
Bonded With His Imperial Cursed Highness.

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. The world is dark and ugly but, your eyes are beautiful, Confined in darkness, I find solace in you. You became my refuge~ Alexandro. ... Lena's existence would have been made easy for her if she was only an unfavored child but she could not even fight it when she was given off in marriage to a man that she had never met. A man whose identity was well hidden. He was only represented by the castle he lived in. She was his fated half, an identity that she could not run away from. Whether she would learn to accept the union or not, was up to her to decide. Little did she know that her marriage to the man would open her eyes to several mysteries that surround her. EXCERPT~ "W-what are you doing?!" She wanted to yell and curse at him but her voice came out as a noiseless whisper. She was even shocked at how tiny and low her voice sounded. That wasn't her, right? As much as he wanted to stop himself, Alexandro did not see the reason why he could not tease her. He wanted to tease her badly until she agreed to be his fully. He raised his hand and ran a finger along the side of her face, he stroked her jawline gently while his other hand pinched her tiny waist. Her hair was still slightly damp and it left a trail of water running down from her neck to her shoulder blades. "You are beautiful... Mine" he murmured against the crook of her neck sending an unavoidable tinge zap through her body. This closeness made her feel as though she was electrocuted. There was no way that she could move her frozen body for the fear of getting her towel loose. She, in fear, held tightly on the knot of the towel and her eyes fixed on the man. She tried to keep her mind away from the fact that her legs were as well exposed, she could only keep her thigh pressed together while her face flushed up to her ears. Her body generated an extremely hot temperature that felt as though would burn her. She finally understood that this man, her husband was scarier than a monster! Naturally, he did not know what went through in her heart, and neither did he realize how stiff she had become for fear of him. He was more concerned about the hot meal before him that he had to resist. He wondered what was going to happen if he simply pushed her into the bed and see what wonderful creation was underneath the white towel... She would probably hate him, right? He slightly tightened his fingers around her waist applying a little pressure and unknowingly, her body did a small jump. The small movement of her body nearly made him crazy, her body collided with his and rekindled the blazing inferno that engulfed him which he was doing his best to suppress. A kind of heat pooled in his lower abdomen and rushed to a certain area he would prefer not to mention... He grind his teeth but did not push her away. His mind was a mess, should give in to temptation? Should he not? Perhaps, he could try and see what it would feel like...

Ariel_x · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
218 Chs


"Babe, tell me quickly, are you really fine? How did you manage to come to school, you did not even give me a call or anything!" May started as soon as she pulled away from Lena. She held Lena by her shoulder and twirled her around while inspecting her body sternly.

"Seriously, May, I am very fine!" Lena chuckled. Her bestie was such a mother hen.

"Of course, you are very fine and that is why I am wondering how you are fine! Ain't you supposed to be suffering in the hands of that man that you got married to? Wait, wait a moment... Gasp! Did you run away from your husband's house!" May widened her eyes and covered her mouth at her nearly discovered thoughts.

"You are being outrageous, May, do I look like that sort of irresponsible person to you?" Lena raised her brows and folded her arms across her chest.

"No, no! How can you be, hehe..." May waved her hands dismissively, however her eyes were obviously saying, 'Yes, yes! Of course, I know you to be very irresponsible! I remember hearing a man's voice some days ago when I called'

Lena saw the sarcastic expression that clouded her best friend's eyes, she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Whatever, I will just leave you to your thoughts"

"Forget it, forget it, whatever I think does not matter anyway. Actually, I am very curious about a lot of things. Come here, we have a lot to talk about— Eh? Who are these people?" May pushed Lena aside and took a step forward, her eyes browsed through Lucian and Kai.

"Oh, they are my bodyguards, meet them, Lu—" Lena started but before she could explain, May let out an amused laugh, she laughed so hard that her eyes became teary.

"You... you are kidding, right?" May uttered amid laughter.

"Nope. I am very serious" Lena answered nonchalantly.

"Babe, you ain't joking right now, huh?" May questioned with doubt, she looked from Lena to Lucian and Kai, and then looked back at Lena with a serious expression. Lena said nothing and simply shrugged. That was enough answer for May.

"Jeez, how many more surprises are you gonna dump on me today? Tell me, how did you get these good-looking guys to be your bodyguards. You did not do this on your own, did you?"

"Nah, I did not even want them in the first place but... never mind, just know that these two will stick to me henceforth" Lena enunciated, she threw a glance at Lucian and kai before looking away. She had left the house angrily and also left the man in a foul mood. She wondered if the man was still angry... Mmph! Who cares if he is angry or not!

