
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 54: That's A Surprise

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 54: That's A Surprise

Days?: Good Or Bad Part 4

(Atlas: Atlas City: Unknown Street)

(Pyrrha's POV)

I didn't know what causes Penny to screech, but my instincts scream at me to stop Penny, or a sister clone of a Penny, right away before some bad happens in the next few seconds.

So with a quick burst of speed, with a small usage of aura enhance my speed. I decrease the distance between Penny and me, where I decided that it's time to take things seriously or else someone among us will end up either cripple or dead.

Forget holding back just because Penny is a friend of Ruby. I have this feeling that just because of the friendship between these two will allow either party come out of this battle without any injury.

A spin to the right, with a straight thrust of my [Milo: Javelin] and pull the trigger to fire off my weapon and appear right in front of Penny's chest a few seconds, but was sent right back at me by something invisible to the naked eye.

"Come on everyone! Pyrrha need us!" Nora shouted to everyone, as she was the first one to follow me into battle. Where some of us are rushing over to help as well.

'I would have hoped for Weiss to help out, but she not in good condition.' I frown at Weiss couching down to hold her head while trying to heal her ears from the damage Penny caused.

Raising my [Shield] in front of me as I continue to charge at Penny while using my semblance to bring [Milo] back to my right hand right away, then quickly switch to [Milo: Xiphos] and begin to exchange blows with Penny.

Following my instinct, I back off right away when things got even more dangerous as the ground beneath me. Begin to crack and steams coming out, with the heat from the steams almost burning me if I was a bit late from moving away from Penny.

Switching my [Milo] from [Xiphos Form] to [Rifle Form] and firing at Penny, then roll to my left and resume firing in a crouch position with my [Shield] in front me.

Seeing how none of my [Wind Dust Rounds] are doing anything to Penny. I change my approach once more. Ejecting the magazine and replace it with [Lightning Dust Rounds].

With a quick burst of fires; Penny finally moves from her spot as [Lightning Bullets] almost hitting her.

Even if Penny has an aura, but the one before me, shouldn't be the original and just a bastardized version of the original Penny and the way I keep on attacking so far. Show this Penny doesn't have an aura to block all my attacks, with the way there are multiple scratches on Penny's body and ripped clothes from the amount times I tried to cut her down by not going for the vital areas.

I should have known when this Penny shows up before us, with dull eyes and a fixed smile on her face. This should be the first clue, but I was blind to see it. Then again, Ruby shouting in an excited voice pretty much led to almost everyone lowering their guards at this.

Ejecting my magazine once more upon emptying it; however, before I could replace [Milo] with another magazine of [Lightning Dust Rounds]. Penny swipes her left hand in the air in front of her and in the direction of aiming at me.

Not wanting to see if I could block this attack from Penny or not. I use another aura enhance to get out of there and regroup with the others. And it was a good thing, as the spot I was at a moment ago was sliced into pieces. Which I just remember Penny also use wires as her weapons.

With a war cry from Nora, she jumps up high and brings down her [War Hammer] on Penny, who crossed her arms together above her head to block Nora's powerful attack.

"LADYBUG!" Ruby shouted to her team, with Blake and her rushing in to attack Penny. As she knew this Penny wasn't the same person/android she met back at Vale.

Deep footprints formed under Penny as she blocked Nora's attack and grab Nora's weapon, then swing her right into both Ruby and Blake before they could begin their team attack.

Not pausing for a moment, where Penny continues to hold onto Nora's weapon, even when Nora still have her grip on it and start spinning around until the speed was high enough for Penny to let go, causing Nora to fly into a building due to the momentum build up from the speed Penny spun. Therefore, seeing Nora going through a few buildings wasn't a surprise.

Yang comes right in with a left uppercut to Penny's face, but was easily evaded by a quick flick of Penny's right hand to bind Yang's left arm with her wires.

