
Bonded By Trauma

After facing an embarrassing public rejection, Skye Heath had to pick up the pieces of what was left of her life without having to depend on her ruthless ex for survival. She was fueled by revenge and the burning desire to find out the truth about her parent's mysterious death. In the fortunate turn of events, she finds comfort in the arms of Ash Walter, her ex's boss who was willing to help her get revenge for the emotional damage she was put through all in an attempt to win her over, but Skye was hellbent on not falling in love again after the heartbreak she went through. With the law on their side and power in their hands, the two set out on a journey that not only brought them closer, but also ignited a spark between them, a spark strong enough to melt the walls around Skye's heart.

Kieolar · Urban
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34 Chs


Ash provided Skye with the logs, charts, data, and everything she needed to check the sales progress of Lanxter Hotel.

She was so caught up in her work that his presence in the room was unknown, it was just her and the computer. 

Ash just stayed in the corner and let her do her job without distractions. He wasn't sure if what she was going through would make a difference since the charts had already been checked but in the long run, he gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Looking at Skye, Ash was reminded of himself whenever he was caught up in work. She was unbothered and in her own space, absorbed with the task at hand.

Even the way she furrowed her eyebrows when something wasn't right was the same way he did his. Realising how similar they were to each other, the corners of Ash's lips lifted slightly but he still didn't want her to become a workaholic like he was.

He felt like giving her the advice he never listened to: "Don't overwork yourself and remember it's okay to take a break."

After a while, Skye finally looked up from the screen looking elated, "Ash! I got it."

"Really?" Ash was surprised, he didn't except her to solve the problem many couldn't and especially not as fast as she just did.

"The issue with the low sales volume is caused by the losses being made. the monthly expenditure the hotel uses has increased significantly in the last three months and it's being spent on things that aren't really needed so when any profits are made in the hotel sales, it's read as a loss which ends up dropping the charts.

Also, if you take a look here, there's a gap in the hotel's accounts and I'm not trying to step out of line here but the gaps are being covered up discreeetly which is why no one else noticed anything wrong with the accounts but from my knowledge, it's clear that funds are being taken out of the accounts with the tracks being covered up immediately after so as to clear any suspicion s that may arise."

Ash just stared at her in amusement as she explained everything to him, even better than the professionals he hired.

"That's very impressive Skye, you keep on amusing me each time." He expressed his gratitude before getting serious once more, "The gaps you just spoke of, can we use them to trace it back to the person closing them and removing the funds?"

"Yes it's very possible but I'll need some time to be able to do that. One more thing, I think it's best if you weed out your employees because this might not be the first time someone has been stealing funds from the account."

Ash was deep in thought after what Skye said, he knew he had been away from the company for far too long. 

"You're right about that...How about you work for me? You're clearly good at what you do and your skills will be much needed, besides, I trust you."

"Wha-what? You want me to work for you? But I'm still in school and I'm sure you can hire better professionals than me."

"You were able to solve a problem those professionals couldn't that's if they weren't involved in the first place. And as for your studies, since it's your final year, you can still go to school and just work from home unless an issue needs you to be at the office and you'll still get paid."

"Well you said there's still two years before you return to the office so-"

"I'll go back next week, the way things are going, I can't just let the company go under because of my selfish desires so will you help me?"

Skye was at a loss for words, she knew she was capable of doing it but deep down there was a speck of doubt lingering in her.

As she stared at Ash's face, she made her decision to help him. He was giving up his dreams for the company and after everything he did for her, she felt it would be right if she could at least repay him in a way.

"Alright, I'll do it."

His face lit up once she agreed to to help him. "Thank you Skye, this means so much to me...Now, about the plan we were talking of." his face became serious once more due to the delicate topic at hand.

Skye also reflexively straightened her back, she was ready to begin her revenge again Theo and his family.

"I was thinking of the best way to go about it and I now have an idea. Since Theo works for me under Lanxter law firm, things will be easier for us. The first thing we need to do is gather evidence and find the reason why His father killed your parents.

To do that, I'll give Theo a promotion so it will be easier to monitor him, then we can plant someone on our side into Earl's company and get inside information. With that, I'll be able to get closer to Earl and lower his defenses since her certainly has a greed for power, that won't be hard.

From there we can get into his circle and get the real truth about your parent's death.

As for Theo, all we need to do is ruin his social reputation through public humiliation, a much deserved karma. We can let him fly high for now but the higher he flies, the more painful the fall will be so through his promotion, we can point out his weak points and weed out his secrets.

I have capable people who are going to help us throughout so everything will end up as we have planned. All you have to do is show him you're doing better without him which will stir up his anger and prompt him to say or do something implicating but to our advantage.

As for their company, we'll bring it under so you can take over. I'll make sure you get the revenge you deserve."

Skye couldn't believe Ash had planned out everything to such depths but she was happy that she'd finally pay back the Lane's for all they did.

"I don't even know what to say, thank you so much Ash. I can't even believe you've already perfected the plan to such lengths. Everything is just perfect and they bwon't even see what's coming for them."

"Like I said, you don't have to thank me." Ash spoke as he patted her head, a habit he'd developed.

He too was glad that they would finally bring the Lane's under, he'd heard of their misconduct before but paid no heed to it that is until Skyte was involved. They was no way he would let anyone who hamred her to walk away freely.

"By the way, you said once their company goes under, I'll take over it, Is that going to be possible?"

"It's more than possible. Once we're done with them they'll be left with nothing, including their business so acquiring it will be easier due to the decrease in stocks and since business is you major, I'm sure all will be well once I buy it out and you take over."

"Why are you doing all this for me, a stranger?" Skye's voice croaked as she spoke, the kindness Ash displayed was overwhelming her.

"I already told you, It's because I care for you and your happiness is my happiness, you pain is my pain and your enemies are my enemies too so I'll make sure whatever you want, you get it, especially this revenge."

Skye was touched by his words and without thinking, she just hugged him. Ash was startled at first but once the shock wore off, he too embraced her and the stayed like that for a while.