
Bonded With His Imperial Cursed Highness.

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. The world is dark and ugly but, your eyes are beautiful, Confined in darkness, I find solace in you. You became my refuge~ Alexandro. ... Lena's existence would have been made easy for her if she was only an unfavored child but she could not even fight it when she was given off in marriage to a man that she had never met. A man whose identity was well hidden. He was only represented by the castle he lived in. She was his fated half, an identity that she could not run away from. Whether she would learn to accept the union or not, was up to her to decide. Little did she know that her marriage to the man would open her eyes to several mysteries that surround her. EXCERPT~ "W-what are you doing?!" She wanted to yell and curse at him but her voice came out as a noiseless whisper. She was even shocked at how tiny and low her voice sounded. That wasn't her, right? As much as he wanted to stop himself, Alexandro did not see the reason why he could not tease her. He wanted to tease her badly until she agreed to be his fully. He raised his hand and ran a finger along the side of her face, he stroked her jawline gently while his other hand pinched her tiny waist. Her hair was still slightly damp and it left a trail of water running down from her neck to her shoulder blades. "You are beautiful... Mine" he murmured against the crook of her neck sending an unavoidable tinge zap through her body. This closeness made her feel as though she was electrocuted. There was no way that she could move her frozen body for the fear of getting her towel loose. She, in fear, held tightly on the knot of the towel and her eyes fixed on the man. She tried to keep her mind away from the fact that her legs were as well exposed, she could only keep her thigh pressed together while her face flushed up to her ears. Her body generated an extremely hot temperature that felt as though would burn her. She finally understood that this man, her husband was scarier than a monster! Naturally, he did not know what went through in her heart, and neither did he realize how stiff she had become for fear of him. He was more concerned about the hot meal before him that he had to resist. He wondered what was going to happen if he simply pushed her into the bed and see what wonderful creation was underneath the white towel... She would probably hate him, right? He slightly tightened his fingers around her waist applying a little pressure and unknowingly, her body did a small jump. The small movement of her body nearly made him crazy, her body collided with his and rekindled the blazing inferno that engulfed him which he was doing his best to suppress. A kind of heat pooled in his lower abdomen and rushed to a certain area he would prefer not to mention... He grind his teeth but did not push her away. His mind was a mess, should give in to temptation? Should he not? Perhaps, he could try and see what it would feel like...

Ariel_x · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Face him herself.

"A little girl once said to me... even the stars could cry..." Alexandro uttered seemly lost.

"..." Butler Luther was confused, "Master, what do you mean?"

"I have met her before. That year, in that village that I hid for months. We met by chance at a spring-fall that was hidden in the heart of the forest in the village. Not many people could find that place and I was very surprised a little girl of four could find the place. It was my mother's death anniversary that day, it was supposed to be gloomy but the smiling face of a miniature angel popped out of nowhere and crouched beside me. She said those words to me that day... She was so small but she could tell my emotions. I wonder how she ended up in that place that day because, after that day, I never met her again but her aura was engraved deeply in my heart. I wonder if she can remember..." Alexandro uttered in a soft voice, his eyes were misty and they flowed with emotions from a past event. The picture of a four-year-old girl and a twelve years old teenage boy.

"Master?" Butler Luther raised a brow slightly, he was stunned when his master confessed that he had met madam before... but, it does not seem as though Madam knew her master. Then, how? Wait— Master don't know that madam had an identical twin, how then was he sure that he married the twin that he met?

"Master, if it wasn't for differences in fingerprint, I would have never been able to know which twin is which. How then were you able to be so sure that Madam was the twin you met then..." Butler Luther pulled out a file and took out a couple of pictures.

Different pictures, two copies each of the same person— or different persons. The same outfit, the same smile, the same necklace, the same height... There was no way a normal person could tell the differences in the individuals. Butler Luther pointed at the pictures and looked at the man in confusion. Even a clone would not look this similar to the original.

"Master, how?" Butler Luther felt that it was just impossible to know which is which. For goodness sake, his master only met the girl once, and she was just a toddler!

"Intuition..." Alexandro muttered.

Butler Luther widened his wrinkled eyes, he looked at his master in disbelief. Of course, the old butler would not believe that his master recognized the lady after so many years just based on intuition alone. Alexandro saw the looks he was getting and he smirked, he rapped his fingers on the table rhythmically and said nothing, he left the butler to do the guessing.

"Master, did you—?" Butler Luther gasped, he gazed at his master and his jaw fell open. "Master, you cannot do that, your health—" he started but one glance from the man shut his lips instantly.

"Don't think too much, Luther..." he mouthed but the Butler could not be quiet for long. A moment later, he was opening his mouth to speak again.

"Master, you cannot just do these things... what if those organizations come for you? It is enough that the Queen is after you, you can still escape from her but the Organization— I should have guessed that something was wrong when you asked me to go to that house to ask for the Madam's hand in marriage. It is just that at that time, I did not suspect anything.

Master, when Madam rejected you at that time because she believed the common knowledge about you, I thought you would let go but you did not. Madam tried to run away on the wedding day but she died. Master, you did a soul exchange, froze time, and brought her back. I was already wondering what you were up to. Were you not afraid of a backlash during the process, or that the organization will find out? Master, I have served you for so many years, I did not even realize that you have met madam before this. Let me ask, Master... did you mask Madam's scent that year?"

Butler Luther stopped talking, and Alexandro's fingers also stopped. He threw a glance at the butler. That year, he was young and impulsive, he also face so many difficulties. He simply wanted to hold on to something that he could use to remember the little girl if he met her again. But he had to keep on hiding, and when he met her again, she misunderstood him and believed him to be a monster. He just wanted to protect and love her but she chose to run say from him. Her death was something he could not accept when he had yet had a life with her. He had to make a little sacrifice to bring her back to his side again.

"Luther, I have no regrets" he uttered and looked at the Butler. His lips tilted up and a smile was formed.

"Master, I know...but, you cannot be careless! You cannot use these powers anymore. What if the people from the organization discover you?" Butler Luther uttered worriedly.

"Let them come at me, Luther... there is nothing to worry about" Alexandro smiled slyly.

"Master..." Butler Luther sighed. He had served the man for more than two decades, he understood him but he could not help but worry. The cruel world at that time was not giving enough space to his master, instead, it was stifling him. He was being hunted for his position, he was being hunted for his powers... But, he had survived so far.

"Luther, is there any other thing?" Alexandro asked impatiently.

"Ah, yes... Master, I found out that Madam has not been able to go to school for three months, since your marriage with her was fixed, her 'relatives' had banned her from going to school. I saw that going to school was one of Madam's favorite hobbies. I wanted to ask if Master could let Madam go back to school. I am sure she missed that place a lot. If you want to win Madam's heart quickly, why don't you grant her this wish?"

"Luther... what did I employ you for again? A mouthpiece? Or... a nanny?" Alexandro raised a brow.

"Ah... master?" Butler Luther was stunned, he simply wanted to be on his master to mend the relationship with his woman just now. How did he end up getting insulted instead?

"So, she wants to go back to school... Interesting " A certain jealous man remembered his wife planning to keep a harem of a thousand good-looking men on the first day after her marriage. He frowned and his eyes darkened.

"She has a mouth to speak, no? Let her ask me this by herself. If there is nothing else, I need to get somewhere" Alexandro uttered, he stood up from his seat and walked out of the study leaving the stunned Butler alone.

"Ah... Master, wait—" but the arrogant man was gone. Butler Luther facepalmed.

"It seems Madam has to face Master herself this time..."