Before Penny could try to cut Yang's left arm to pieces by tightening her wires around it. Penny's wires were cut by Jaune's [Longsword], which was pretty lucky on Jaune's part when Penny mainly focused on everyone else besides him.

Not wasting this chance; Yang attack with multiple fast jabs at Penny, which are easily avoided, causing Yang's eyes to turn red with frustration due from lack of any of her attacks managing to hit Penny at all.

Suddenly, Penny point at Yang with her right index finger and Yang let out a cry of pain, as her left thigh begins to bleed from a small hole appears on Yang's left thigh. Making it look like a powerful [Pistol] shot her in the leg at blank range.

A black [Glyphs] appear under Yang and pull him away from Penny, where Weiss is standing next to Ren, who is was also hurt by Penny's screeches from a few minutes ago and finally could hear again after his aura healed him.

(Atlas: Atlas City: Unknown Street: Unknown Random Building: Rooftop)

(Emna's POV)

As I watch the battle going down below; I can't tell why [Nyarlathotep] doing this. I know for sure this Penny would have been destroyed by Pyrrha long ago. After all, Pyrrha told me a few days back at Vale, that pretty much almost everyone attending at Beacon Academy wasn't strong enough to survive against one of her full strength strikes.

So seeing this Penny still taking on everyone, with Pyrrha and Weiss working together, should be the work of [Nyarlathotep], causing this Penny to be stronger than she should be possible.

I check up on the remaining minutes left for [Nyarlathotep] possessing my body. Much to my disappointment; there are 18 minutes left and only 2 minutes went by. Even though this isn't the first time I got my body controlled by someone else, but the difference between [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] and [Nyarlathotep] are like heaven and earth.

If it weren't for [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] and [Nyarlathotep] being the first one to control my body, then I would be freaking out like crazy by now and would even try to piss off the Outer God, that could easily erase my very soul like nothing.

So the only thing I could do now is hope for the others to not get killed by the enhanced Penny and [Nyarlathotep] not to join in for the fun. By taking on the others after Penny is defeated/destroyed/kill? Because [Nyarlathotep] having my body is just asking for a slaughter to happen.

I pause for a moment, 'Actually...a slaughter did happen, just a few minutes ago.' I started to think maybe I should save up more [System Points] to purchase something from the [Extra Feature] to help me seal away [Nyarlathotep] later.

Reviewing that little memory of mine; I just realize that [Nyarlathotep] literally placed a red target on my back from transforming my body's appearance in plain sight and in front of the Atlas' military of all people. Now, I could be sure there will be countless of new problems arising in the background from this one little incident alone.

Rechecking the time on [Persona System] and 10 minutes are left, which mean I literally wasted 8 minutes; doing an inner monologue instead of planning a way to stop [Nyarlathotep] from slaughtering the others. Well, I don't mind other besides Pyrrha and Weiss. But, seeing how those girls like their new friends. I've to try, I guess.

Trying and be succeeding in it are two different things. I would try to help out, but since an Outer God is currently using my body. I got nothing, but my own free mind to use at the moment.

So far, Pyrrha and others are doing well, and I was too quick to judge. As Jaune and Ren are taken down by Penny, who throw both of them like a rag doll and through two buildings.

I'm pretty sure both Jaune and Ren are in critical conditions. So, they're going to need medical treatment soon or they may die today. If they have a silver bit of aura, then just maybe their life could be saved by the time this whole thing is over.

I could tell the others are angry at this; well, most of them are, with some of them are too busy stopping Penny from finishing off both Jaune and Ren when they're out cold and defenseless.

And I'm getting off topic once again with my inner monologue, where I should be focusing on how to speed up the time before [Nyarlathotep] tries to do something dangerous than the Outer God already did upon possessing my body.

That gave me a pause since I've no clue if there other cases of people being possessed by other people's soul. If so, I've to pick up my pace in training even more than it already is. Which already passes the borderline of life and death, and that's pretty bad when I'm risking my life for years now. Instead of spending my life with Pyrrha and others on something fun rather than trying to be a perfect killer. Which isn't that further from the truth now that I think about.

