
Bonded With His Imperial Cursed Highness.

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. The world is dark and ugly but, your eyes are beautiful, Confined in darkness, I find solace in you. You became my refuge~ Alexandro. ... Lena's existence would have been made easy for her if she was only an unfavored child but she could not even fight it when she was given off in marriage to a man that she had never met. A man whose identity was well hidden. He was only represented by the castle he lived in. She was his fated half, an identity that she could not run away from. Whether she would learn to accept the union or not, was up to her to decide. Little did she know that her marriage to the man would open her eyes to several mysteries that surround her. EXCERPT~ "W-what are you doing?!" She wanted to yell and curse at him but her voice came out as a noiseless whisper. She was even shocked at how tiny and low her voice sounded. That wasn't her, right? As much as he wanted to stop himself, Alexandro did not see the reason why he could not tease her. He wanted to tease her badly until she agreed to be his fully. He raised his hand and ran a finger along the side of her face, he stroked her jawline gently while his other hand pinched her tiny waist. Her hair was still slightly damp and it left a trail of water running down from her neck to her shoulder blades. "You are beautiful... Mine" he murmured against the crook of her neck sending an unavoidable tinge zap through her body. This closeness made her feel as though she was electrocuted. There was no way that she could move her frozen body for the fear of getting her towel loose. She, in fear, held tightly on the knot of the towel and her eyes fixed on the man. She tried to keep her mind away from the fact that her legs were as well exposed, she could only keep her thigh pressed together while her face flushed up to her ears. Her body generated an extremely hot temperature that felt as though would burn her. She finally understood that this man, her husband was scarier than a monster! Naturally, he did not know what went through in her heart, and neither did he realize how stiff she had become for fear of him. He was more concerned about the hot meal before him that he had to resist. He wondered what was going to happen if he simply pushed her into the bed and see what wonderful creation was underneath the white towel... She would probably hate him, right? He slightly tightened his fingers around her waist applying a little pressure and unknowingly, her body did a small jump. The small movement of her body nearly made him crazy, her body collided with his and rekindled the blazing inferno that engulfed him which he was doing his best to suppress. A kind of heat pooled in his lower abdomen and rushed to a certain area he would prefer not to mention... He grind his teeth but did not push her away. His mind was a mess, should give in to temptation? Should he not? Perhaps, he could try and see what it would feel like...

Ariel_x · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Reborn To An Ill-fated Marriage.

The wedding ceremony was hastily concluded.

The fidgety minister heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the beads of perspiration that rolled down his forehead. He almost suffered a trauma when he learned that he was conducting that mysterious creature's marriage.

The bride in her white wedding dress stood alone in front of the altar, the groom was absent in this marriage. But she was still bonded to him. She rubbed her clammy palm on her dress but remained expressionless. Since she let herself be sold into the marriage, she had to let go of her weaknesses.

Although the marriage was held in the biggest cathedral in the city, the total attendance was her aunt and uncle who seemed as though they were forced to attend the marriage as their faces twitched impatiently. The other person who had attended the wedding was a bald formally dressed middle-aged man who will be accompanying her to her new home.

She walked down from the altar carrying a sense of in-depth pride and elegance. Yes, her marriage was concluded, a marriage to an unknown man.

After that day, she would become a historical comedic muse, the scorn of the society... Well, who asked her to be the ill-fated child?

"Congratulations my dear child, I am so sorry that your twin sister could not join you today. She wanted to but... I know you are not going to hold it against her, right?" Her aunt said, she leaned against her uncle and gave the poise of a good mother who was sending her daughter to her husband's house with goodwill.

She threw a look at her aunt and uncle who had acted as her parent for over a decade, she said nothing. Too stressed to utter a word, she only wondered what they got from this marriage of hers.

"Lena, you are a good child, after your parents died, they only left you and your twin sister with a small inheritance. Your aunt and I also did our best to give you two a good life. We also believe that this marriage is a great choice. You are the older sister, it is only good that you marry before your twin. There are not enough resources, but with the dowry, let your sister go to school while you be a good wife to your husband, okay? We are not asking for anything in return for all that we have done for you but... I believe you can sacrifice this little for your family, right?" Her two-faced uncle spoke self-righteously.

Lena smiled coldly, she clenched her fist until her fingers pierced her palm but she felt no pain, she was not even disappointed anymore. Having accepted her fate, she believed she will live better. She remembered a long dream that she had the night before, in that dream, her aunt and uncle sold her to the same marriage, and then, on the wedding day, she ran away and got in a car accident which took her life. Surprisingly, she woke up and found herself in the morning of the wedding day again. Perhaps, it was all but a dream or she was reborn...

