
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · Fantasy
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98 Chs


Linfel began to circulate his Yellow Magic Energy as fast as he could, dragging it all out from his core. The density of the Magic Energy increased in a second, causing the surrounding air to tremble. The strong Yellow Color, a sign of a High-Grade Familiar, became even more apparent. 

'Alvin told me to not show his Red Magic Energy, but there was no problem if I used the absolute limit of what Yellow Magic Energy could do, right? Otherwise, I don't think I can take it down...' Linfel thought for a moment.

The worker opened his eyes wide, impressed with Linfel's display. 'So-So much Magic Energy... I wonder how much did it cost to make.' 

Alvin and Felia weren't feeling as impressed. They were helpless instead. 'That idiot!'

Finally, Linfel shot a blast of pure Yellow Magic Energy forward.


The Diagram Magic Wall immediately bent backwards, its many circuitry had been created to hold back the power of a High-Grade Familiar, but Linfel's Yellow Magic Definitely surpassed such a thing even if the color was the same. 

What no one expected was that Linfel's Magic Energy, even if it is just Yellow, was still the cleanest you could possibly find in this world. That alone increased the power of his attack far beyond Familiars at the same level. 

*Crack, crack, crack...*


Finally, the target wall couldn't hold that power anymore. It broke into countless pecs of light as Linfel's blast of Magic Energy went forward, hitting the protection barrier. The room trembled as the energy dissipated. It was a good thing that barrier was always set to hold the power of at least a Level Three Attack. Otherwise, the back of the building would have been destroyed together with the wall target.

Linfel looked at that and sighed in relief. He then turned in Alvin's direction. "There you go, Alvin. I took it down, just like you asked."

"Your ass! Who the hell asked you to take it down?!" Alvin wanted to cry. "I wanted you to hold back, HOLD BACK!"

"Eh?" Linfel was puzzled. "Then why didn't you say so? Your communication skills are truly lacking, you know?"

Alvin's mouth twitched as a vein popped in his head. The wisp was telling him he lacked communication skills... THE WISP said that! "Fuck it! Since it's done, it is done; let's check the results and see what happens."

-Magic Power Score: 00-

"Z-Zero?" Everyone looked at that, not believing what they were saying. "How come it is zero?"

The worker knew the reason, though. It wasn't that Linfel's Magic Score was zero, nor was it a problem with the test. It's just that the equipment couldn't evaluate Linfel's Magic Power at the Yellow Level. 'Sure enough, just like those three...' His mind then went to the past few years. Linfel wasn't the first one to take the Diagram Magic Wall down. There were others before him, and their result turned out to be zero as well.

Naturally, the equipment displayed the overall score after it was done.

-Average Magic Score: 57-

Linfel and the others looked at the guy applying the test, confused. "This is wrong, right?"

The worker nodded. "It is, but there is no need to retake the test. This is just to test whether the Familiar has the capability to become independent, and for that, you only need a score of 50 or higher. We can retake the test if you want, but it will cost you Academy Credits."

Alvin and Felia were ecstatic! "No, no, no! This is perfect! There is absolutely, absoluuuuuuuuuutely no need to take it again!" That result would be made public on Linfel's ID, so 57 was definitely a great number.

Linfel didn't really mind, either. "I got what I came for, so I guess this is fine too."

Still, Romario felt things weren't right. "S-Sir... Is it really fine? I mean, that kind of power..."

Julia agreed with him, and so did her Familiar. "Yes, that was just amazing! You should take it again and show Linfel's real power."

However, Alvin and Felia quickly stopped them. "No, no, no! We truly don't wish to take the test again. Believe us, this is perfect!"

"But..." Romario didn't understand. "If you showed his real score, he would have many more opportunities in the future. Are you sure this is enough?"

"Yes!" Alvin and Felia nodded. "If necessary, we can take the test again another time. For now, it is good this way. Let's just say it would be better for Linfel to keep a low profile."

Julia and Romario, as well as their Familiars, looked at Linfel. "Are you sure this guy can keep a low profile?"

Linfel patted his chest. "Obviously! Why wouldn't I? I'm as inconspicuous as a Familiar can be." He truly believed that.

Alvin and Felia really couldn't tell where Linfel's confidence came from.

Satisfied with the score, Alvin and Linfel turned to the guy responsible for the test behind the monitors. "Sir, is this all? We can truly keep this 57 score, right?"

"Yes." The man quickly confirmed. "Now, you can leave. The Familiar Testing Area will close for the day."

Alvin and the others didn't delay and left the room. Of course, Linfel and Danil went to another counter where their results had already been computed. Another attendant was there, showing two IDs on a screen in front of Linfel and Danil. "You two can inject your Magic Energy into the Receptor. It will conclude the independence test."

It was the same as the previous equipment Linfel saw Alvin using. There was a small transparent sphere by the monitor with many diagrams inside. Linfel and Danil injected their Magic Energy inside, and the equipment saved their Magic Energy Signatures. Soon, a new section was added to their IDs saying 'Independent.'

Back in the room where Linfel took his test, the worker entered the area of the test and checked the condition of the diagrams on the ground. Only then did he see that several of the Diagram Runes were overflowing with magic energy, having difficulty to dissipate it even now. 'Our academy has truly been quite luck with Familiars in recent years,' he thought with a smile. Right after, he took out his MCOM and sent a message to an unknown number before putting it away.

Low profile, guys! Must keep a low profile!

Anyway, don't forget to leave a few Stones for the wisp. ;)

MyCatFelixcreators' thoughts