
Bond With The Demon Prince

For centuries the djins lived in the world alone before the creation of humans. But as time passed God created humans and djins become angry to share their world together with the humans. So they start to use the body of humans as a tool. God punished the djinns for disobeying him by taking their true form. But when they found about a gemstone that will grant them their true form and become more strong. They set to look for it. For thousands of years, the djinns had disappeared. Trap by the Vitalians. The Vitalians are keepers of the Powerful green gem. The Green Amethyst. Hide the gem where no being will ever found it. And trap the soul of the two Demons princes. It all started when Nyla. An orphan, living with her grandad. Nyla a name given to her by her parents who have a mysterious death in a car crash when she was five. Her grandad Yeye gave her another name Anya in order to keep her safe. Away from the Evil world. But he was killed mysteriously leaving Nyla all alone, exposed to the wild scary world full of heartless people of evil spirits. Lost all her loved ones and everything she holds dear to her heart. The lonely girl living alone with her cat in an abandoned hunted house mistakenly opened the door to the demon tomb bringing them back to life. And in her love to save her cat, Mimi, bonds with the demon Prince. Zelzovot. The trapped demons finally found a human and their way out. The two Demon princes were finally set free. And continue their quest to find the Green Amethyst and become the most powerful being alive. He was the heir to the crown. Zelzovot is a heartless Demon. Want nothing but Power and acquire his rightful crown. But Nyla, a lowlife human absorbs some of his supernatural powers from the gem. Making him weak for the quest. And standing in his way to earning his rightful crown. He set on a journey to unbound himself from her. And find the powerful Gemstone. To earn his rightful place on the throne. But begin to have feelings for her. A human when her destiny can never be together. Together they fight the Demons that stand in their way.

Mia_Evergreen · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Demon Prince

It's been a long night or is it the time that doesn't seem to pass? I've been in this dark, cold room for more than an hour, no one came in and the sun didn't rise yet. I don't know how long I passed out, it may have been days. I want to see some light to know how to escape from here before anyone comes in. Luiz must have noticed I'm gone and didn't know where I went. They must be worried.

I catch footsteps coming closer. The sound of sole stamping the floor became louder and louder, I close my eyes and concente on their footsteps counting their steps. There may be four to five people approaching.

And then the door swung open, and the light came in blinding me. I blinked, adjusting the light and I saw two legs standing in the front, one in the middle. And then two in the back all wearing a black suit. My eyes reach their face.

The two in the front are the men who abduct me. They are all in their 30s, well fit, they seem to be bodyguards with black specs in their eyes. Standing legs apart and holding their hands together. But the one in the middle seems to be their master.

"She's awake, Master."

One of the men said his voice thundered in the bathroom. I realized I was in the bathroom all this while. Yes like an hour ago. You kidnap and don't even care checking soon.

"Bring her to me"

The one in the middle uttered, that's the only thing he said, and then turned and left. I couldn't see his face, but his voice was laced with authority meaning he's the one in charge.

The two men came forward and forcibly grabbed me,

"Ahhh, you again"

I uttered, annoyed with a piece of cloth covering my mouth I couldn't stand on my leg, it's sore so they grab me, pulling me as they walk, you can't even carry me like the last time. I struggled to shout for them to leave me alone, but with my mouth filled with cloth, I could only murmur rubbish. We walked past the many corners passing by doors. And down the stairs to the huge living room. If only I wasn't kidnapped I'd admire such beauty. The place is one hell of a paradise on earth.

They drop me on the carpet of the living room. And open my mouth warning me not to scream. I bet that will earn me countless beats and no one can hear my voice if I scream for help in the big mansion. Their master sat on the sofa comfortably with his leg on top of the other.

"Leave us"

His voice rumble reminded me of one man. That Selfish Brat whom I bought my house from. So familiar. I look up at him. And it's him. It's him.

I suddenly feel my throat dry, making me gulp slowly. What's he doing here? Is he the one that kidnapped me?

I flattened his tire at my encounter with him at the mall. Shit. Now I have to pay for it. What was thinking in the first place? Sigh.

But for some reason, somewhere deep in my heart, I feel at ease, at least he is a human. Not some so-called demon prince. I look up and saw Mr something Fuoz, sit calmly glaring at me.

"You got something that belongs to me. And I want it back"

His cold voice makes cold shrills travel down my spine in the well-heated room. What did I have that belongs to him? I just flattened his tire not steal something from him. Is he accusing me of something I didn't do?

"I don't know what you're talking about. I swear, I didn't take anything that belongs to."

If that's what he thinks then that's got nothing to do with me. I'm free to go. But I was cut mid-sentence by his loud voice.


He stands up with his hands clasped behind his back, pacing up and down.

"No one talks when I do."

My mouth closed immediately, what did he think he was? Some prince or such? No one talks when I'm talking, I mentally mimic him.

At this instance, his face changes swiftly, vibrating for a second. And then it went back to normal I furrow my brows taking in the scene. I had to shake my head to get into my senses. What's happening to him?

"Wait, I know you" he approached me looking closely. Bending towards.

"You're the crazy girl that flattens my tire" he confirmed,

"Did you even think you'll get away with it?"

His personality changes in seconds the way he spoke with rank too, this one is a little more elegant like some sort of royalty than how he spoke early. Does he mean he doesn't know who he kidnapped till now? Is he having memory loss?

"I ... I ... It was a mistake"

That's a total lie. But I have to find a way out. Don't I.

"Don't dare lie to me I saw it on the CCTV camera, that was not a simple mistake. You did it deliberately and you're going to pay for that"

He sauntered closer fuming with anger, I was playing with his senses. Even in this situation. Captured. I feel good seeing him angry. Hahaha, I wished I saw his reaction the moment he flattened. Kicking the tire and thinking of how it happened.

"Ok okay ... I'm sorry, can I go now?"

I whined. It's just a tire. For Lord's sake! It's no big deal.

"It's no big deal? Do you know how much it cost? Well, you'll pay for it. In blood"

I realized I just spoke out loud and mentally hit myself. Now I upset the devil. What did he mean by "Pay in blood?'' Is he going to kill me because I flattened his tire? Is human life as useless to him as to kill because of a god damn tire?

"Don't dare touch her, she's mine."

His voice became deep and croaky like the one before. Confusing me, why is his voice changing? And there was no one in the room apart from me. Then who is he talking to?

"She flattened my tire."

The voice changes to a softer tone, arguing with himself. loudly.

Freck! I do that sometimes but not out loud. He's weird.

"She has something that belongs to me, that's why I abduct her."

"She offended me first."

"How dare you argue with me?"

"How dare you argue with me?"

The voice changed from a high croaky to a low husky tone. I sat back in awe staring at him with my mouth dropped. It seems like two completely different people arguing. Oh Lord, he is dramatic. Is this some kind of theater rehearsal? He'll do great on stage. Wait. They're? Is he arguing over who to kill me?

"You can just let me go."

"Silence. You are not going till I have what is mine."

He turned his head towards me, silencing me with his loud voice.

"After then, she is as useless as trash to me. You can have her."

"It's a deal then."

"Consider it done. I am a man of my words."

The prince paused, confirming his words, and then continued.


He called out loud and the two men came in.

"Take her to the torture room."

He ordered the two guards. Torture room? Oh no, this is not good, this is not good.

"No, please, you're mistaken, I don't have anything of yo-"

I let out a shrill, and the guard seized me covering my mouth. He dragged me to the punishment room. While trying my best to run from him.

Tears travel down my cheeks, chucking with sobs in my throat, what did he want?

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