
Book Of Fanfictions (Harry Potter, Naruto, Percy Jackson, Marvel)

Well, this book is just me recommening some Fanfictions. If others have some good fanfics, share it in the comment section.

John_Jiggler · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Naruto( Fanfic translated novel)

Another story is" Hokage Ryos path" on TranslationOtaku.

Its like a novel which is a fanfic. It was orginally in chinese but was translated by this site into english.

Pretty good translation. Good character interaction.

A guy is reincarted into naruto world with ice element. He is born in minato, kushina era. Good character interaction. He fights in 3rd ninja war. Character interaction is pretty good. Romance is nothing special. Nothing in this book is cringe. He is born in konoha. He becomes pretty strong and gets an important position in the village.

He is neutral.

You can read 260 chapters for free, for rest you will have to pay on patreon.

Chapter 1: Crossing to Naruto's World!

In the public hospital of Magic City, busy at the operating room, the was Guo Ryo: the hospital's chief physician. He finished med school with a strong medical foundation and he's been working here for the past 5 years, so you could say he was doing a good job fitting in.

Back when he was 6 years old, his parents got divorced to form their own families. So he had to live with his grandpa, who sadly died to heart disease. That event was what made him want to become a doctor: He wanted to never feel that helpless again. And to achieve that goal of his, he worked really hard, and the only pleasure he let himself have was watching anime in his spare time. Guo Ryo's favorite anime was « Naruto ».

It was hard for him to find a moment of rest. As he just finished an operation, he was ready to watch Naruto. But then the director's phone rang: a group of sons of some of the country's wealthiest have been racing, and their cars collided. Ryo was needed immediately in the operating room.

Between the broken hearts of their lovers, and his duty as a doctor, Ryo couldn't just let them die: He rushed into the operating room and worked for 7 hours more until 5 am the next day.

« God I'm tired, do I really want to do it? » he complained quietly, as he returned to his office. As he lied down on the table to sleep, he felt everything around him changing and he found himself in front of a massive orb of light, and from within it, a writing appeared:

Applicant: Guo Ryo.

The world: "Naruto"

Hazard coefficient: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Risk factor higher than three stars gives a lucky draw chance, please use.

Guo Ryo looked around; you could take him for a drunk as he was so tired: « What is this? A dream… right? » He pinched his thigh, and the pain told him loud and clear that it was all true.

"Dangerous factors reaching more than 3 stars give a lucky draw chance to use."

"What is it that you are? A machine? And what do I draw and why should I cross!? " Ryo asked while staring at the orb.

"I am an « InterWorld Portal ». I represent the portal the existing parallel worlds that are over 119.000 in number. You don't need to say anything; your brain waves resonate with me and tell me that you are NOT satisfied with your life. With the passing conditions, you are likely to be drawn into the universe you want to access, if you make your lucky draw. Please do so!"

Even though he was still shocked, Ruo couldn't help but to think about the reward of making such a move. After all, he is all alone, his parents have been nowhere near him already, and he doesn't have a lover… With all of this in mind, going to Naruto's world seemed like a good idea! He just said the words: « how do I draw? »

Golden rays came out of the orb as it turned into a fortune wheel, that was divided into 3 areas : science and technology, elemental class, life skills class. «Turn the wheel, please! ». He did, and it stopped in the elemental class area.

The wheel shined golden again as it got divided, the time into dozens of zones. Ryo took a closer look: the element class had so many possible natural elements within it. He turned the wheel again and it kept on spinning for a whooping two minutes. As it stopped, he heard the orb say : « This applicant gets ice elemental affinity ».

The orb's voice faded, as Ryo lost sight of everything before losing consciousness.

After an undetermined amount of time, Guo Ryo slowly regained his consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes, to find himself still in the dark, but not too far from a light source, into which his instinct drew him. It was a long struggle, but eventually, he was born.

His movement towards the light was in was assisted along the way by the woman who gave birth to him. She was in a great deal of pain, but she looked at him with eyes full of care, and her looks warmed his heart: it's was maternal love!

The beautiful scene was disrupted by a weird fact… Ryo, unlike any newborn child, did not cry.. The nurse looked at him in awe: he is perfectly healthy, is he too dumb to cry? She saw the doctor's signal, so she took him and spanked his ass.

