
Chapter 22 Inheritance_1

Translator: 549690339


After the annoying person left, the house felt peaceful again.

Jiang Ding sat with his sword clasped in both hands, comfortably rolling on the sofa.

"Big brother, I'm hungry!"

Jiang Yuan said confidently.

"Put the vegetables into the fridge. We'll order takeout today—I'm treating, with a budget of three hundred." Jiang Ding opened his eyes, aware that takeout was now strictly regulated with no hygiene issues, hence the customs had also changed accordingly.

It's just expensive.

Any service involving human labor was never cheap.


Jiang Yuan screamed.

Lin Wanqiu also looked over in surprise.

"Made a little fortune today."

Jiang Ding took out three thousand from his wallet, counted it, and then posted a screenshot of his chat with the technician from Caiyun Pharmaceutical on the Happy and Safe Family group chat. He also repeated the story about finding the Purple Spiritual Plants in the flowerbed.

"Such good luck!" Lin Wanqiu exclaimed in surprise.

Jiang Yuan then quickly opened her phone to place an order. Coke chicken wings and burgers to the max, followed by Jiang Ding and Lin Wanqiu's favorites.


Jiang Ding tapped her head without waiting for her to retaliate, and tossed her a grand.

"For you."

"Ah! Thank you, big brother." Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up. She wanted to scratch Jiang Ding's hand but instead hugged it, planting a kiss and smearing it with saliva.

"This is for mom."

Jiang Ding pushed her away with distaste and took out another thousand.

"Thank you, Dingding!"

Lin Wanqiu said with a smile.


The first two classes in the morning were an examination on moral ideologies.

For Jiang Ding, this posed no difficulty. He wrote as if inspired by a god—the First Law of the Immortal Gate, the first secrecy regulation, application problems, etc.—completing the exam within an hour.

After thoroughly checking several times, Jiang Ding chose to hand in his paper, using the saved time to practice his sword.

Around him was an envious gaze.

It wasn't about being ostentatious; everyone knew he had been specially recruited for his exceptionally high scores in ideological quality.

"Jiang Ding, wait a moment."

The class teacher, Guo Kui, called out to Jiang Ding, sent a message for another teacher to help with invigilating, and then quickly left the classroom.

"You've advanced to the Internal Qi Realm, haven't you? Let's go to the school library."

The two talked while walking.

"Yes, teacher," Jiang Ding replied softly.

Hua Bing, Wu Tianli, and a few others could easily see through his strength, let alone his class teacher.

The pair soon arrived at the school library, and under Guo Kui's lead, they entered a spacious and well-lit classroom with a simple arrangement of a desk and several stools in the middle.

Besides that, there were seven or eight conspicuously visible surveillance cameras.

This was a bit abrupt since Xianmen Sect's technology could easily reduce the cameras to the size of a grain of rice with even better functionality. The bulky size of these cameras seemed archaic.

"Sit," Guo Kui indicated the cameras overhead. "Do you understand the implications of these?"



Jiang Ding answered calmly, the natural aura of a scholastic achiever in ethics and morality emanating from him.

"For ten thousand years, the spiritless and the transcendental have collided and fused. The Xianmen Sect has endured countless tribulations, faced full-scale invasion at least three times, and nearly witnessed the extinction of entire clans, thus it places special emphasis on the orderly transmission of knowledge at the grassroots level."

"In fact, there have been many internal conflicts in history. Some high-level cultivators, especially the elderly ones with no hope for further advancement, are particularly fixated on the glorious continuation of their family lineage."

"However, with only resource advantages, how can a single family compete with the talents of an entire region?"

"The best choice is to directly disrupt the tradition of that region. Personal powers such as families and sects can naturally occupy a dominant position."

"After several internal wars that affected the entire Xianmen Sect, strict regulations regarding inheritance were established."

"Martial artists within the Internal Qi Realm are already considered the most basic soldiers, already stepping into the sequence of rights and obligations of the Xianmen Sect. An inconsequential amount of attention from the Central Array Spirit Computer has already begun to watch over this place."

