
Book Of Secrets (History Of Rising Kingdom)

Faced with war,the queen can only send her children to afar away place,handing her children to her maid Qi'er shr hopes for their well being,luckily the soilders don't suspect anything , Rising kingdom was destroyed and it's left for the royals to save and restore their kingdom

Jacob_Constance · Fantasy
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19 Chs

She's not worthy enough

In the garden, Xu ling could be seen practicing meditation. Her body was surrounded by a powerful spiritual qi.

After entering the garden and sitting down next to Xu ling, Xu ling felt a presence next to her and opened her eyes.

Which plane are you?

Xia xiaoyu enquired.

Xu ling responded to Xia xiaoyu's query, "I'm at the plane of patience for meditation, for my cultivation am in the ninth plane of awakening, the powerful."

Why do you inquire?

Xu ling grinned at her as she anticipated her response.

You can actually sense my presence so quickly.

"I'm a two star shine plane, and when I'm meditating, I can't still feel people's presence."

said Xia xiaoyu


I learned from Yi Xue, who mostly focuses on meditation, so

"Can you teach me?" Xia xiaoyu asked.

I don't know how to teach," Xu ling responded to Xia xiaoyu's question.

Sword in hand, Xia xiaoyu directed it at Xu ling.

I, Xia xiaoyu, am calling you to a duel.

Why such an abrupt challenge? Xu ling enquired

To train, Xia xiaoyu chuckled.

"All well, I'll take the challenge." As she spoke, Xu ling pulled her sword out (Fire and Ice)

"The ninth plane of martial arts awakening" said Xia xiaoyu

Xu ling stated, "Five star shine plane in martial arts," and xia xiaoyu swallowed nothing.

Please, Xu ling pleaded.

Attacking Xu ling while in removing her sword from it's seath, Xia xiaoyu raised her blade and pointed it in Xu ling's direction.xu ling also raised sword and it clashed agaisnt each other.

xiaoyu quickly withdrew her sword and pointed it at ling's stomach, but ling deflected it. As a result, ling leaped into the air and swung her sword at xiaoyu.

The blade struck Xiaoyu at her arm as she stumbled back since she was unable to avoid it.

Ling landed, turned her sword around, and held it behind her.

She pointed her sword at ling chest when xiaoyu yelled, "Again," and ling immediately evaded by leaping up and stood on the sword.

She grinned at Ling as she quickly raised her sword, sending ling flying down. As she realised the tongs with her qi, the sword multiplied one hundredfold.

Xia xiaoyu smiled and realsed the sword to meet ling

As the original sword was about to strike Xu ling fiercely.Xu ling released some qi on her hand and directed the sword back to xiaoyu, who swiftly waved it and the sword fell on the ground after Ling used her sword to ward off all the duplicate swords.

Ling formed her fingers while she was still in the air, pointed them at her weapon, and instantly a million copies of the blade appeared.


Xiaoyu spoke, but all the swords suddenly began charging toward her. Xiaoyu looked at the swords and began to flee, and Ling started laughing.

While still running, xiaoyu said, "Make it stop," but ling just kept laughing and didn't do anything.

Xiaoyu was running around the garden with a million swords chasing after her as Qi Wen, who had been watching the fight, entered the area. Ling was laughing nonstop.

Before Qi Wen finally spoke up "Wow!" he thought to himself, "What a huge power" and "almost like that of the queen."

What a fantastic battle," Qi Wen exclaimed.

Ling halted the swords and fell to the ground.

Is that true?

"How did I do?" Xiaoyu enquired

Qi Wen said, referring to xiaoyu, "I wasn't complimenting you but Xu ling."

"Xu ling, that was such a wonderful fight." What plane are you on?.

Qi Wen enquired

Really, I'm in a five-star shine plane martial arts level, Xu ling replied.

Wow!" and "Amazing"

What about me?

Coming furiously at Qi wen, Xiaoyu demanded

You are less than 1%; I don't need to know your plane to know that. When Qi Wen stated it, Xiaoyu gave him an almost lethal glance.

Do you possess immortality? Qi wen questioned Xu ling.

No, I don't often train, Xu ling said.

By the way, what are you doing here?

Xu ling enquired

I stopped by to train," Qi wen stated.

Why are you all training? Xu ling asked.

"I'm training to prepare for the competition," Xia xiaoyu and Qi wen remarked.

By the way, I want to challenge you to see how well you can handle it.

Wen Qi said

"No thank you, I'm not ready for any challenge," Xu ling said, but Qi wen proved impervious to his words and pulled out his sword. Xu ling then locked his acupoint, rendering him motionless.

I previously told you that I wasn't prepared for any challenge, Xu ling said.

What have you done?

Qi Wen enquired

After three hours, you'll be able to move your body because I locked your acupoint, Xu ling explained.

"Let's leave"

As they exited the garden, Xu ling said to xia xiaoyu

Qi wen blinked after Xu ling and Xia xiaoyu went. Then, after noticing some Qi in his hand, he unlocked his acu point.

Another unsuccessful mission, Qi Wen muttered as he left the garden.

As Xia xiaoyu and Xu ling made their way to their dorm, a group of students came by.

Who are they? Xu ling asked in a hushed voice to Xia xiaoyu.

Because they are from the school of magic arts and don't know martial arts, they were unable to compete, according to Xia xiaoyu.

So why are they stopping us? Xu ling inquired, but before she could answer, one of the students cut her off.

"Hello, my name is Xiami, and I challenge you to a duel.

"Me or Her?" questioned Xu ling.

Xia Mi remarked, "You, We've confronted Xia xiaoyu before she's not worthy enough."

You," Xia xiaoyu yelled clearly irritated.

Why are you putting me to the test? Xu ling enquired

"After pleading with the house master, he agreed that if someone wins over someone who has already qualified for the challenge, we will take their place in the next competition, which incorporates magic skills."

stated Xia mi

"Me or Her?" questioned Xu ling.

Xia Mi remarked, "You, We've confronted Xia xiaoyu before she's not worthy enough."

You," Xia xiaoyu yelled clearly irritated.

Why are you putting me to the test? Xu ling enquired

"After pleading with the house master, he said that if a person defeats another person"

Xia mi stated