
Bonfire Shelter Company

As the catastrophe approaches, a special containment facility called the "Bonfire Shelter Company" wakes up from its slumber and sends out invitations to people to join the city— "When night comes, someone should light a fire and shine it in all directions. ”

Threedar · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

【Time Standstill】

[Name: "Time Standstill"]

[Quality: extremely rare.]

[Condition: Acceptable for use (29% completeness).]

[Energy level: Class A.]

[Effect: A magical card that can make things stand still for 5 seconds after activation, except for the user, no one else can move in a stationary position, its absolute effective range is within 10m, and the area of influence is 15m]

[Negative Effect "Temporal Confusion": Temporal Confusion may occur for a period of time after the end of use, and the intensity of this negative effect increases with the number of uses in a short period of time.] ]

[If you do not use it more than three times in an hour, the negative effect will reset after a controlled interval of one hour.]

[Note: One of the 17 gold cards of "The Kingdom of God in the Card", which can be combined with other "Time" series...]

[Mr. "Katu", an unnamed bonfire company prop inventor, said: I know what you want to say when you see this card, because I want to say the same - smash Varudo!]

[The condition for state repair is: Consume 3,000 points, and the duration and effect range will be strengthened.] ]

[This item has been transferred to the "storage room", please check it.]

", Golden Legend!"

Colin was overjoyed and opened the storage room to see a card with a somewhat familiar style in it.

I took it out and looked at it...

It is about the size of a palm, with a black swirl on the back and a pale gold clock on the front with the hour, minute, and second hands pointing to zero.

There is a line on the card that reads: "No.17 - Time: Standstill"..

At the same time, there is also a line at the bottom of the card: "Five seconds, five seconds is still too short..."

"Within ten meters, time has stood still for five seconds, artifact, but it's ..."

Colin looked at the cards in his hand, "Why do I say it's so familiar, aside from the role of this card, this format, isn't this the format of Yu-Gi-Oh?"

He couldn't help but complain in his heart, isn't this bonfire company afraid of lawsuits?

At that moment, there was a fluttering sound outside the window, and Colin turned his head to see a pigeon staring at him and moving around the window.

Make a cooing sound.

"This damn pigeon is asking for food again?"

Colin was speechless, why did this neighbor's turtledove think about coming to his house to eat every day?

He doesn't want money for rice, does he?

Wait a minute... He suddenly thought of something and picked up the card in his hand.

The roar of the engine exploded in my ears, and the world seemed to be dragged to a standstill by an invisible force in an instant.

Da Da

In the sound of the clock hands turning, the spider on the spider web in the corner of the wall, the water droplets dripping in the kitchen, the dust in the sun, the turtledove outside the window raising its claws that have not yet fallen...

With him as a point, everything within ten meters of him came to a standstill—

Time stops!

At this moment, another turtle dove flew in the distance, but when it entered the fifteenth meter, it suddenly slowed down, like the slow motion of a movie.

It has been affected, but before it has entered the "absolute effect" zone, five seconds have passed.

Everything is moving again.

The spider in the corner and the two pigeons didn't seem to realize what had just happened.

However, downstairs in the community, a young man passing by looked up at the "pigeon" suspended almost in mid-air upstairs, and the whole person fell into a big shock.


Can a pigeon still fly like this in these years?

"What's going on?"

It's just that after rubbing my eyes, I found that it seemed to be just an illusion.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that he had hallucinated after drinking too much recently, and he hastened to go home, planning to quit drinking from today.

"Pure passerby, not blowing or black, very strong. "

Colin gave a pertinent evaluation, five seconds doesn't seem like much, but with the power of his "transfur" in the other world, it is almost a second-kill skill within ten meters.

Of course, if you encounter that kind of light body size that is more than ten meters, then just run away.

"But speaking of which, when I was in the Otherworld, if I had this card, I should be able to try to kill the one at the door.... No, it doesn't seem to work with this card?"

Colin frowned, thinking of the description on the [Book of Numerology: Fragments], which said that he thought he was full-fledged and prepared, but he was killed without even seeing anyone when he went out.

I don't know if the [Book of Numerology] has included this gold card.

If you count it...

That thing at the door is a bit too strong.

I can't beat it when I stop it.

"Still have to be careful. "

Colin shook his head, wondering if it was a delusion...

After using it once, I always feel that time has slowed down, and there is an inexplicable uncomfortable feeling of living like a year.

It is estimated that it should be the negative impact of the so-called "time cognitive confusion".

It's exactly the same as the one mentioned above.

Not used consecutively, just once alone, is almost the same as nothing.

Colin puts the "Smash Valudo" card in his pocket.

Then I opened the trading floor to take a look.

There are two options, one is the "Mall" and the other is the "Auction House".

It's like a game...

Colin took a brief look, the "mall" can buy exclusive props from the company's internal official channels, but F-level permissions, there are very few things that can be bought, only two goods...

"F-class genetic compensator", "points for currency".

"The compensator is sold for a 'Silver Mission Certificate' and '1000 Points'... Is it so expensive? I can buy one..."

Colin wanted to take another bite, but after a moment's hesitation, he decided to forget it.

This thing can only be injected three times, plus the task seems to be obtainable, so it's a bit of a waste of money to buy some directly.

Another point exchange rate is 1 point can be exchanged for 164.71 yuan.

"2,100 points, you can directly exchange it for more than 300,000 or nearly 440,000... In other words, I did a task and earned more than 300,000 yuan at once?"

Colin felt like something unreal...

But then again, points can be exchanged for money, and money can be exchanged for points?

Well, it doesn't seem to work.

Colin didn't see that option, but although he was short of money right now, he didn't feel the need to change.

Because if you really want money, there seem to be a lot of means.

And he is more interested in that "genetic compensator" than money.

After closing the "mall", he opened the "auction house" easily, and there were more things here.

The top looks like "special items" put on the shelves after the completion of the tasks of other company employees, Colin took a cursory look, his eyes were a little flowery, and then his face was wrinkled like a chrysanthemum-

What the hell is this selling?

["Three-legged Toad Dried Corpse" Price: 5 points.]

[Quantity: 1.]

[Note: This item cannot be taken out in a real-world environment without prior request.]

[Remarks: I don't know what I can do with it, can the angler buy it back and try to use it to make a nest?]


["Mature Brain" Price: 30 credits.]

[Quantity: 1.]

[Note: This item cannot be taken out in a real-world environment without prior request.]

[Remarks: The brain of a monster corpse seems to have some kind of magnetic field, and those who are interested can buy it.]


["A raven that breathes fire but has a particularly cheap mouth" Price: 100 points.]

[Quantity: 1.]

[Note: This item cannot be taken out in a real-world environment without prior request.]

[Remarks: Sweet mouth, very well-behaved, sold at a low price, please bid immediately if you like it...]