
Chapter 3

Working to a thousand while slowly building up his body will be hard and if he keeps up his current pace done in around 60 days if he kills 20 creatures a day but he intends to instead focus on learning how to actually fight and that needs more finesse increasing it from 60 days to around 100 if he can kill 10 a day excluding the current amount he has as that amount will probably be spent on food alone through this time period.

Sighing he looks at the black prosthetic the tower let him keep that looked exactly like when he entered the tower despite having been hit and scratched in fights, probably the towers way of helping those like him.

Entering the circle he contemplated how he would attack and decided for quick and accurate as although not built for it if he had some type of special energy he may be able to use such style with this type of weapon with the right training.

Firstly the creatures had human shape and a child like size so fast and agile while still having a decent strength due to their well honed muscles.

But just like humans their flaws and problems are also clear, they can be easily killed by bashing them and appeared to also lack mana making it an even playing field for humans and them also lacking intelligence means most humans can easily predict their movements and deal with them once they are used to them.

He had no doubt most would just continue on even after reading the tower history book as the skill tomes would allow one to learn things quickly like a skill book in a game most likely, although he didn't do things like that doesn't mean he doesn't know some of the concepts.

He always felt that learning can only truly be done from the ground up and experience nothing could replace those.

So in his eyes the extra time was worth more then the skill tomes could ever match up to even if he had to learn it all through books and trial and error.

Striking at the things neck it dodges and he feels claws dig in snapping him out of his contemplation.

He jumps back and puts the sword in front of him as a block against the next swipe from the monster he now knows as a goblin from the tower history book.

He had spent his kid day rest time when eating to read all the way through the book the past 50 days while slowly working out his body everyday slowly building his physical attributes up to 2, excluding agility and speed, and his mana increased by 5.

He looked through all the books in the store but most where not in English making it so he couldn't read them, but there is many translator books where one can learn the language if they want but most languages probably have a skill book so he doubted it was used.

The only attribute he had no clue on increasing was intelligence and he was sure he needed to increase his current knowledge to increase it if he is right.

Laying on the ground he looks at his updated status.









-your mana type is purifying

-beginning tainted energy resistance

He had slowly increased his stats during his practice but still he couldn't read the second floor page making him wonder just how different it means to be able to cultivate versus what he is doing.

Slowly his coins build and finally he finally hits his goal on the 101st day inside the tower, his body has hardly changed despite the time he has spent with no hygiene or change but he didn't smell and he looked more muscled but besides that no massive changes has truly occurred.

He knew the time difference but he didn't realize that he would age like his home world time instead of the tower time, this time dilation has far greater worth then even he could guess but not mentioned in the books proving experimenting was needed to know the full truth.

Looking at the cultivation book he intends to buy he looks through all the other books but none where things he could read, buying the book he opens to the first page to see how most grow.


'Cultivation is the art of absorbing the energy of the universe and merging it with the natural one all creatures have because of this each person has an innate talent and skills unique to them even those similar to them could never achieve, this is the energy we know as mana. Depending on ones innate alignment depends on what type of cultivation and fighting style one should take. For all alignments being in a place surrounded by your alignment is the most perfect place to cultivate even if there is less energy there then other places you will still cultivate ten times faster, so for early cultivators make sure it is the right environment for you with as little of other elements as possible. Another thing to know is most elements have both immunity to their element to the same extent of their cultivation and certain resistance to the opposing element such as fire and water or electricity and earth. In order to cultivate one must learn to sense the energy around them and slowly absorb it in small amounts before bringing yourself back to balance with the internal end external energy. Next you form a core in the place that best represents your element for fire it is the heart, earth the liver, so on and forth look to pages 100-150 for whole list. after forming the core where it best suits you then you expand it until it no longer can before shrinking it to as much as possible the more compressed the more potential for it in the future. Repeat this step until you can no longer compress then you will begin body and energy merging where you slowly merge the energy with the organ it is in, this step is different for each person so no further explanations will be given as it may interfere in your future potential. Find a more advanced book for what to do once this step is complete.'


I go to the pages for alignment and find purifying for it's description and advice.


'Purifying alignment- The most crucial alignment possible and unfortunately the most lacking in interesting things as all it is useful for is dealing with tainted energy in items with little alternative options, most those with this alignments become priests of the tower and healers as that is all they are useful for as although more resistant to tainting they can still be affected so this means others with shields are needed to deal with overly tainted lands instead of them. Add on their innately physically weaker bodies due to their energy and lack of any means of attack with energy and they are like water needed but interferes in many things. This alignment is best done in the uterus as it is the place for giving life and so best represents something untainted and if ever with child they will be born with incredible talent due to no taint reaching them in the womb. What about for a man? Well there is luck as although no good spot on the man is currently known we do know what not to do. Do not put it at the heart as it is seen as tainted already, not in the reproductive organs for the same reason, the most often viable place is in the bone marrow but the ability for those like this are often weaker and only do small things with their energy. Male purifiers have attempted to put it in their brain but proved incompatible leaving them brain dead, it is believe due to the conflict with ones mind and the outside energy causes this effect. Male purifiers are only .0000001 of all purifiers making them both extremely rare commodities that are often caught and sold on the black market of certain planets for collection.'


He was right to not go to the first floor, if he had he would have shown his alignment and been enslaved with no way to fight back, but a thing became interesting to him is the one with the brain as he didn't absorb the worlds energy but rather tainted energy.


With this he may be able to put his energy in his brain but it would be a risk but if he did it in the arena then he could do it with no chance of death or permanent injury, all he needs is a way to trap a goblin for a bit.