"Oh, this is interesting." [Nyarlathotep] said with a hint of excitement, then blur from the area and appear on another Rooftop, which happens to have someone there before [Nyarlathotep] show up.

That someone happens to be Raven herself, who was watching the others fighting against the enhanced Penny, then went stiff due to the heavy presence place on her entire body, causing her unable to move a single muscle.

Before Raven could even say anything; [Nyarlathotep] appears behind Raven instantly and gently place my right-hand on top of Raven's head for a single whole second before Raven fall to the ground out cold.

'A single second and just a pat on the head had been all it took for an Outer God to knock Raven fucking Branwen unconscious like nothing. The difference is so huge that it's no joke.' I begin to think that no matter how much training and [Upgrade/Fusion] of my [Skill/Magic] would give me the advantage to face an Outer God like [Nyarlathotep].

Hell, if this [Nyarlathotep] was just the one from Persona series, then I've a good chance to beat the Outer God, if I'm given enough time to train and arm myself to the teeth. But, seeing how this [Nyarlathotep] isn't the same; well, I know for sure my death won't be painless, that's for sure.

Seeing how [Nyarlathotep] just took out Raven. I wonder what the Outer God will do to her. Will they keep Raven alive or not? Either way, after Raven tries to backstab me back at Vale, along with countless times in the past. I no longer held any mercy for the like of her and will gladly be the one to finish her off if I get the chance to.

2 minutes went by and [Nyarlathotep] to blankly stare at Raven this whole time. Making me wonder if [Nyarlathotep] is interested in the Four Maidens since by the time the Outer God took over my body. Not once had they lay their eyes off of Pyrrha, and now with Raven of all people. The only thing that common between the two are being the hosts of the Four Maidens.

Now, I'm beginning to worry about Pyrrha's safety even more if [Nyarlathotep] decide now the time to get interesting in the Four Maidens. I did a quick check on the leftover time and find only 2 minutes are left, but that didn't make things better for me. Instead, it's worse for me. As those last 2 minutes, where [Nyarlathotep] could do anything they want.

A few seconds was all it took for [Nyarlathotep] to slaughter an army without any problem. To the point of causing the area to form a thick bloody mist for who knows how long before it goes away.

Sensing my hostile stare; [Nyarlathotep] let out a chuckle and return back an amusing stare at me.

"You don't have to worry about me, causing any harm to your little sister. As she and your presence alone are already causing the world to fall to its destruction." [Nyarlathotep] didn't even look back at Raven and disappear in a burst of speed once more.

(Atlas: Atlas City: Unknown Street)

This time [Nyarlathotep] appears in the middle of the battle between the others and Penny. Where [Nyarlathotep] crushes Penny's head with my right hand like nothing. Right in front of everyone, which causes a few reactions among them.

"Where the hell did he come from?!" Yang shouted in shock and horror at the brutal murder and in the background of Ruby shouting at Yang to put Lien in the swear jar.

'I knew it!' I shouted in my mind since I can't shout these words out for some reason or I just don't have my physical body to speak out loud. Nonetheless, I'm dreading what [Nyarlathotep] planning to do in the remaining time of possessing my body.

"Em?" Pyrrha called out in a worried tone, but with a hint of hostile in her voice as she already experiences facing one of my [Persona] controlling my body before, but not with the current appearance of my body right now. Others she has already seen, but this one just screams at her to run away from a being that could crush her like a little bug.

The response Pyrrha got was [Nyarlathotep] drawing out my [Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom] from its holster, and with a sadist smile, fire off the first shot at Pyrrha, who fired off her own shot.

If Pyrrha had to either parry or block this shot, then either her [Milo] or [Akouo] would be covered in ice spikes. Also, evading would have led the [Ice Dust Bullet] to hit the others due to how fast [Nyarlathotep] quick draw and fire before anyone but Pyrrha and Ruby could react.