"To ensure that the most basic transition of the Xianmen Sect is carried out strictly."

Guo Kui's expression revealed a hint of complexity.

"Very well."

As an elderly cultivator with no path to advancement and no hope for foundation building, he had been paving the way for his descendants for years, and at this moment, he couldn't help having some mixed thoughts.

"The inheritance of the Inner Qi Realm is quite simple, there are only two branch routes, namely, Frontline Infantry and Reconnaissance Infantry."

Guo Kui curbed the slight fluctuations in his emotions and slowly continued.

"Frontline Infantry at most can accumulate merits to become an officer in the C-grade Legion, using heavy machine guns, with some equipped with grenades, mortars, and other ground firepower. However, in school, you only need to learn the heavy machine gun, and the exam is also related to this alone."

"Reconnaissance Infantry, with the same promotion cap, use Reconnaissance Camouflage that can block some Divine Sense searches and Spirit Sonar detection, anti-materiel sniper rifles, etc., requiring the ability to survive and fight independently in the wilderness to gather intelligence needed by the troops."

"As per the requisite, the martial arts training focus differs between the two; Frontline Infantry must learn Vajra Print to stabilize the heavy machine gun, while Reconnaissance Infantry must master the Art of Small Concealment."

"In terms of scores, Frontline Infantry is easier to pass, with a high minimum and not a low maximum, relatively safe within the crowd; Reconnaissance Infantry has a low minimum, high maximum, and a high danger factor."

"What do you choose? You can discuss it with your family, just decide within a week."

"No need."

Jiang Ding shook his head: "I choose the Reconnaissance Infantry major."

If it were before, he might have hesitated, but now he didn't have to. He'd spent years exploring other worlds, without comrades-in-arms; the Reconnaissance Infantry major was naturally suited to him.

"Good, I'll report this for you. Teacher Zhang Dingjun from the cultivation class will also be notified."

Guo Kui didn't say much, knowing the confidence and pride of teenagers at that age made it hard for them to heed advice: "Within a month, you'll have one chance to change your major. If you find the Reconnaissance Infantry major unsuitable, remember not to miss the deadline."

"Thank you, teacher."

Jiang Ding stood up to leave.

Exiting the school library, he found that only twenty minutes had passed. Jiang Ding thought for a moment and headed towards the cultivation room.

The door opened,

Inside the spacious cultivation room was still the half-open jade-green wooden palm, upon it lay an elixir flickering with a faint glow, a Ginseng Flower Stabilizing Qi Pill, a common-grade, lower-tier elixir, capable of replenishing the essence and making it easier for Inner Qi Realm Martial Artists to generate Inner Qi.

There are elixirs that directly increase Inner Qi, but these brute force methods of enhancing cultivation base harm one's potential. If detected by the Cultivation Room Array Spirit, the cultivation class marks would be reset to zero.

Such elixirs are no different from poison for young martial artists.

The Ginseng Flower Stabilizing Qi Pill follows the style of the Xianmen Sect's education system in providing elixirs: low cost and satisfactory effectiveness.

It's roughly equivalent to half the effect of the Essence Qi Bone Marrow Pill previously taken in the Bone Refining Realm but requires strict adherence to the elixir's instructions to expel minute amounts of poison of magical pellets to avoid affecting the potential of young martial artists.

If residues of poison of magical pellets are detected in the body by the Cultivation Room Array Spirit, it will refuse to provide elixirs.

In front of him, a small light-blue figure began to move, and arrows within the meridians intricately and orderly maneuvered, weaving a net through the ten main pathways of the Lung Channel of Hand Taiyin.

He swallowed the Ginseng Flower Stabilizing Qi Pill

A bright silver light appeared, then danced around. Sword-light filled the entire space of the cultivation room as Inner Qi circulation fortified, slicing the air into pieces, leaving the room full of sword shadows.