"Lena, is it your husband that you cuckolded that gave these men to watch over you?—"

"May!" Lena snapped, she grabbed her best friend's wrist and pulled her a few steps away from Lucian and Kai.

"What do you mean cuckolded?" She questioned with gritted teeth.

"Isn't that what you did? I know you cheated on that old man. That day when I called you and there was a man's voice in the background— wait, you don't want his men to know? Tsk, tsk, sorry... my tongue slipped" May clicked her tongue, and apologized insincerely.

"Just shut up, May!" Lena grunted and pinched the space between her brows.

"Okay, okay" She zipped her lips with a gesture of her hand. Then she turned to look at Lucian and Kai, her eyes filled with glee and twinkled with mischievousness while her cheeks tainted slightly. "Ain't you going to introduce me to your 'bodyguards'?"

"Fine" Lena relented and dragged her bestie forward. Just like her, May can crush on anything with a fine face. One glance and she can already tell that her best friend had fallen for her good-looking bodyguards.

"Kai, do you think our master is truly cuckolded by our mistress?" Lucian whispered to a cold-faced Kai standing next to him.

"The master and his wife's affair isn't your concern and, move away" he uttered emotionlessly.

Lucian hissed and took a half step to the side, "my luck must be too bad to be partnered with a guy like you. But I must endure this" he grumbled. Kai said nothing, he pushed his glasses back to the bridge of his nose and maintained his frigid expression causing Lucian to sigh.

Lena stood alongside her best friend, in front of Lucian and Kai, she cleared her throat and introduced the two guys to May.

"May, meet Lucian and Kai. Lucian. Kai, meet my best friend, May"

"Hello, beautiful guys!" May pronounced.

Lena, "..." she facepalmed.

The corner of the lips of a certain golden-headed man twitched involuntarily after being called a 'beautiful' man while his stoic-faced partner remained expressionless.

"It is nice to meet you too, Miss May!" The beautiful Lucian answered with a broad gentleman smile, he stretched forth his hand and May shook it politely.

"Ah, please call me May. That is alright" May answered.

"Anything for you, my lady" Lucian answered with a cheeky smile that made her blush beetroot. May turned away from Lucian and faced Kai, she stretched forth her hand before him a wore a brighter smile. After all, between the two, Kai was more eye-catching and manly, hehe...

"It is nice meeting you too, ..."

"Kai" He uttered coldly and took her hand for a brief second. Just when he was about to release her hand, he paused and his brows rose for a split second. He thought he caught on a spark, a familiar mystique, a slight tinge of opposition but before he could hold on to any of this realization, May had already pulled back her hand leaving him in a void. Perhaps, he misunderstood something just now... However, with his heightened sense, he could not have been mistaken, right? He looked back at May with a blank face, quietly and thoughtfully. She seemed normal...

"Bestie, you have such beautiful men around you! I think that old man of yours is not that bad, to be able to give you two beautiful men so easily. He is very nice, very nice!" May uttered happily.

Lena sighed, "do you know it is offensive to call men beautiful?" She arched a brow, she did not bother to correct May's notion of Alexandro, it made her feel better when she called him an old man. Of course, it would have been better if she called the man a monster instead.

"Okay, I have heard you! Look at the time, because of you I am gonna be late for my class! Are you going to attend class or...?"

"Of course, I will. Do you think I have returned to school to play with you?" Lena rolled her eyes while May shrugged. She packed her things into a small bag and prepared to leave the room.

"You two, wait for me in the restaurant outside school— no, don't say anything because I won't hear it. I have only one class and I don't need you two tagging alone. I will return to you as soon as I am done with my class. As of this moment, remember that I am your master and you must listen to whatever I say!" Lena said to Lucian and Kai, she took her bag from Lucian and stood beside May. Seeing that there was no way she would bring them along, the two men could only listen to her.

"Ah, that reminds me... Professor Arlo asked of you again" May voiced.

"Huh? He did?" Lena threw a look at her best friend.

"Yup! That man sure has a bad crush on you, baby" May grinned.

"Arghh! That won't do, I am a married woman now" Lena uttered with a shrug and a soft sigh.

"Does it matter? The professor is quite good-looking and nice, you know" May teased and winked at her best friend.

"Be quiet!" Lena hissed and walked faster, as fast as she could away from her troublesome friend.

Guess: 1. What do you think caused Kai's reaction after a handshake with May?

2. What do you think of Prof. Arlo?

Let's hear your thoughts sweethearts and vote!

Ariel_xcreators' thoughts