With Pyrrha already trained under fast pace [Gun] battle and Ruby has her semblance, which allows her to train herself to see things at high speed. Others not so much, so that's been a close call for them.

Out of nowhere; an invisible attack blasted Yang's back and send her crashing into one of the many buildings around us. Another invisible attack came right after the first one, with Nora being the next one to be launched into a building near Yang.

Leaving only Pyrrha, Weiss, Ruby, and Blake still standing while I continue to wonder where the hell is Izaya, because he should be here by now. Along with Shigure, who is currently rushing here as fast as possible and it shouldn't take her over 10 minutes to get here.

This means that Shigure got caught in another battle on the way, where she couldn't go around the enemies as they could be blocking her path towards here this whole time.

If Shigure or Izaya was here, then the chance to survive would rise by 70% or 50%, 90% for both together, with Shigure being able to continue to keep her high speed going for rapid quick turns to keep the Outer God's attention solely onto her while trying to last long until I regain back my body.

Izaya would have some trouble, even with the others here helping him and only four left is just pushing it. And he would die by just a casual attack by [Nyarlathotep].

If both were here, then things would be great, but seeing how neither are here. The situation is pretty bad right now.

Now, that it's just these four girls, with only Ruby lacking experience in fighting someone strong like [Nyarlathotep], then again, all these girls never fought an Outer God ever in their entire life up to the present.

Another invisible attack coming right after the second one, with the target being Blake, who uses her semblance to take the brute force of the attack and showing everyone what caused the attacks, that took out two of their heavy hitter.

Turn out it was massively compressed [Wind] that is visible enough for everyone to see with the naked eye, but disappear instantly upon losing a target. Furthermore, even after disappearing. Everyone could feel the [Wind] covering their bodies from where they are.

Realizing this is a dangerous feeling; all of them move away from where they're standing, with only Weiss being a few seconds slower as her semblance wasn't fast enough to pull her away from getting blasted away by [Nyarlathotep]'s [Wind] attacks.

Sadly, Weiss didn't make it on time and was blasted into the sky instead of crashing into one of the buildings like the others. Of course, Weiss could use her semblance to make a safe landing. However, Weiss hasn't started falling yet and continue to ascend to the sky by the seconds.

Furthermore, Weiss couldn't get a good timing to use her semblance as each time she creates a [Glyphs]; she would literally break through them as her speed pick up. Making it harder for her to even move a finger.

Upon this sight; I reacted on reflex and forgot I don't have any control over my body at the moment and cast my [Wind Magic] to dispel the currents lifting Weiss to the sky, then cast [Gravity Magic] to give Weiss the ability to move her body again.

Allowing Weiss to quickly use her semblance to get to safety before [Nyarlathotep] could blast her out of Remnant.

I blink and [Nyarlathotep] blink as well, and stood there for a while. As both of us just realize I could still use my [Magic] and easily counter [Nyarlathotep]'s [Wind].

30 seconds flicker to my mind as a reminder from [Persona System]; not bother to question why I can still use my [Magic] and blast [Nyarlathotep] with a [Wind Magic: Wind Tunnel]. Sending the Outer God crashing through multiple buildings, dragging me along due to the anchor of my soul to my physical body, until [Nyarlathotep] stops himself with his own method to control the [Wind].

Not bother to save up on aura, since I have no clue if I'll be able to stop [Nyarlathoteo] when they take this seriously. Next, [Ice Magic], to stop [Nyarlathotep] in place for my fellow move of casting all the [Debuff Magic] I purchased over the years. Which lower [Nyarlathotep]'s attack, defense, [Hit/Evasion Rate], nullifies stats bonuses, and [Ice Resistance] in the following order.


The host's body is released from [Nyarlathotep]'s control and the host will return back to the body in 3 seconds.