« Bitch get your hand away from my ass!! » That's what he really wanted to say. But instead, no words came out, only a loud cry. Everyone around were finally relieved, and his mother smiled, and fell asleep satisfied.

Maybe it's because of the Chakra, or some other reason, but newborn children in Naruto's world are more robust than those born on earth. Two days later, Ryo was taken home by his mother.

Naruto's world's language was Japanese, and Ryo was fortunate enough to learn in his past life. So he had an easy time understanding what's happening around him right off the bat.

A few days later he learned that his mother was called Yamanaka Chinse. She was the cousin of the Yamanaka family head, who was the man that came to him (as the family's newborn child) often. His name was Yamanaka Akihito. At this time, Yamanaka Inoichi was still a little child. His new name was given to him by his uncle who named him: Yamanaka Ryo.

A month after he was born, he understood a lot of things from the conversations around him: Konoha is now 33 years old. Under the leadership of 3 generations of hokages, Konoha went to two world wars, the second of which is still undecided.

Konoha at this time had under Sarutobi the three Sannin: Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. They also had the white fang: Hatake Sakumo. And along with the likes of Kagami Uchiha, Ino-Chika-Cho, and the Hyuga family, it all provided a certain level of stability for Konoha. So unlike other villages, the hidden leaf was still in peace and tranquility.

His uncle was part of the 14th generation of Ino-Chika-Cho. The alliance was a supporter of Konoha since their establishment. But it was actually formed before, during the warring state era when the 3 clans joined forces to face enemies. In order to keep the special bond they had, three ancestors set the rules a long time ago together. With a witness from the Sarutobi clan, each generation of Ino-Chika-Cho would pass down their ear—rings to the next generation who swear upon them to be brothers. And they themselves will pass down tradition as well.

This 3 man mode of action greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of the team and their survival rate. It was so impressive, that after 2 generations of graduated from the Konoha ninja school it became the standard required from all students. This was mainly inspired by the Ino-Chika-Cho model.

In this way, the three clans fought with each other. On their own, none of them were at the level of the Uchiha or Senju clan. But when together, none of them is to be neglected: every clan had special techniques and they were complementary. They all fought with protecting each-other in mind, so they were not to be underestimated.

Because of Ryo's birth, Yamanaka Akihito put down his in the front line to return home, that is how much he loved his nephew. However, what made Ryo peculiar is that his birth was only celebrated within the Ino-Chika-Cho clans. Even though the entire village knew about it, nobody came to congratulate his family. That, along with the fact that he never saw his father, made him understand that his life is not to be simple. He also knew, his family must be hiding something!

Chapter 2: The Yamanaka Genius !

Year 34 after Konoha's establishment, the second Ninja War has become increasingly fierce. Although Konoha has achieved some advantages on various battlefields, things don't look like they are heading in the best direction. Thanks to the recent clashes between Cloud and Earth villages, Konoha was able to save some troops to concentrate on the battle with the Hidden mist and Hidden sand.

On the other hand, Yamanaka Ryo had his 1st birthday! He was able to say some easy to pronounce words by the time he was 6 months old. "The newborn Yamanaka is a genius!" those words were spreading amongst the Ino-Chika-Cho Alliance. It was spreading across the whole village. After all, Ryo, after three months of being born, didn't wet his bed once!

At first, Yamanaka Chinse felt that her child's progress was normal. After all, one of the secret techniques of the Yamanaka clan is to nurture the child with chakra. Back when he was in her womb, she used those secret techniques. However, just after he had his 1st birthday, Ryo Surprised his mother!

Ryo, who was just 1 year old, learned how to copy after his cousin he had demonstrated several skills. When Yamanaka Chinse saw her son's fluffy little hands clumsily practicing the hand seals, she was shocked. What kind of ninja talent is this?!

Whether he was a genius was unknown even to Ryo himself. He was only a one year old so he couldn't refine his chakra, not to mention learning ninjutsu. In the deadly shadowy world of shinobi, and especially in this period of war, while he didn't need to participate in this second war, what about the time when the 3rd one (as he already knows from the anime) arises? In the original storyline, Kakashi graduated at the age of 5 and this genius was sent to the battlefield. What is certain is that if Ryo graduates normally he will also be sent to the battlefield. So he might not be able to learn ninjutsu or even refine his chakra, but he can always practice his hand seals.

