
Book 1: Fire

Blood. Death. Destruction. All of humanity dying. Marquis has been having these vivid dreams for the past month. What could it all mean? And why does he keep seeing the same haunting pair of blue eyes permeate his dreams?

Emmanuel1000 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter One

Every supernatural creature in the world felt it, how could they not? The moment `Alexander Volkov left the world, a massive wave of energy emanated from him, rising into the night sky. Onlookers called it an apparition as the spires of light spread, cracking the surface of the atmosphere like shards of shattered glass. But the supernatural creatures- those versed in the area of magic knew what was happening.

Energy could neither be created nor destroyed. It could only be transferred from one form to another.

"The Chosen One is dead."

These words amongst others were spoken in many covens. Some were in a state of undulating shock, worry darkening their features as the future seemed bleak. Some coven that held disdain for him jubilated at his demise as any blow on The Order was a joy for them.

A man well-managed into his early forties nodded at the news, the light streaming from the open window a telltale sign that Alex had perished. His aristocratic features settled into that of a neutral expression, the cold wind ruffling his auburn hair.

He turned towards the young girl who was waiting so patiently. By the Gods, she was just a few years older than her...

"She'll most likely be coming here, sir. Should we-"

"No. Get the rest of the servants and go hide yourselves. Ensure that no one from the Mordeaux interrupts us."

His words were absolute, but missing the biting remark she knew him for. She bowed before him, a slight tremble on her lips.


And she was gone with the whisper of the wind. Richard sighed before standing up to his towering frame of over six-foot. His muscles pulsed as he flexed, clenching his pale fists until they were light pink.

Stepping into the empty hallways of the Knox Manor, he allowed his eyes to breeze over his surroundings like a parched soul gorging on springs of water. Portraits of his family hung on the oakwood walls, some of the wistful memory and some filled with pain.

He stretched an arm out to trace over the painted glass, turmoil brewing within. The kaleidoscope of shifting colors depicted him posing with a woman. Her beauty could still be seen even in the miniature capture of them. Richard's gaze lowered to the young girl that posed at their legs. His heart quaked for her.

The joy that she had back there. Was it all gone? Was all that was left a lifeless husk devoid of all emotion?

He didn't know the answer to any of his questions.

A sudden wind blew through the house inciting a deep chill in his bones. The electric overhead lights flickered before going out, plunging the area into darkness.

Huh. Looked like it was time.

With a wave of his hands, the hallway candles flickered on, bathing the entire area in its warmth. His heart stopped when the light washed over a hooded figure standing in front of him. They were so close that he could feel the heat emanating from them.

His mouth was dry, heart in his chest with eyes widened as they stared at him with chilling blue eyes very much like his. Years of trained instincts screamed at him to get away.

Run. Fight back. Say something.

However before he could get his bearings right, a dainty but firm hand impacted roughly with his chest drawing a grunt from him.


A massive wave of energy slammed into him with the immovable force of a barreling truck. He crashed through the wooden banisters, splinters of wood digging into his back...and he was...falling.

Richard Knox wasn't the Elder of The Mordeaux Coven for nothing and dark blue eyes flashed with power as all of reality seemed to warp around him.

He landed at the bottom on his feet, the momentum easily being negated by the potency of his magic.

He immediately stretched a hand frantically to stop the incoming wave of fire rushing over him. Searing heat spread across his face as the opal-colored flame rushed past him. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead before dropping to the floor.

When the onslaught had minimized in intensity, he let himself take in the damage. Everywhere around him was scorched to a crisp. The flames still burned brightly- so hot that he could feel the heat from where he was standing.

"It's good to see you your reflexes haven't dulled with age...father." the blonde girl sat haphazardly on the remains of the broken banister. Her legs dangled carelessly, not caring that the fall could break something.

Richard's heart lurched in palpable shock as he stared at his daughter. He had heard stories over the years of what she was up to, but he couldn't stop the quiver of his lips as he beheld her appearance.

She resembled her mother so much it hurt.


She tried to hide it, but the slight rising of her shoulders at her name and the widening of her eyes were telltale signs that she flinched. Emilie blanched, expression twisting into a cold smirk.

"Surprised you can still remember my name."

"I could never forget you."

He let the words sink into the emotionless girl's countenance and seeing no response steeled his resolve.

She was here to finish what she promised close to a decade ago.

I'll kill you one day, Father. Just wait.

Richard would never admit it, but those last words in her absence plagued his dreams and nightmares, permeated his thoughts, and kept him awake for nights on end.

Emilie let herself drop from the banister to the floor- an action that had his instincts screaming out in worry. The moment she touched the floor, the whole world went red.

The roaring of the Manor defense runes underneath her feet stopped her descent as the floor darkened to a runic red. Chains as thick as anchor links rose from the ground in the protection of its herald.

Brain, Heart, Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys. The sharp chains went through all her vital organs with a whisper of the wind. Any normal person would be writhing in pain, bleeding out like a stuck pig, but she just stared at him with that emotionless look in her eyes. Pale skin accentuated with flashes of red threatened to break a new wave of sweat on his face.

"You see father..." the long serrated blade slid into her palm from behind the long sleeve of her cloak.

"This world will burn. You and everyone within it."

Then she brought it down, the gleam of the metal arching through the air the last thing that was seen.

Then the boy woke up.