
Book of secrets. adventures of hopper #2

What makes a Christian? Is it faith, actions, love, second chances? What? Keep journeying with me as we meet a universe full of new characters and journeys they seek. You will never look at the Bible the same way ever ever again. Hope you enjoy!!!

Taylor_Valk · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Slither yonder

"Testing, testing, test…take one."


"What was that? I thought I heard something?"

"Ambrielle, there is nothing out there. We are the only ones…."


"Not anymore."

"Wait, you can't walk out there alone. No one has been through the forest, let alone outside of Dreamworld. It's suicide."

"I have to see. We can't just sit here. Stay here and help the others build. I'll be back shortly."

"Sir, how'd you get through last time? Our weapons can't even breach the wall."

"I just walked in, but now the hole is getting smaller. Somehow it must've detected that I was not from within, giving me one chance to peek and that's it. The moment I walked out, the shields went up. Now, the only person that can enter is one from the Dream. That is, unless we take the detection shields down. Keep firing."


"Come on, where's he?"

"Aaaagghhh!! Wooo, girl….woo!!"


"Squaaaaaakkkk!!!!! Squaaaaaaaakkkk!!!"

"Turn back, don't go in there. Turn back, don't go in there. Turn back, don't go in there. *Buraaaaaak* Turn back, don't go in there."

"Hello, little parrot. Why do you keep repeating that sentence? Is their a danger?"


Danger!!! Danger!!!! Danger!!!"


"Woo…Hold me tree. Hold me."



"What causes such a wave that even the animals run away in a stampede?

Move.....move.....I'm trying to get through. I'm trying too…..aaaaghhh!!!"

"Litte girl, it's not safe here. There is evil threatening to enter these woods."

"You can talk?"

"I'm a unicorn. Of course I can talk."

"Then why are you all running away? What's happening? Whose entering? Where are you taking me?"

"Someone entered, looked around, but then left. As soon as they left through the portal, Nightmasters defensive shield that he had in place, spurked up. Now they are doing their best to break down the shield so that their army can enter. It's not safe here."

"You still didn't answer where we are going?"

"We're going to the Messenger. His name is Aaron. He will tell us what to do."




"Sir, we're hitting it with everything we got."

"Is there no other way in?"

"The only other way is underneath, but the Beasts govern that path."

"Are they Healers as well?"

"I don't think….no!!!"

"Then that means they can be killed, and without souls, they cannot come back. Go!!!"

"But sir."

"I said go!!!"

"Wait, why have we stopped? Whose cave is this? Where are we?"


*Knock, knock, knock*

"You called for me, Wolf."

"Yes, yes, I did. Please….sit. Make yourself comfortable."

"I'd rather stand, if that's ok with you."

"Smart one I see. Never sit if asked to, for then you won't be able to escape if caught."

"Am I caught?"

"I don't know, Hopper. That depends."

"On what?"

"When you came to, you were blabbing about Sixth Star, Sixth Star, Sixth Star. Tell me, What relation does she have to you?"

".....She….she…ehermm!! She's my sister."

"Are you…close?"

"Well, we don't use each other's catchphrases like you just did of your brother Shadow."

"I didn't tell you that I was Shadow's brother. The only person Shadow told that he had a brother, was to your sister Sixth Star."

"I just….assumed. Slip of the tongue, I guess."

"The tongue never slips nor does it lie. It only speaks the truth and fantasy of the mind not yet known."


So, why have you called me here, sir?"

"I was hoping you would tell me."

"Huh? I didn't call you here."

"Sure you did. The girls went back in time to change the future, but since they killed Shadow and not Swift, then that means Swift would still live and his timeline would not be pampered, besides the fact that Shadow, Dragon, and the Bible, would be missing from him. With a severed timeline and a doubtful Dreamworld, you turned to me to make sure I kill Swift. Why? Well, he's severd, and since you can't one hundred percent guarantee what will happen, you just want him eliminated so that you can start anew.

Don't think Shadow has not been telling me. You're sneaky, you know that?

Born wanting to change Truth, you knew you couldn't do it on your own, so you needed help. Finding us, you convinced Shadow to help step away from his fathers shoes, and create seeds of doubt in others. Once Shadow did as told, you had no more need of him, so you convinced Sixth Star and your fam to get rid of him.

That didn't work out, for you see, Shadow fell in love with Sixth Star and wanting to prove his love, he fought bravely and…welp….ruined your plans. Course, you didn't want anyone to be the wiser so you would always kill yourself off. You know, just to mame others have the spotlight. That's the only part of your plan, I always struggled with. Why kill himself if he had no way of coming back?

Da…da…dada…daa!!! Meet my father and his Legion. All you need is love and then Mists can come back to life. In order to make that happen, you had to make certain that whoever you were with would have no choice but to think they needed to bring you back cause there would be no other way. Sixth Star brought you back, so you could make sure she would finish the job. She didn't, so you died. Poof*

Now, we have a reckless Shadow on the loose. That wasn't part of the plan. You needed someone again to finish the job and cover your tracks. Meet Adalyn. Now with your spotligher in check, you needed to come back to life so as to make sure she could also finish the job. Shadow thought the only way he could kill Adalyn was by freeing you, so he did; of course. Since a new body was needed to come back with, you took Eelon. Very clever, I might add. Yet again, Shadow escaped….except….so did you.

You needed to kill yourself, and fast, because the girls were about to travel back in time. I have no idea how you did, but it took you a while to figure out because…wooo!! You were nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, individually, the girls couldn't kill Shadow, but together, it was no sweat.

