
Chapter 9

Damos's P.O.V

My body shakes as I watch the car speed off leaving a trail of dust my wolf is ready to surface but Christian calms me down. I glare at him, eyes full of fury , the image of my mate kissing another guy, makes me mad how dare she.

"I am going to kill him!" I yell at Christian who gulps.

" I am afraid it's not going to be that easy, new information about her has surfaced" Christian gulps as I stare him down

"My office now! And get Tyler " I scream and head back to the pack house.

" Roman, get my car !" I pass by my third in command he nods and shifts back into his human form.

I get to the office, and a sweet scent fills my nostrils, I know who it belongs to, she was here, I walk to my cupboard and notice that some stuff were moved around, I notice the bag, some weapons were missing, that means she's still armed.The door to my office opens and I find Christian standing in the door way .

" She was in here!" He nods and walks forward and stops in front of my desk .I stand up and face him.

"You said you have new information about her?" I see him holding a folder, he places it on my desk.

" Remember Antonio Dimera, the one who got assassinated last month?"

" Yeah the Russian Mafia king found dead in his bed, what about him and what's he got to do with anything" I ask him , he clears his throat.

" Well... Your mate is behind his murder" I look at him and laugh.

" What do you mean she's behind it ?, and besides she's a journalist" I stare at him.

" Well we were wrong , I asked around and my sources tell me she's by far the best assassin out there and think about it how is it possible that a journalist has access to state of the art weapons, I tried getting a background check but she's off the radar."

He's right , she managed to get past the pack border without getting noticed , I pace around the room.

" If she's an assassin, what is she doing here then?" Christian looks down.

" Damos, I think someone sent her to take you out." I freeze and growl but I think back to what just happened , she could have shot me except..she didn't.

" Damos, I think you need to kill her before she does." Christian quickly says this.

I growl and grab him by his throat and pin him against the wall, he struggles against my grip .

" If you value your life you will never and I mean never mention that again are we clear! He nods and I release sending him crashing down on the floor ,he gasps for air.

" If she wanted to kill me then she would have by now." I say this with a cold tone, I pace around the room again.i stop by the cupboard wait she's after something.

" Christian, she's after something." I say this while I see him rubbing his neck.

" What do you mean shes after something?" He asks confused.

" Think of it, she said shes a journalist looking for a scoop, and you said she's an assassin, shes spying for someone!"

The door creeks open and Tyler enters the room.

" Alpha you wanted to see me?" He stutters, my blood boils just looking at him.I march up to him and punch him in his face ,he stumbles back.

" I thought I told you to guard her and yet you defy my order!" I yell at him.

" I am sorry but there was an emergency I needed to deal with." He replies.

" What was so important that caused you to defy my order?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

" I thought Esme was in labour, Avery begged me to go help her " he fumbles with his hands, I know he's telling the truth. I breath out .

" I should kill you but I will spare your life, but tell me who was with my mate ?" I ask him , he looks up and faces Christian

" Ad.. Adrian told me she would look after her just until I returned." He faces away from Christian as he says this.

" Adrian of course, tell her I want to see her right now!" I growl at Tyler but he looks down.

" Adrian...she's unconscious, I think the luna injected her with a drug." Christian growls at him and he steps back.

" I took her to the pack doctor after I found her body on the couch" Tyler trembles as he says this.

Christian glares at me " Damos what more do you need to understand that shes dangerous and as for you make sure that Adrian stays far away from her!" Christian storms out of the room leaving me and Tyler.

I sigh, "prepare the cell and bring the tools with." Tyler nods and heads out.

I head to my bedroom, her scent is strong , I try to open one of the doors but they are locked, I kick the door open , I walk inside and notice a Loui Vuitton suitcase at the edge of the bed. I walk to the bathroom and knock .

" Get out of there right now!" I yell but she doesn't reply

" Bonnie I swear if you don't get out of there I will drag you out!" Still no answer ,I am about to kick the door when the lock turns open. She opens the door and faces me.

I grab her by her arm and bring her closer to my face.

" Who are you and who sent you?" She blinks and looks away from me.


Bonnie's POV

Damos is back, I hear a loud crash that makes me wince, I stare at the mirror, my make up was still intact,I close my eyes and control my breathing when I hear a loud banging knock on the bathroom door, I don't move instead I keep my eyes closed Damos threatens to drag me out, I roll my eyes and open the door, he grabs my arm and pulls me closer to his face. He asks me who I am and who I work for, I turn away from him ,realising he knows.

He forces me to look at him, I smirk and laugh,he pulls me by my hair , I scream my scalp was on fire.

" I said who are you and who do you work for!" He shoves me to the ground , I glare at him and smile,he crouches down in front of me.

" I told you I am a journalist and.." he slaps me across my face, I see red, shit he's asking for it, Damn he's lucky Luther wants him alive , I start laughing hysterically, he has no idea how much I would like to rip his spine out. He grabs me by my throat.

" Bonnie who the fuck do you work for!?"his grip is tight , I take out the dagger and stab his stomach making sure I don't reach his sensitive organs he howls . He releases me, I try standing up but he pulls me by my leg, causing me to fall but I kick him back and try to make it to the door , but Tyler blocks the door , shit I left the gun in the bathroom, Damos pulls out the knife and he's super pissed.

" Looks like I am going to have to force it out of you huh Bonnie!" He's panting hard, Tyler grabs me by my arms.

" Take her to the cell" he nods and heads out dragging me along with , I try fighting him but he's too strong, he puts me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. We arrive at the cells the smell of Urine and blood makes me gag, we enter a cell Tyler drops me on a chair , he has no emotion, he turns leaving me behind, I close my eyes and meditate then after a few moments Damos walks in shirt less. My eyes follow his every move, he goes to a table in the corner of the cell , Tyler walks back in the cell and stands behind me.

" Bonnie I don't want to hurt you but you are forcing me to!" He says this in a stern voice, I smirk at him

" Is that supposed to scare me?" I question him , he's eyes turn jet black, he looks at Tyler and Tyler nods his head. Tyler rips my dress off , I scream as I am left only with the blue matching bra and panty .

" Bonnie I am going to ask you again who are you working for?" He yells at me. I look at him and look down. Tyler picks me up ,he bends me over a steel bed and ties my hands together with a tight rope, Damos takes off his belt and rolls a small length around his knuckles.

I turn to face the front and close my eyes, suddenly he strikes me ,I feel a hot stinging pain at my bare back, I don't make a sound, he hits me again and again, the pain is piercing through my skin , tears roll down my face but still I won't make a sound this makes him more angry.

" Bonnie who do you work for? " he asks after striking me ten times, my skin was on fire but still I keep silent and he continues , I lose count. A memory plays in my head , an 18 year old girl tied to a chair ,she had bruises all over her face, Phillip kept punching her " who's your boss Bonnie" she's crying begging him to stop " he keeps punching her until she blacks out ,she wakes up in the same chair , a man dressed in a silver suit crouches down to the chair and whispers " remember Bonnie never give in, choose death over truth." He unties her and leaves her. I scream as I feel the belt slicing through my skin blood drips behind my back. After that he stops still pissed that I hadn't said anything. Tyler unties my hands , I fall to the ground and I can see Damos pace around the room , i smirk at him and black out.