On September 15, year 34, Hatake Sakumo's son Kakashi was born on a night of a full moon. All families went to congratulate them, and the Yamanakas were no exception.

The family sent the next generation of Ino-Chika-Cho, the one that graduated last year. They will be the next heads of the family, and the parents of the original storyline's Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji.

Yamanaka Chinse also received a personal invitation from Sakumo. On October 15th 4 people and a baby arrived together to congratulate the Hatake family.

Hatake Sakumo, at the rise of the war, was really famous. His Chakra infused white blade has harvested the lives of hundreds of skilled enemy shinobi. He was at the very top along with Konoha's elite.

While the Hatake clan wasn't particularly large in number, people from all over came in to celebrate Kakashi's birth, so there was quite a line of people entering.

"Oh, didn't you get a personal invitation from Sakumo San? You can go directly through the side door "

"Great! You can help us now! If we don't get a seat soon we won't actually find a place to eat!". Akimishi Choza is mainly here for the food: That's the Akamishi way. It made Tory roll his eyes.

"Yeah, It would be such a drag to wait in here!", said, Shikaku Nara, while looking at the long queue in front of him impatiently. The three of them reminded Ryo so much of their children.

Yamanaka Chinse nodded politely and entered through the side door. In her arms, Ryo was looking around into the Hatake house.

"You're finally here, Chinse!" A purple-haired woman in Hatake's household looked very happy at the sight of Ryo's mother.

"The flower from our hospital is now a mother!" Kakashi's mother and Yamanaka Chinse obviously knew each-other. They talked very happily while Ryo was watching Kakashi who was sleeping by their side.

One-month-old Kaka is naturally not equipped with a mask, and in his past life, Ryo was a fan of Kakashi. He graduated at the age of 5 breaking the world record. While he got the Sharingan, it actually drained his Chakra too quickly. That was due to the Sharingan's demands from a non-Uchiha.

He is a Hokage, and one of the most talented Ninja ever and nothing can take away that. But amongst the seven generations that Konoha has seen, he was dubbed by many fans as the weakest Hokage.

"Chinse, you are here!"

As the two new moms were chatting their hearts out, Hatake Sakumo came in. Ryo looked up and stared at the man in his plain clothes. He had long silver hair Tied as a horsetail. At this time, He didn't look like Konoha's White Fang, he just was an ordinary man greeting his family and friends.

"Sakumo, long time no see!"

"This is Houyi's child?"

"Yeah! Is name is Yamanaka Ryo."

"Ryo? Very good. The news that you got married is not known by many people. It is correct to not return to that family! After all, Houyi's is not there. If you need me, I'll help you with whatever I could do. After all, you and Houyi are both my Friends." As he finished talking, Sakumo waved at little Ryo and went on to welcome and entertain the rest of the guests.

"She was right not to return to that family? And my father is not here? And Sakumo being a close friend of my parents?" The dialogue between His mom and Sakumo got his mind racing through thoughts. It seems that his father is not an ordinary ninja.

Now is the year 35, and the 14th-generation of Ino-Shika-Cho went to the battlefield of the land of earth. Ryo didn't want his uncle to go. This gentle man, often holding him, while being his uncle, represented the closest thing to a father figure that he has ever had.

At the same year, the 3rd Hokage's disciples, Jirraya Orochimaru and Tsunade, faced the man claimed to be a half god: The great warrior Hanzo the Salamander. And even though they lost to him, they gain his recognition, and were dubbed by him as the legendary Sannin. And the great news has reached Konoha cheering the people up.

The same year, Tsunade managed on the battlefield to make an antidote to the 1000 deadly poisons of puppet master Chiyo, leading the Sand Ninja to retreat. Konoha's Ninjas were making great progress in the field.

Year 36, the Village hidden in the clouds and Konoha faced each other in a full-out war. Because of Konoha's endurance and high pressure, the cloud had nothing to do but to retreat. In same the year, Nawaki, who was Tsunade's brother, fell victim to an explosion.

In year 37 post-Konoha's establishment, Dan Kato died despite of Tsunade's attempts to save. She developed hæmophobia because of the fact.

In the same year, Ryo began to refine his Chakra taking his first step in his road to power.

Writer's Note: Tsunade developed hæmophobia definitely during WWII. As she had to fight Hanzo and develop the antidotes to Chiyo's poisons on the battlefield, It is my speculation that she didn't develop it until near the end of that war.