"Miss, it is time to leave," the bald man uttered, he opened the car door and beckoned to her respectively. She looked over to the man and gave a small nod.

"Okay," she muttered, throwing one last look at her aunt and uncle, then she turned around and walked away without saying goodbye. She owed them nothing, selling her off was the last resort she gave to them to suppress her.

A young man drove the black ordinary-looking SUV into the street and they silently traveled. She looked through the window and watched as the city escaped her eyes. Her fingers tightened around her white dress until a patch of wetness was left on the spot. No one spoke to her in the car, and neither could she ask questions, instead of being a happy bride going to her husband's house, she was more like a lamb, being led to the slaughter and not daring to utter a word.

The car arrived at the outskirts of the city and drove into the gates of the castle. Her new home or maybe, another den. The bald man opened the door for her and she climbed down of the car. She looked around her, the castle stood alone in the middle of a very large compound. A dried-up fountain was on one side, while on the other side was a garden whose roses were overgrown and filled with thorns.

They stood in front of the door and the big door opened on its own as though a mechanism was activated. Lena followed the bald man in. Each step she took echoed in her own ears, like a silent whisper, calling her to doom. Her lashes trembled as she thought of what her life would be like in the castle now. She no longer feared this fate after dying once but she could not hide her nervousness. The thought of not knowing who or what her husband will turn out to be caused her heart to tremble violently. She touched the pendant her mother gave her in anxiety.

"Madam, we are home," the voice of the bald man drifted her back to reality. She raised her head and unlike what she thought the castle would be, she saw an exquisitely decorated ancient European style interior. She was slightly stunned, she had expected the castle to be old, haunted, and unapproachable.

"O-okay," she nodded and hid her expression properly.

"By the way, I am the butler here, you can call me Luther," the man said to her with a small smile.

Lena saw that the man was being polite so she simply nodded and looked around. There was still no sight of her 'husband'.

"I am sorry to inform you that master is away at the moment, the room had been prepared, I wonder if madam will like to rest first then eat later or...?" Butler Luther uttered respectively.

"Lead the way, please" Lena voiced. Butler Luther gave a small bow and walked forward, he lead her upstairs and came to a room. He helped her push the door open and she walked in. She inhales a kind of fragrance that came with new pieces of furniture, she wondered if the room was just decorated.

"I will leave now, if there is anything that madam needs, please, press this button, and I will come over immediately," Butler Luther uttered humbly.

"Okay, Thank you" she nodded. The bald man walked out leaving her alone in the big room. She looked around and sighed, of what use is wealth if it is placed in the den of a lion?

Lena pulled down the zipper of her dress and changed out of the dress. She followed the direction given by the Butler and found the bathroom. She took a long bath, soaking in warm water to relax her tensed muscles. Probably because she was the only one in the room, she felt relaxed. She wore a white robe and wrapped a white towel around her hair before heading for the closet next door.

She entered the walk-in closet and raised a brow, "this person is sure prepared for this marriage..." she said to herself after seeing that the room was filled with all kinds of dresses and women's necessities.

She picked a simple white gown and wore it. She was even more surprised that the gown was her exact size. How scary was this person to know this?! Lena walked back to the room, She picked up her phone that was already placed on the nightstand for her. She switched it on and as soon as she did, notifications came popping up. She paused for a moment before clicking on the messages.

[Argh! I mistook Lexi for you again! I thought she was you! When are you coming back? I miss you so much bestie!]

[Bestie, Lexi wore that pink skirt we bought for last year's funfair, I wonder why she likes parading herself like you! It's been two weeks, when are you coming back to school, sweetheart, you are missing a lot!]

[Hey, I am so mad at you! This is the fifth time in three weeks that I mistake you for Lexi! Do you enjoy playing me now? You better come back now or I befriend your rubbish twin!]

[Bestie!!! What is this rumor that I heard today?! It is spreading around school that you are getting married to an old man and that you will be stopping school! Are you for real? Marriage?! Babe, you are only twenty! Did you forget our plans of being single till twenty-five?! Who is this fucking old man, let me butcher him! I order you to give me an explanation once you get this message and reply to my previous messages too!]

Lena laughed, her emerald green orbs twinkled and formed a crescent moon, her smile refreshed her face and made her prettier. A single trail of tears trickled down her cheeks, she took her phone and typed,

[I am sorry]


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First chapter here! I hope you loved it. Drop your comment and reviews <3

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