt to try and look for the guy… but that reminds me, what is that game interface I saw before in my mind?


[Player Status confirmed]

[Name: Taki Kayaba]

[Physical Attribute: 1]

[Mind Attribute: 1]

[Anima: 100(please spend your gifted Anima before the story end, as they will be remove upon completion.)]


Attributes? Did my life become a video game?

[Basically, yes- your life is now a game, to which you must finish my stories.] the voice sounded in my head.

Talking about attributes, I wonder how strong am I compared to a regular human now, one back on Earth of course, I kinda doubt this is my world now, seeing the weird outfit… maybe this isn't the right timeline.

[Comparison, you are 33% more healthier and possibly more physically fit than the former Kay Walden, compared to a modern fit human from your Timeline of Earth, you are about as strong as a man who went to the gym once a week.]

Wow, why does that sound oddly familiar...wait hold on, that's me! What the hell!

[It is just a coincidence.] the voice told me.

But still, how is it possible that I'm stronger than the "former me" who was a "knight" based on the story description of my "character"? It makes no sense… well unless, perhaps this is just a set up for the formality?

'How old is Kay Walden this year' please tell me this information at least.

[Kay Walden is 15 years and 9 months old.] thank you almighty voice in my head!

Based on the medieval age tradition, adulthood should already have been long before that, maybe this kid had been pampered way too much in his life? That or he had some unhealthy side hobbies.

What to get back to the point now, it's had been a good while since I began trekking on the path that was highlighted before me, where the hell am I now? But honestly what's the point in thinking of that when I already have been lost in the first place? It couldn't get any worse… now.

"...is this supposed to happen?" I asked myself, looking at the scene in front of my eyes, it was a bloody mess.

In front of me was what can be described as a "carnage field", blood was literally everywhere, further ahead I saw the corpse of a giant boar the size of a car, I honestly had no idea how a beast can grow to that size, but it's proof right there.

In the distance, under an aged oak tree, I saw the white ball of light hovering above someone, followed by a trail of blood and mist.

The figure of that someone, seemed to be a thin youth with short golden hair, he had somewhat of a feminine face to say the least, but the part that differentiate between them was… well, somewhat flat as a board.

I swear, this guy can make the perfect "trap" in one of those "Maid Cafe" back home, I guess that this person is Arthur?

However there are more pressing issues, his eyes look dead and devoid of life, the reason was on his right side, I saw a large wound, judging by the marking, it looks like the pig actually took a nice bite out from his side.

I went over and examined the "Corpse", only to notice a weak breathing!

'He's alive?!' how is this even possible?! To survive up until now with such a wound, I guess his resiliency can even defy death.

The sad truth is, there isn't a way for me to save this person, unfortunately as I am not a major in Medicine, dressing up light wounds like the gash on my leg might be possible, but something like this.


[Anomaly Detected - Please select your decision from below.]

[1. Leave Arthur be, he's dead anyway.]

[2. Call for help]

[3. Try to put pressure on the wound! Stop the bleeding!]

[Special Promotion 90% OFF - Life Drain - 85 Anima]

[Life Drain: special magic skill that can drain life from a living organism to heal the user or designated target.]


"WHAT THE HELL KIND OF CHOICES ARE YOU GIVING ME!" I cursed at the voice inside of my head, the first one is just outright pure evil, and it isn't aligned with my moral in life! The second is just pure stupid! Who would actually come to my help when I'm in the middle of a god damn forest?! The third one is just only delaying the imminent!

Also, what's with the promotion! You just want me to spend whatever "Anima" is right?! Fine! Screw you! I'll bite.

'Purchase the Life Drain Skill!' I cursed in the back of my mind, feeling like I just got scam big time by the voice in my head, along with the Pawn Shop Owner.

Immediately upon selecting the special option, I felt something tugged inside of me, forcefully took something… something of which I don't truly yet understand, it lasted for a brief moment before strange memories filled my brain.

It was the knowledge on how to use the skill! Seeing that's the case, I immediately utilize the skill [Life Drain], my target is of course, not Arthur because that just stupid! I placed my hand on the oak tree, and as soon as I did, a green dark power began to drain the giant oak of its vitality, slowly wilting the ancient tree and turning it into a glowing green ball glowing on my hand.

"I hope this works, please don't die on me." I placed my hand on Arthur's chest, forcing the orb into him.

Only to notice something strange… it felt… off? The wound is slowly healing and the color is regaining to ...his face? But then again, it felt off… it's kinda soft.

'Hold on, is he… blushing? And' "ummm" Arthur let out a soft voice '… oh dear… what have I done? He's moaning!' I think my mind crashed on me.

[Warning! This is a children book!]


My name is Arthur… no that isn't right, Lord Ector said my birth name is Artoria, however since I've been adopted into the Lord family, I've been taught not to use that name for some odd reason and forced to dress as a male, even though I was borned a girl.

I did once take liberty of asking the Lord as to the reason why I'm in this predicament, he only said that it was the request of my late father, whom I don't even know.

In my life, if one were to ask if I "like" living in the manor, my answer would be somewhat of a mixed feeling? The Lord treated me quite kindly, however I wish I could say the same for the young lord, Kay Walden.

On the surface he might be the epitome of what a role model should be, however in the shadow, he is a cruel, sadistic slavemaster, I suffer years of abuse under him as a Knight Squire, since for as far as I have known actually.