I blink at this and pale instantly if I wasn't in my body yet, which I will be soon. As I felt my sight change after that 3 seconds, where I was looking at my body and now I'm blankly staring at the [Ice] trapping me.


[Nyarlathotep] shall return to sleep in 10 seconds.

I could tell [Nyarlathotep] was not happy upon losing control over my body, where I could tell my changed appearance returned back to the previous form. Then, [Nyarlathotep] begin to laugh at me after realizing what kind of situation I'm currently in.

[Nyarlathotep] continue to laugh until the whole 10 seconds are over, where the Outer God fall asleep.

I scowl if I could, but I can't even make a twitch of a muscle. Along with having all this [Debuff]'s effects applied to me. I would have to say, that I know how the other end of getting hit by my [Debuff Magic] felt like. No wonder the others hated me for using [Debuff Magic] sometime during training.

I feel very weak and numb, very numb. Not wanting to waste any more time. I summon [Yatagarasu] without any medium to summon it, which I finally manage to do so after years of practices. But, with a major headache and massive drop in my aura reserve in return for this method of summoning.

Once [Yatagarasu] is summoned, I got [Yatagarasu] to cast [Dekunda] on me.


Active Effect: Negate all debuff effects on multiple targets.

Type: Active

Target: Multiple

Rank: Tier 10

Cost: Half the [Cost] that required to summon [Yatagarasu] and require [Yatagarasu] to be summoned in order to activate, and [D]: 1% per target

The effect was instant and I quickly switch back to [Accelerator] to teleport myself to the others while at the same time made a quick purchase to restore my aura reserve back to full.

Where I use [Ecological Derivation System: 2D Map], for [Accelerator] to lock on the others' location before teleporting me over there. Thanks to gaining [Grandmaster Detection Mastery] and my very first [Grandmaster Rank Skill] too. The [Ecological Derivation System] took effect instantly instead of a few seconds waiting for the result.

I end up teleporting right next to Weiss, who was shocked to see me next to her falling down from the sky. Right before Weiss could comment on this; I grab her by the waist and let [Accelerator] teleport me once more and without the need of using [Ecological Derivation System] this time since everything is in [Accelerator]'s radar.

Lucky, Weiss and I are back on the ground. Unlucky, I land on my back and Weiss on top of me, which she let out a shriek and jump off me.

"AH! COLD!" Weiss cried out as she hugs herself while shivering. Then, look at me with widening eyes of surprise and notice a layer of frost covering some part of my body.

"Yes. I know it's cold." I said to Weiss in a dull tone, causing Weiss to feel a little silly for shouting that out when she knows that I'm very cold at the moment and how I got frost someplace on my body. As there is a giant ice spike in the west, which I made it disappear right away before things get bad.

Not like it didn't already, with a dozen or so buildings collapse from the battle of Penny, then with [Nyarlathotep] for just a less than 2 minutes.

"Now if you excuse me. I'm going to pass out now. Do please try not to die without my help. Also, make sure no one goes through my things." I said to Weiss, who was still surprised at my current state, even though I cast [Dekunda] on myself before coming back here, but some of these frosts are just leftover attached to my clothes. Along with the temperature, which was normal when you're trapped inside a giant ice that's very cold. Plus, [Dekunda] doesn't heal me at all.

In my honest opinion; even after regaining back control over my body. I feel very weak afterward and surprise, I could even summon [Yatagarasu] in the first place, then having [Accelerator] teleporting me, which took a good chunk of my aura reserve, but was easily taken care of.

Mentally, I'm having a major headache borderline to a migraine. This is normal for summoning a [Persona] without having used either the [Evoker] or [Tarot Cards].

Physically, I'm very cold and tired, and can't wait to pass out after willing myself to check anything new happen to the [Persona System], where nothing changes besides the amount of [System Points] I need to re-earn after the multiple time of refilling my aura reserve back up. Afterward, my vision went black and I fall asleep while hearing the faint sound of Weiss shouting for the others. With the last thought, being was where was Neo in this whole thing?

next day*

Days?: Trouble Everywhere You Go!

