
Bonds Beyond Orario

True Bond and Power of friendship. Remember that, not everyone is your friend truly. Story by AFKshinob1 Use if you want, as long as you credit.

AFKshinob1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 39: Echoes of Balance

As peace settled over the world, Leo and Bell continued to protect it from threats old and new. Their roles as leaders and mentors had evolved, and they guided the next generation of adventurers with the wisdom of their experiences. The Dungeon, once a realm of mystery and danger, was now a symbol of growth, unity, and opportunity.

Amidst their responsibilities, they found moments of respite to reflect on their journey. The echoes of their adventures resonated in every corner of the world, a testament to the enduring power of friendship, courage, and the unbreakable bond that had carried them through every trial.