
Book of The Necromancer

Is one life , one scenario or even one planet enough to fathom the secrets of life ?! Cursed by a mysterious book .. can it be a curse in disguise for him ?! Life .. Death .. Love .. hate .. Loyalty .. Betrayal .. White , Black and even Grey ... Here is the story of the man who chose to go through unlimited worlds seeking for his goal .. His goal of ETERNAL PEACE .. Life mainly depends on our choices afterall , doesn't it ?! ...

ZeroLeveling_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

★Welcome to INTERKATIKA★

He opened his eyes to find himself lying on his back in a forest .. He stared into the clear blue wide sky until his consiousness and memories started coming back .. It was scary and strange to see the arrows flying in the sky from everywhere , screaming fighters , screeching swords and smell of dead bodies all over the forest .. The fact that he could understand their foreign languages was even stranger .. But the strangest thing ever was the fact that he has become a little baby with diaper!! .. A few minutes ago , He was unable to move because of being too old but now he is unable to move because of being too young .. It looks that finishing the book stories isn't by reading them , He will have to live them himself!!

"How the hell did I sign this blood contract with the dark necromancer! .. What the hell did I put myself into?!"

About one kilometer away in the countryside , There was Oliver the modest hardworking trader standing in front of his simple house waiting for his wife Olivia to get ready to go selling with him .. she was saying good bye to their only daughter Mira ...

Oliver :"Come on honey , hurry up!"

Olivia :"Yes, darling .. I'm coming"

They had to take the shortcut of the forest everyday to reach the near wealthy town to sell their goods there .. fortunately , The fight has just ended ...

Olivia :"Didn't the tournament end two days ago! .. Why was there a fight right now?!"

Oliver :"After the end of each tournament , There are those participants who hold grudges against each other and decide to settle things by fighting secretly here till death"

Olivia :"This is too cruel .. Is this silly reason really the cause of all these bodies death?!"

Oliver :"You are right honey .. This is too much this time .. I'm afraid that someone might have exploited the situation to commit something further"

In this moment , They heard a baby crying nearby .. It was the dead body of a man and next to him a crying baby with a precious necklace around his neck with a symbol of the elf kingdom in spite of being a human child!

Olivia :"Oh my heart! .. What a poor baby! ..This dead man must be his father"

Oliver :"It looks that this child is from the elf kingdom"

Olivia :"But he is a human baby and his father was a human"

Oliver :"Indeed , I guess his mother was an elf .. This baby is half-elf half-human"

Olivia :"What!! .. Isn't the love between an elf and a human prohibited in the elf kingdom?!"

Oliver :" That's right .. I really don't know ; I'm just guessing"

Olivia :"Please , darling .. Can we take him , please?! .. I want my lovely Mira to have a little boy brother .. please .. please"

Oliver took some time thinking about the consequences until Olivia interrupted him , not by her words but by her eyes .. Her wide eyes looked at him in a propitiatory manner .. This was his weakest point .. Oliver could never say no to Olivia's eyes ...

Oliver with a smiley face :"o..ok , We will take him"

Olivia jumped of happiness , hugged Oliver tightly and kissed him on the cheek , then they took the baby with them ...

Olivia happily :"Let's call him Zero"

Oliver :"Nice , I don't mind .. We will have to hide this necklace for now though"

They were too happy but the baby was startled when he heard the name because this was the same name he had in his real life before signing the blood contract with the dark necromancer ...

A new life .. He couldn't complain as he escaped from death to start living a happy life with caring parents and lovely sister .. This family warmth reminded him of his previous real life , his beloved ones and the stories that he should finish to go back and protect his beloved ones then find peace with them . However , This warmth and the rebirth of his childhood soul made him love his new life .. The desire to live , The desire to love and be loved and The desire to discover .. The awakening of all of them made him slightly forget about his real goal and think that he found his hoped peace ...

He spent his childhood days working with his sister in the farm to help their parents and gave a decent amount of his time for reading in the library to understand this world .. He learned that he now lives in a continent called [Interkatika] .. It has three different kingdoms : Human kingdom , Elf kingdom and Demon Kingdom .. The relations among them aren't good .. In this world , The powerful rule and the source of power here is called MANA .. The law of the power , It's the same as his previous life but the difference is that the power was the wealth ...

Interkatika has an ancient great tree in its center .. The kingdoms call it [The Holy Tree] as it gives mana fruits every five years .. Those mana fruits can increase the capacity of mana , increase mana control ability and even may upgrade the fighter to a superior realm of power .. But the fact that the tree only gives one hundred mana fruits each time made the wars break out among the three kingdoms for centuries until they decided to hold a tournament every five years for the youth of each kingdom and only the top one hundred fighter in the arena can claim the mana fruit whether the fighter was human , elf or demon ...

Even in the human kingdom , The rule of power prevailed .. Those who don't have the power shall not talk .. The social status and the fate of the families are decided in The Magic Academy .. The power of students at graduation determines who they will be in the society .. Thus , Our Zero decided to study mana , learn controlling it and enter The Magic Academy to provide prosperity to his family .. But what he didn't know is that what happened to his beloved ones in his previous life will happen to his new family in this world too! ...