Through some miracle, my sister awoke you, and with Shadow gone, now you are here to see me end Swift because you're afraid that even without Shadow, Swift could still cause chaos. Am I missing anything?"

"Very…very…..good. I knew I liked you for something."

"Only problem is, this is your last life. With your sister destroying Nowhere, their is no way you'll be able to come back. So your plans of watching me kill Swift, dying, and then waiting to raise up a hero to kill me, will be no more. Why don't I just end you here and now….huh?"

"Oooo…you tickled me. Can you scratch me again, please? I feel an aching on my back that could use a working."

"Why….why…why aren't you dying? Who are you?"

"It is not who, but what. Now, you will do as I say….."

"Or what? You don't like to get your hands dirty, so why start now? Why are you doing this?"

"Humans think they are the smartest beings known to…well….exist!! Truth is, they know very little about anything. It's time to deduca….I mean, educate them. They need to know their place, and once they do, they'll question everything. They'll even question their own dominance. They'll start looking to the animals for answers instead of the animals looking to the people. That's the way God intended. If it were not so, then why didn't He create Humans first? If humans, then why did He not create love and family? Those things only came into existence…..after He created Adam, not before. Our role as animals is to populate and protect. Man's only job is to take care of us so that we not stumble. That is it. So, dear tell me, why have we let them dominate us?

God made Angels and Beasts with no emotions of family or love, but only to obey His voice. You see what happens when we don't."

"Hopper, if God truly did create us in His image, then did He not create us to grow throughout our experience? Maybe too, so did He. He created angels and Beasts, and us, with no sense of love and family, but once he saw Adam sad, He realized that a certain emotion was missing. Who's to say He didn't go back through all the creatures He made and implant love? Without Adam's loneliness, we would all be hunters, scaveraging for land and protecting our own. Love, and family should never have been a thing."

"Hopper, I am not evil like you. We may have started out dominating and scavenging the world, but that is not who we are now."

"Oooo…missed me."

"Are you sure? Tell me that you had no doubts of secretly conquering Dreamworld because you could find no land here?"

"I….I…..not anymore."

"Why not? Abby's sick, Swift army will prove nothing even if they do conquer. You will easily be able to take the Deadroses and win them over. It's in your nature. From your view of Dreamworld, and Abby by your side, you could make the world believe whatever you want them….."



"Jesus may have created us first, but that doesn't mean we are….first."

"Shocked that you cannot slay me? Let me literate your mind.

Genesis 1:1, 'In the beginning. God created the Heavens and the Earth. Now the Earth was formless and void. Darkness covered the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Then God said, let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light 'day,' and the darkness 'night. And there was evening and morning on the first day."

"I know the story of creation. You're no different than my brother Shadow. God created male and female to be naked without clothes, so believing that God cannot grow in mind like us, brother believed that everyone should dress, I mean…not dress, like they. You believe that since animals were created first, we should be the rulers because that is how things were. Without the previous day created, the next day could not be, so that is why we should bow to it, for without them, we would not.

Then you'll say that humans are weak and need to be governed by animals because they were sloppily made. Jesus not wanting to create anything new, He sleepily and tiredly made us using everything He had already made. The next day, instead of seeing how great we would be in morning light, He was so disappointed that instead of talking to Adam, He just slept the whole day. Earth is ours, ya…ya…ya. We are stronger and all around, bla, bla, bla. Emotions should not exist because they disrupt order, na..na..na. This day is our. This day is ours."

"Welll…you…uh…you just wait. There will come a day."

"There will come a day!! Aaaagh, I'm scared. Hopper, there will always be a day and then a 'morrow, and a 'morrow, and a 'morrow.

Tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to kill Swift not so that your terrible deeds can be wiped clean, but that he is attacking my 'Family'. Then just like Shadow, Hawk, and all others…..I will kill you."

"I'd like to see you try. You were lucky to kill a Hawk, but I am a frog. Being born a day before you, that makes me stronger and all around smarter. You have no idea of the power I….."


"Listen, it was nice talking to you and all, but there are now people waiting for me, their king, and like a servant I am, I am going to help them. You forget that although Jesus may have created one species stronger than other, He did not create separate Earths, but one.

Guards, please escort this man from my sight. Oh, and he wants us to respect him as king, so would you please see to is as such."

"Wait, no….no….noo. I'll be back, Wolf!!!! I'll be back. You could rule on high with me as the kings we are. Think of it. THINK OF...nooooooooo!!!!"


"Time for your swim, little froggy."

(Yes, I made Hopper the bad guy. Also, bad at planning. You know how bad guys are. They want people to go back to their roots and realize that creatures before them are the true rulers. We can rule all, Wolf. The humans are weak at our mercy. We just have to will it. Course, Wolf aint no weakling and makes Hoppers grand plans seem like plexy glass he can easily see through. So, will Wolf help Hopper correct his plans in order for Hop to make new ones, or does Hoppers promises and taunts mean nothing? Will the strong and great Wolf really succumb to wanting to take over just because he was....created first? I mean, Hopper does have a point. Humans are weak, and animals are not. Would Wolf really turn evil.....just because he can? I mean, whose to stop him? His sister Abby is sick, and the messenger sent to Lauras might take a long time getting there. So, will Wolf seize the opportunity, or let it slip by? Lastly, with reports of Swift starting to invade, does he really need the extra baggage. he can't change his mind now. That's like....that's like.....bad juju....for everyone.)