

The next morning Sister Janet had already reported the case to the priest who was officially incharged in the orphanage. Sister Janet summited a file of complaint against me, including others teacher who claimed that I was disrespectful. The office was larger than Sister Janet's own, it had a shelf by the corner which contained books, a huge portrait of the lord Jesus Christ, Joseph and Mary and some of Jesus disciples. A swirling fan above our head that kept on making annoying noise. Quite a sight you know..

"Purity" the priest called.

"Good day sir" i greeted standing at one corner of the room. Sister Janet was sitting on one of the chair while Sister Bridget on the other. The priest sat opposite them adjusting his glasses so he could see properly.

"I got a report about you and it does not look good compare to the type of person you are" he stated smiling warily at me.

"This days I don't what suits my personality any more" I said simply.

"You must bear it in mind that you were chosen for a reason and you must not mess it up, that's why you are here for that reason"

The priest said adjusting his glasses so he could pry more deep into my soul.

"You mean Jesus, father" I asked"but am not ready for all this, he should go find some one else" I crossed my hands staring at him.

"Don't say such things that can harm you in the future. I don't care what other people say but I believe in you" he said. "Serve him with everything you got as if you're life depended on it. That's your punishment for disobeying your elders although I still don't know why you were sneaking out at night"

"I needed air"

"There's air everywhere including inside your room" Sister Janet replied staring at me like an evil villian. I scoffed rolling my eyes at her, what's wrong with her.

"Purity you're here for a reason. It still baffles me how you even got here from Africa. Well, since you're already here, I got good news"he paused staring at my face for any emotions which I was good at hiding. "You're getting adopted soon and you're fo1ster parents are christians such a lovely family. You're love 'em"

"Is that all" I asked.

"Well, that's all for now, you can go now. Don't forget to meditate on God's word" he said.

"I get it because am the chosen one" I grumbled walking away.

"Wait miss" I turned wondering what he wanted to say again. "Apologies to your head"

"I didn't commit any crime, they were on my way"

"Priest, do you still think she's from the lord, am beginning to have second thought that she's possess" Sister Janet said.

"Janet don't say that..."

"I think she's right cause am not normal" I added shutting the door with a loud bang. I stood there for some seconds before walking back to my dorm. As soon as stepped in I got entangled in a warm hug .

"Oh my God Purity" Mrs Markson exclaimed

"I hope you didn't get punished. Are you okay? You're fine right?" She asked while searching my body for any injuries.

"Am okay" I said staring at her scared face wondering why she should like a person like me.

"Good lord." She smiled touching my cheeks "Now common on I guess you're hungry"