
Chapter 5

He looks around but the goblin is alone with no others with it as his detection informs him of, so he goes to attack but suddenly ducks as a fireball the size of a fist flies past his head.

This is a mage goblin a creature with the ability to cast spells like humans there is another form which is a enhanced goblins that are like close combat fighters using swards, daggers and are faster and stronger then normal goblins they are also considered at the same level as a mage goblin so will probably also show up in this wave.

I rush at it keeping my focus on it as so to not get hit by it if it shoots again but it takes a while for it to regather mana to blast again so after the first shot it was even easier to deal with then a normal goblin.

Next wave saw a speed goblin which was a true test as it's speed was something he couldn't deal with due to him leg as he simply had no chance of catching it but it would attack and he simply needed to deal with it then, he kept his senses on it's energy which he realized was slightly different then both the mage one and the normal goblin. Once the goblin realized I couldn't touch it, it attacked me with no hesitation and with a swipe of my sword I cut it's arm but it dodged thanks to it's speed.

I stayed still but it seemed to be smarter then most goblins and it circled around as though trying to confuse me on it's position before once more going in and this time I hold off on attacking until it's dagger is on me and it can't escape, with a swipe of the sword I cut it's chest open with my swing it seemed to realize it would die so tried to take me with it in a last attack leading to it losing it's head.

I feel the blood coming out of the slice the speed goblin got on me, I look at the wound but if this situation happens in the future I won't have the right to simply stop fighting so I continue to the next wave.

The next one is a strength one as it's muscles where more defined and this one I can deal with, attacking without hesitation he crosses his sabre with it's battle hammer testing his new found strength against it and realized he was stronger then it by a clear amount as he pushes it back in his first strike and a small crack appears in both the handle of the hammer but also my own sabre.

Well the amounts of dents on it along with it's sharpness meant I had to replace it soon though I had hoped to wait a bit more, though the most expensive sword I can buy is only a 100 coins but I had wanted to buy a more expensive translation book for dwarven language that cost 1,500 coins now I will be set back 100 coins.

Sighing I go once more and instead of crossing the weapons I use my higher endurance by taking a strike to my left arm while I slice it's chest, I feel my bone snap at the force used but the slice is large and the goblin collapses quickly.

A broken arm along with a slash in my abdomen I will try and make it to the tenth level but I doubt I will survive the next match with my current state, the next wave is a wave of a mage along with a speed one this will be troublesome as the mage is simple by itself but a hidden danger with another around to help it.

I ignore the speed one except to keep track of it's location and immediately attack the mage who seeing me coming at it shoots a small ice sickle while the speed one attacks me from behind causing me to throw myself to the left to avoid both and immediately go back to attacking the mage but the speed one attacks from behind making me have to block it and preventing my forward actions.

I hold my spot as it comes again and this time I cut it on the arm but fail to do any substantial damage, but it jumps back in fear allowing me to return to my attack on the mage goblin but just as I approach it another fireball comes along with the speed goblin singeing my arm and I block the speed one with my prosthetic leg.

A crack is heard as my prosthetic leg splits, although I can use it to stand running on it is no longer viable.

Looks like I need to stop here as being unable to move is simply a certain death in a fight so I jump on my one good leg backwards, exiting the circle on the 9th wave so close to my goal feels wrong but fighting a certain loss means getting accustomed to throwing myself into certain death situations and that is something I can't gain a habit for.

Sitting down I look at my coins that are enough to buy the basic dwarven language translation book, although he can probably find a skill book for languages on further floors that requires leaving the tutorial and putting himself at risk due to him being a male purifier.

So he looks at the needed 2000 coins for one of the most common languages in the tower along with the other books written in dwarven and found nearly 100 varying books written in dwarven just based off the look to the language. It is clear that only the most basic things have been translated into the individual languages we humans use but for others many books are open for usage from the start and without the need to learn a new language, it is clear the towers opinion on humans is the lowest grade, essentially we are the bottom of the totem pole just barely above monsters.

I begin my practice of going through the waves barely making it to the tenth wave by the time my first year within the tower roles around and still having not yet been able to merge my energy in my mind.

All attempts at the merging have led to my death but I refuse to give up I have as many lives as I need to succeed here unlike most so trying until I succeed is only right, I have also finally bought the dwarven translation book and am slowly going through it to learn at last the most basic greetings and words so when I can afford the cheapest dwarven book the translation won't be too slow.

Of course it will take quiet a bit of time seeing as the cheapest one is 1000 just like the cultivation book, although now with the dwarven book in front of me I have realized their is far more books in it then I originally thought nearly 2000 of them.

Looking at my status I feel pride as although I have not advanced past the beginning stage in my cultivation I have 100 mana, though after reaching it I haven't been able to increase it through my original method any more causing my focus to shift from that to fully focusing on the physical aspects like a fighting style and using my body and mana properly.

I discovered that my mana can increase my stats to a small degree when using along with increasing my healing and response time.










-your mana type is purifying, beginning tainted energy resistance, beginning energy detection, beginning energy manipulation


Although when the physical aspects hit ten they drastically slowed down in growth he had learned how to use his lack of a leg in advantage as a shield along with using only one leg when moving when the prosthetic is broke so as not to be hindered by it in the future.


By the years end he had increased all his stats even the one that had been stagnant without an actual increase in any of them, meaning that the stats shown are only stats they are able to properly use not the necessarily stats they actually have so he continued to push his capability to see how much he can do without an actual advancement and one stat appears the max as these past two weeks he has not increased in anything except for intelligence.


Now with his first year passed in the tower several dings are heard, the first time since he finished his task.


-Congratulations you have been inside the tower for a year straight you have gained the title {tower camper}

- You have spent a whole year on the tutorial floor and have achieved the max potential for a non cultivator, you have gained the title {Veteran newbie}

-You have spent more then 1000 coins in the tutorial you have gained the title {Beginning big spender}

-You have gone through 10 waves in the tutorial you have gained the title {Starting hunter}


He gained several titles but had no idea what the use for them even was so felt little interest in them, or that was the case until he went to the store and saw what was available had nearly quadrupled right after the announcement meaning the amount of things he can buy isn't just based off his floor but also his titles.


Not only that but the tower history book he had bought finally unlocked the second floor section making it so he can look at it and see if it had a time dilation.


'Floor 2- This floor has a time dilation of 99.9% of the outside world and so will barely be slower then outside it is also on this floor where things get harsher as food and water must be either found or bought but after the first floor the price for everything returns to it's normal price instead of the tower pricing given for newbies. The normal cultivation book on this floor would cost 10,000 versus the 1000 on the first floor and one is expected to be on the verge of merging at the least before coming up to the second floor or certain death only awaits them, this is floor with the most drastic increase in death count as it goes from one in a million on the first floor to one in ten for brand new worlds not prepared for the drastic change. The task on this floor is to kill a goblin group but no goblins on this floor are normal goblins making it so they are forced to face off against the evolved goblins. This is the newbies true first taste of the tower.'


The time dilation was essentially nothing and the difficulty jumps to the point that if one rushes to the floor without thought after finishing the first floor they will forever be left behind by those who stopped and stabilized themselves, not only that but the statement at the end indicated this is the normal way of the tower so from this point on it will be the highest difficulty possible.


I know that the time dilation returns but is useless compared to the dilation in the tutorial, add on all floors beside this one has death means that this is the only floor you can't die on means this is the optimal floor for training even if the environment is empty of energy it still meant it was safer and quicker to grow here then going to the other floors.


I will stay on this floor until I can hide my mana type and will no longer have to worry on being enslaved, I have all the time in the world to do so for now.