
Bonded to a Demon

Lavender has had a tough life and because of her lack of opportunities, she is forced to live in the slums of a giant city. She is entirely alone and has to take care of herself the best she can in a terrifying neighborhood. She works a full time job so she can keep her apartment in a town that even the police are too scared to come to. She tries to stay tough for her own survival and is forced to dress like a boy for her safety. The world is cruel to her but she can't fight the fact that she was born with a sweet heart. Despite her challenges, she has found happiness in her affection toward one of her neighbors. She has a serious crush on a mysterious man that lives below her. She has been trying to build up the courage to say something to him, but she knows that he could very well be one of the druggies, muggers, or murderers like the rest of the tenants in her building. One thing he definitely couldn't be is a demon... right?

siethmaster666 · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 11: Walk

My heart stopped. No one had ever opened the door for me in my life. Levy was truly a gentleman. I couldn't believe that I had found one in this town. By now my face was on fire and I quickly put on my medical mask to help hide it. "I um, just need to put on some warmer pants." He then closed the door and leaned his back on it as he crossed his arms. "Take your time." His eyes stayed locked onto me as if he fully intended on watching me undress. "Um! Excuse you!" He raised an eyebrow at my offense. "What?" I tried to be angry but I was more embarrassed than anything. "I'm not going to change in front of you!"

He was frozen for a moment before he shifted his posture to be more relaxed. "I expected you to change in the bathroom." The reason for my embarrassment changed to my stupidity. "Oh." He then smirked at me and looked me up and down. "I wouldn't mind watching you undress." I was dumbfounded. He had to be joking. He couldn't possibly want to see more of my body. Before, I didn't even think of why he wanted to watch me since every other creep in this town would do it because they harassed anything with a vagina. Now he said it like he was actually attracted to me.

As much as I wanted to believe it, I refused to. "Silly boy." I shook my head and grabbed a pair of jeans from the stack I kept neatly beside the couch. When I stood up I noticed that Levy's smile was no longer present. His eyes flickered with a flame of anger and it made me freeze. "Do not call me that." Even with the small amount of anger he showed, it was terrifying. "W-why?" I asked, fearfully. His voice was so much deeper than normal, and something else I couldn't place appeared in his eyes after I asked. "I am a man." Damn straight. I then rolled my eyes at him as I headed toward the bathroom. "Right. And I'm a little girl. Which makes you a pervert."

His anger shifted to surprise and I locked myself in the bathroom before he could fully react. I felt like a badass as I changed, thinking about how hard I had shocked him. The feeling went away once I realized that I would have to come out of the bathroom to face him again once I was done. After I switched pants, I slowly opened the door and looked at the ground as I walked out. I pulled the hood of my coat over my head and hoped that he had moved on from our previous conversation. Unfortunately, I wasn't the type to have luck on my side.

"When I called you a little girl, I meant that you're a shortie. Not a child." I felt a little relief to hear him say that, even though I still had the body of one. "Might as well be," I mumbled to myself. I had already forgotten that he wasn't one to let things slide. "What do you mean by that?" I panicked and turned to the door. "Nothing. I'm ready to go now." I was surprised when he opened the door for me again a second time and wondered if this would be a regular thing. I felt uncomfortable but at the same time flattered.

On the way there, the streets were pitch black other than the occasional barrels that had fires in them. Levy had chosen to walk behind me and he looked as alert as a hawk. He studied our surroundings and I was embarrassed with how protective he was being with me. I had hoped to walk beside him and talk like normal people but Levy was clearly not normal people. "You don't have to walk behind me. I've done this a million times. There's also no need to stop chatting either," I said as I looked back at him. He looked down at me and said nothing as he continued to walk behind me. I turned forward, uncomfortably, but he finally decided to speak once I had. "I do not like that coat."

Well, that was some conversation starter. "Excuse me? Its purpose is to help me blend in. I'm sorry if it isn't the latest H&M." I had noticed that he always hesitated before speaking. "It's unfair that you have to dress like that." I blushed, suddenly. I thought he was just roasting me, but he was actually being sympathetic. I was deciding on what to say back when a small fluorescent light appeared around the corner. The convenience store on this street was pretty much a glorified gas station. Its produce options consisted of bananas, oranges, and baby carrots in a plastic baggie. 

The guy who worked there was always high, but he was chill so I never had a problem buying anything. Once we were inside, a few hobos were walking around the isles and Levy started walking closer to me. I didn't mind how close he was at all and wished for him to get closer. Before I got a foggy brain I pushed the thought out of my head and focused on getting carrots. As soon as I paid for them we were out of there as fast as we came in. I was glad that my itchiness would go away soon and hoped that Levy would calm down now that we had made it out of there alive. 

After a few more steps, we approached an alley where a man suddenly jumped out with a gun pointed at us. The man was wearing a heavy coat and a cap which hid his eyes. He shouted, "Give me your money!" and made me gasp. I started shaking all over. I couldn't believe that I had left my gun at home. Of course, I had to forget the one day someone mugged me. However, I much preferred to give this guy my wallet with the little money I had instead of getting in a gunfight with him. I was about to reach into my pocket for my wallet when Levy stepped in front of me. His motion was so smooth and fast that the mugger didn't even see it coming. 

In a fraction of a second, the gun was dropped to the ground and Levy had the mugger's wrist in a tight hold. The sound of a huge crack echoed in my ears and the man's short scream followed. Dear god. Arms aren't supposed to bend that way. Levy just broke this guy's arm. With one hand. He didn't even grab the forearm for some form of anchor. He broke his whole arm by just twisting his wrist. Levy then let go of him, letting the mugger fall to the ground in pain. I was too shocked to move. Levy could tell and pulled me by the waist so we could keep moving.

Despite what had just happened, I was enthralled by the feeling of his arm around my back and his hand securely on my waist. I pulled myself back into the moment and the shock continued. "You just broke an arm! He had a gun and you just broke his arm!" Levy laughed with pride on his face. "Are you impressed?" I didn't know what I was. Levy was so much stronger than I previously thought. "I can't say that I'm not. How could you just walk up to someone and break their arm?! Do you go to a dojo or something?!"