
Book of Misfortune

Couple of nightmares that haunt my night.

VampireLover · Horror
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1 Chs


The scene starts as a man departs from a ship after a day of fishing. As the man is about to descend, he spots a squid in the midst of all the salmon that had been cought. It had been seemingly making strange noises as if it were calling to something.

Although, a little freaked out by this the man proceeds to grab the squid and put it in a container so he could bring it home for dinner. He walked across the edge of the beach as he made his way to the beach house him and his wife bought together after they got married, seemingly reminiscent of those times.

As the man neared his house, which wasn't too far down the sound, the squid was making started to get louder as he inched closer. He looked around and noticed the waves were getting more concentrated to a singular spot as if making way for something. But alas, the man made it home and proceeded to give the squid to his wife to cook as he went to shower.



A massive creature could be seen in the depths of the sea. It's tentacles, as long as the eye could sea, its head, bigger than any squid I've seen. Suddenly, the creature picks up on the cries of its child and immediately rushes to shore.

As it neared the location of a certain beach house, the creature began to see smoke in the distance. The closer it got, the angrier it was getting seemingly knowing the reason as to why its child stopped calling for help. Now, in front of the house, a smell came into contact with the creature, and upon sight of where it was coming from, it was left in shock.

Anger. Overwhelming anger began to insert itself into this creatures very being. Dark clouds became to form, thunder began to howl, and rain began to fall in tribute to the pain and grief this creature felt. The waves were roaring in concurrence to the horrible acts done to the creatures child.


The man's house

As the man exited the shower and was getting dressed for what his wife had prepared. He heard the rain and thunder happening outside and thought he was lucky to have gotten to the house early. So he went down the steps to greet his wife and began feasting upon the squid upon saying prayers.

Suddenly, a large tentacle of a variety of colors shot through the wall and grabbed his wife. instantly, the man ran through and froze at the sight he saw before him. What greeted him was a squid with the size of damn near a sky scraper, pointing its head out of the water. Then he was his wife screaming for help in the tentacle of the monstrosity that was before him.

The tentacle started moving towards the sea, and the man ran with fear evident on his face desperately trying to get his wife out of there. But who's to say the creature only had 1 tentacle at its disposal, in a breaths time another tentacle shot out the water and grabbed the man aswell. As the pair get slowly pulled into the water they give each other one last looks before they get plunged into water.


Unknown Cave

The man awoke in restraints of some sort made of seaweed in what seemed to be a cave. Sounds of his wife screams could be heard in the distance, in which the man struggled and saw something he would never forget. What appeared to be tiny squid like creatures proceeded to burst out of her chest and other areas. Despite all the trauma she still seemed to survive these Injuries as if being stopped from death.

Then a voice spoke. "For your crime of kidnapping, killing, and eating my child I sentence you and your wife an eternity of suffering." As the man was making out what had spoke those words he saw the same creature that had started it all in the far end of the cave. It stared at him, the anger in its face was evident, and only when it was too late did the man realize what he had done.

Regret came pouring in like a river as the man thought the the squid he had brought home and cooked earlier. But before he could even start pleading he felt as if something was squirming within his stomach, it felt unnatural almost as if something was inside of him. Sadly he found out the hard way as the creature suddenly shot out of his stomach and great pain afflicted the man.

No matter how loud he screamed no one was there to hear it. The cycle of squirming and squuds popping out went on for hours and days with each time the man thought he would die he would always be restored back to his healthy state. It later was revealed to him that who he offended turned put to be the greatest cryptid of the seas.

The Kraken.


Back at the house Wreckage

Early in the morning the locals near the beach gather around trying to find out what happened to the beach house, and more importantly, where did the husband and wife dissappear to or what took them for that matter. The pair was never heard of again, and became another old folklore for the village by the beach.