Things only got worse, as today he invited me on a "hunt", out in the woods, just a bit aways from Lord Ector Domain.

I know he is up to something, however I choose to stay silent, I do not know if that is the wisest choice, however I still choose it, as he is the son of the man who took care of me throughout all of my life.

During the hunt, something unexpected happened, we were attacked by a wild boar! A huge wild boar!

It managed to get a good bite on Sir Kay, wounding his leg and managed to startle him and send him into a panic.

Seeing this, I made the choice of drawing the beast's attention toward myself and told him to escape, hoping that he would just run back to the manor.

I don't ever dream of him calling for help, as I know it wasn't his personality to do so, more so I even guess that he'd be happy that this pig would kill me.

I don't really regret my decision though, as long as he is alive, it is all that matters.

Looking down on my wound, and the dead pig, knowing that I don't have long to live, I guess I'll just accept my fate, I do hope that in my next life… I would just be a normal, happy little girl… maybe having a good elder brother would be nice too.

"I guess this is it…" I spoke quietly, dying alone, it didn't sound so bad after all, it was so peaceful, the light starting to fade, I began to see the world turning from a lively vibrant green to that of gray, I guess that is what losing an excessive amount of blood meant.


Until I heard a voice, from someone whom I did not expect to be here.

'Why are you here?'

"I hope this works, please don't die on me." It was then that I suddenly felt a jolt in and on my… chest, his hand was on it, I guess he intended to molest me before I die? It's kind of a weird taste, I don't think I ever told him that I was a female did I? … Well what does that matter now? I'm about to die anyway.

I don't know what happened afterward, but it felt, really good… is this some kind of punishment? Thus my memories ended there.


"Well… at least it works… but, this is… somewhat unexpected, I never expect that… this is one of the main characters." looking at ...ahem… Arthur on my back… I already half expected this to happen sooner or later.

I never once claim to have good memories, thus I tend to forget important pieces of information like what the voice in my head told me before this mess happened.

I only remember something on the line of "the king sent his daughter to be raised by his most trusted knight." never thought that it was Ector Walden.

I continued to brave through the wilderness with Arthur on my back, good thing my leg has somewhat already healed at this point using the skill, but I somehow felt kinda scammed.

Maybe because I do, because I was immediately notified by the voice in my head saying.

[You have used Special Skill 2 out of 3 times today, after the third use, the skill will be on cooldowns until the hand passes midnight.]

But it's not like I really care about this Anima thing, it's not like I'm going to get myself into this same situation again, right? Haha, that would indeed be the greatest joke in the world.

Please god, don't let that jinx me.

[Special Promotion has arrived!]

'Please god, not again.' I begged the almighty existences out there.

[For a limited time only, you can buy the skill [Inspect] from the Realm of Thousand Dreams Store for 15 Anima! With [Inspect] you can now view the basic status of any target of your desire!] the voice in my head advertised.

"Okay fine, I'll bite again...but at least tell me why are you so persistent in getting whatever this "Anima" is from me? What the hell is Anima anyways?" I couldn't help but to question the voice in my head in a low, yet irritated tone of voice.

[Anima is the transcendence currency of the Realm of Thousand Dreams, it is the basic building block of the realm, which originated from memories and dreams of all sentients being, the Realm Lord used this energy to bring prosperity to the realm, thus it is the Keeper sacred duty to collect this Anima- in exchange for gifts and abilities originated from the Realm of Thousand Dreams.]

It was a short explanation, but it somewhat felt powerful? Who is this Realm Lord? And the Keeper?

[The Realm Lord, is the Realm Lord, a powerful Sacred Existence in the Realm of Thousand Dreams, You are the Keeper, who owned the Book of Thousand Dreams, which served as an Anima collector.] the voice explained to me, wow did I just royally scammed? 'Who are you anyway? Voice in my head.'

[In a sense, yes you are by definition. "Royally Scammed" as for who am I? I am Thousand Dreams, and you are my Keeper.]

Well thank you! You are not even denying the fact that you scammed me for this Anima? So what are the real worth of the 2 items I just bought?

[Life Drain - 481.661 Anima]

[Inspect - 250 Anima]

[I am selling you those skills at a big loss here, so stop, by your Earthling term, "Bitching"]

Voice in my head, you are a true asshole, you know that?

[I am Thousand Dreams, all I've known since my creation is Collecting Anima, nothing more, nothing less, interaction with my Keeper is secondary.]

"Okay, be that way then." I scoffed and thus my trekking through the forest was an awkward and silent one, with a beautiful maiden whom I just unbeknowingly defiled on my back.

Now that I think about it, where the hell am I heading anyways? I'm lost for goodness sake.


[Please Select one of the following Options]

[1. Abandon your Companion and head North.]

[2. Sit there and wait for someone to help you.]

[3. Press forward, North because the territory of Baron Walden is there, of course with Artoria on your back.]


Okay, thank you I guess?

[no, you are just being stupid.] now I know the voice in my head definitely had a very foul personality, I kinda do felt bad for all of it previous "Keeper" now.

I can already guessed that some of you have already discover the references I made in this novel, but then again, read the Introduction and Prologue for a better understanding.

Oniichan_Thickskincreators' thoughts