(Atlas: Atlas City: Unknown)

I snap my eyes open and find a blurry shape coming right down on my head, as the causes of me waking up from my sleep of recovery. Not wanting to waste time; I roll to my left while swinging my left leg towards the direction where I feel the presence of someone. Slamming the back of my heel into their stomach or back.

The sound of someone letting out a grunt and something heavy drop to the ground with a loud sound. I follow up with another kick, with my right leg as I spin myself to pick up the momentum for the extra power behind my second attack.

And slam the back of my right heel into the side of the enemy's stomach or waist, since my vision is kind of blurry at the moment, to tell the difference.

It's a good thing, that with [Persona's Control]. I could always leave it to one of my [Persona] to watch over my body while I'm not awake. Therefore, finding out how long I was out for. Was easy to know when my [Persona] or specific ones that could tell time, would tell me the moment I woke up.

Deploying [Eagle Pulse] to see who attacked me while I was still recovering from yesterday's aftermath.

Upon the feedback; the one that attacked me was someone I don't know at all by their outline shape and wonder, maybe it's someone that the others have gotten to watch over me since the blurry shape that was coming towards me was a towel.

And that's a little weird, because my instinct forces me to wake up from some kind of unknown danger.

Not like being unable to see clearly; I use aura enhance my eyes to improve my eyesight, which is one of the signs of me using my aura is my eye color turning to a ghostly blue.

Once my eyesight became clear; I realize the unknown person happens to be a nurse, which should have been a given with the [Eagle Pulse]'s result gave me the outline shape of the person.

This doesn't make me lower my guard though, instead, I raise it further as I got some bad case of doctors and nurses. Honestly, I blame it on my parents when they always send me to a hospital, with awful staffs. Then again, back then I was always getting hurt and my aura doesn't heal me back to peak condition and a result of me going to the hospital almost more than once in a single month.

Also, the price of those treatments wasn't making my parents happy with me, so getting bad doctors and/or nurses was karma. Nonetheless, I still have bad experiences with them and only Shigure, along with a selected few, are the ones I would lower my guards with. Whenever I need medical treatment.

[Joukyuu Kunitoshi] equip; I blur in high speed and throw the nurse on the ground, hard enough to know them unconscious before they could shout for help. With a quick [Eagle Vision] to check my surroundings, then pick up the towel and notice it was wet with a strong smell of something foul, that almost made puke from the smell alone.

Thinking about it; I should haven't put the towel too close to my face just because it was wet, when it could have just been dropped in [Water] or something, but had to be sure. Still doesn't make the smell any less foul though.

Shutting off the aura going through my eyes, then blink a few times before getting a good look around me. And notice I'm in some room filled with medical equipment.


The whole place was shaking, then shouts from outside along with explosions. Not bother to check on who the nurse is and if they were hired by the others or not. As I jump through one of the glass windows.

Switching back to [Accelerator], then activate [Ecological Derivation System: 3D Map] to get a good reading, but on a small scale to reduce the aura usage. A second later, [Accelerator] teleports me above a few meters above ground of where everyone is.

(Atlas: Atlas City: South District: Unknown Apartment Building: Outside Area)

Looking outside; I was inside an Apartment Building and figure out the others decided to head in the opposite direction of Weiss' place to stay for the rest of the night, which was the South District. As the Central District is where Weiss' place is at.

"Well, shit." I thought out loud at the sight below me, where an army of [Paladins] coming from all directions are rushing in, with the others facing them. Hell, even Neo is visible out in the open a little further away, taking on those [Paladins] with the help of Shigure to back her up. While Izaya helping team RWBY and JNPR out.

Well, Nora and Pyrrha, since Jaune and Ren were back in the previous room I was in, covered in [Bandages] and are asleep. Of course, I would wonder how they're still asleep with all the loud noises.