
Boku No Hero Academia: Reborn

Through a series of events, the once universally acknowledged genius, who has made numerous breakthroughs in genetic technology field has has died, only to wake up finding himself in a room, with nothing but a TV screen, which showed every single anime in existence. After moments of interacting with the screen he was able to select an anime to watch. Satorou with nothing else to do, decided to sit back and enjoy the shows that were available. After Binge watching every series available, he wanted more. He demanded more of the screen, but ended up landing on deaf ears. However after an eternity the screen changed up and for the first time in Satorou's life he watched a 'hentai'. He did NOT stop there, deciding to watch each and every piece he could find through the screen and ended up watching a shit ton. He mastered the art of hentai. When he was about to move to the next one, a voice echoed in his: "Sorry for the wait, your turn has finally arrived, Mr. Satorou. Now, let's spin the wheel of fate, and see what the future holds for your soul....... Hoho, how lucky, reincarnation. I will randomly select a world from within your memory. Congratulations, you will be reincarnated in Boku no Hero Academia world with a quirk that is compatible with your soul" Everything was going too fast for Satorou to keep up but he knew only one thing. Satorou resolved himself to follow through what he learned from the screen and create the greatest harem and finally release all the pent-up lust he developed in the past eternity.

Chryalisis · Others
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6 Chs

An Unexpected Turn of Events

""Oi, it seems you want to join in on the fun, but I won't allow you we found her first! Go find yourself some other prey, now scram!"


What'd this guy say to a for year old now?

I mean I know I am a bit taller than your average ten year old, around 140 cm but still, even if they think I'm a 10 or 12 year old, what are they think? Not that I complain, because I'm actually interested, but I can't get it the mood with trash like these in front of me

I directed a cold stare towards them, and tried to fake the killing intent that I've always seen in anime to spook'em up a bit.

"Ability discovery successful:

Killing intent (Lv:1) : User can now exude pure killing intent which at the current level can cause enemy's to sense danger in the atmosphere, and fearsome aura from user."

HOHOHO, now I didn't know I can do that! That's so dumb, it's not even fair- don't mind though, as it's really advantageous for me.

I moved my line of sight full of killing intent back towards the villains, how starting sweating profusely, and had a panicked look. It's working too well. Well let's see, what can I say to feel like All Might in such a situation? I can't really say the popular All Might line because I'm not even known, oh whatever.

"Oi, you bastards, stop what you are doing now, or you'll anger me, and you'll regret anger me"

Is what I tried to say in a cool voice with complete killing intend, buuuuuuut my 4 year old undeveloped voice fucked me up. I sound like a kid playing pretend with his friends. Even the villains saw the embarrassment I felt from my voice, and started laughing uncontrollably. How humiliating?!

"Oi, kid you can go, just leave and don't tell anyone about this and we won't hurt you, so don't cry! Am I right guys, hahahahaah?"- said the strongest looking one out of them

Wait, I'm not crying you shithead!

NO, that's just..... something that got in my *sniff* eye!

"Ya, hahahahah, you're cute for a little boy, so it'd be sad to traumatize you now, y'know?"

Meanwhile I already asked the system to scan all of them and determine their quirks:

"Scan complete:

Villain 1: Ichika Ichi

Level: 3, HP 30,15 S, 10 A, 10 I, 10 W

Quirk: Medusa Eyes: Can turn anything into stone by staring at it

Drawbacks: Has extreme eye dryness, and humans take around 1 hour for complete solidification due to lack of training quirk

Villain 2: Okure Oku

Level 2: HP 22, 17 S, 3 A, 1 I, 1 W

Quirk: Clairvoyance: Without having to move, this power allows Okure to view objects or people anywhere he has been unobstructed by crossing his eyes.

Drawbacks: He loses a significant amount of his mental capabilities whenever the ability is used.

Villain 3: Notarin Notaru

Level 1: HP 10, 6 S, 8 A, 9 I, 14 W

Quirk: Puppet manipulation: effects unknown

Drawbacks: May lead to death if overused.

Wait, why are the effects of puppet manipulation unknown. I can pretty much guess the effects. The hell? Oh well, it can't be helped I guess if the system gonna act like that.

Hm, I'd like to have that Clairvoyance, it'd be really helpful in keeping up with mom's self-pleasuring session even when I'm not there.

Oh what am I thinking now?

Let's go

"Yo, I'm not joking if you guys don't let this girl go, I'll seriously hurt you"



Villain 1 started staring at me, and I quickly felt my body getting heavy. He kept staring at me, and none of them started doing anything. They were clearly reliant on that Okure of theirs!

"Even though you're quirk is clearly strong I won't simply stand still doing nothing, take this"

I said as I threw pebbles towards his eyes using my psychokinesis, blinding him. He screamed in pain as his precious eyes were now hurt. They clearly didn't account for my quirk here.



Wow I didn't expect such an overreaction from them!

"I'm neither?"


"Actually, let's say that I'm the vigilante here Overpower"

Owaah, what a cringe worthy name, but I came up with it on the spot so no one can really blame me. I just needed a code name, in case they decide to target me somehow.

I carried the girl towards me and , who was unconscious for some reason. Oh well, can't be bothered with that for now. Let's defeat the rest of those villains and call it da-


Why can't I move?

Why are my legs suddenly called, and why do I feel a chill on my back?

There is no one else behind me except for the girl the right?

No way she is a villain as well now, is there?

Was this a fight between two villain groups and I mistook it as them attacking an innocent civilian.

Nah, no way, such a cute girl can't possibly be a v-

Oh I see, she is the one actually attacking me, makes sense why I'm feeling the chill on my back


You guys better decide who you want for the girl or I'll randomly pick someone!

Also sorry for the late chapter, and don't expect a chapter tomorrow as I have English, chemistry, and Biology exams next weeks, so probably unstable release of chapters. Sorry

Also, if you guys do enjoy this, make sure to drop a review, even if you dislike it, just lemme know your thought so I can improve as a writer. This is actually my first time writing anything, so I need reviews to increase my quality lol

Chryalisiscreators' thoughts