
Bofuri in Another World ( I'm the final boss)

Maple and her friends find themselves in another world. " you must be new around here." " yeah I am. so what's going on, are those....... gods?" " yes boy, deities and beings beyond our widest imagination." " what're they doing?" " they're giving tribute." " tribute? to who? " " Boy have you never heard of Maple Tree?" you have any questions or suggestions or just want to pitch in, check out my discord. https://discord.com/invite/r6YSFRTpBg

SaberGlory · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four

The kingdom of Welvern.

Arguably the strongest kingdom in the entire continent of Phalsia. Origin of several powerful Orders of Knights, a grand Magi, and of course two of the current wielders of the Sin fragments.

Nahand Starblaze, who had just finished his training for the day sits in the balcony of his manor, his mind racing faster than a gazarelle in the summer. "The summons will be taking place tomorrow, and yet there's no word of their arrivals." With no one but the wind as his companion, Nahand speaks his thoughts out loud.

"Hah." Nahand can't help but sigh at the silent show of power held by those who possesses the title of a Sin. "Maybe Ira will lose her temper tomorrow. Would be nice to see the Sin of wrath in action, know how I compare."

Staring at the setting sun, Nahand pours himself a glass of D.rake, one of Welvern's famous commodity. Made from the blood of a lesser drake that they were farming.

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape, Nahand takes a sip of the crimson liquid. The flavor is bold and slightly sweet, with a hint of smokiness that lingers on his taste buds. He savors the taste, feeling the tension in his shoulders ease slightly.

Just then, a soft knock at the door breaks the silence. "Enter," Nahand calls out, not bothering to turn around.

The door slides open, and a maid steps onto the balcony. "Nahand, sir," the maid says, her voice low and respectful. "I've come to inform you that guests have arrived."

Nahand's eyes narrow, his mind racing with possibilities. "Which ones?" he asks, his voice laced with a hint of excitement.

"The wielders of the third and seventh Sin, sir. They've arrived at the castle, along with their...entourages."

Nahand's eyes light up with interest. "Ah, excellent. Ira is here, I'll be on my way then."

The figure hesitates, clearing their throat. "There's something else, sir. The king has requested your father's presence in the throne room... You are invited as well. He wishes to...discuss the upcoming meeting with you two."

Nahand's smile widens, his eyes glinting with frustration. "Ah, how delightful."

With a flick of his wrist, Nahand sets his glass down and rises from his seat, his movements fluid and graceful. "Let us go, then. I wouldn't want to keep the king waiting."


Stepping out of a swirling blue portal, Rory and her entourage are welcomed by a squad of knights

Rory, her long silver hair flowing, no longer in a messy bun, smiled graciously as she gazed upon the grandeur of Welvern's castle. Her lips curled into a sly smile as she took in the sight of the knights, their armor gleaming in the fading light of day.

"Ah," she said, her voice husky and confident. "I thank you for your...hospitality."

The lead knight, a gruff-looking man with a thick beard, bowed low. "Welcome, Lady Rory, wielder of the Third Sin. We've been expecting you. The king awaits your presence in the throne room."

Rory's entourage, a motley crew of mysterious warriors, fanned out behind her as she sweeps past the knights and into the castle. The air was thick with tension, as she answered. "No need, just lead us to our resting quarters for the night. The king can wait till tomorrow."

Rory smirks as she notices the slightest flinch from the knights who heard her casually dismiss their king, even as they led her and her warriors to their quarters for the night.

As the night falls, the castle's corridors bustle with activity. Another member of the Sins, with their own entourage, arrives at the castle, their presence palpable.

In the great hall, the king's guards stand watch, their eyes vigilant and their hands resting on the hilts of their swords.

As the clock strike midnight, the castle falls silent, the only sound the soft rustling of the wind through the battlements.

The next morning, the sun rises over the castle, casting a golden glow over the great hall as blue swirling portals begins appearing within it's walls.


The conference room is dark and luxurious, windows draped in light cotton like curtains.

A large conference table rests in the middle of the room. Rory, resplendent in her dark finery, sits on one of the seats by the table.

Across the Sin of Wrath, seats what she could only refer to as a vixen. Fair supple skin that looked like they had never seen the sun. Her slitted eyes a light shade of purple. The Sin of Lust sat with the regality of a queen. Her long, wavy hair a dark purple. Her peach colored toga draped over her body, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Lips curled into a sly smile, revealing a hint of mischief. Her slender fingers drummed against the armrest, adorned with rings that sparkled like diamonds. Her presence exuded an aura of seduction, as if she could entice anyone with a single glance.

Rory couldn't help but feel a sense of fascination and trepidation in the presence of the Sin of Lust. She seemed to embody the very essence of desire and temptation, making it hard to look away. The Sin's gaze locks onto Rory, and for a moment, they just starep at each other, the tension between them palpable.

"Ah, Rory," the Sin of Lust said, her voice soft and confident. "It's been a while. I see you're still as...prudish as ever."

Rory felt a flush rise to her cheeks, but she refused to back down. "And I see you're still as...alluring as ever, Hamarie."

The Sin chuckled, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Alluring? That's a nice way to put it. I prefer 'irresistible'."

Rory sends a glare at Hamarie for a single moment. "I know why I'm here early. As the newest Sin, it's somewhat natural." Deepening her glare, she asks. "Why are 'you' here?"

Hamarie smiles, an action that warms up Rory's cheeks even further. "Who knows? We haven't had a meeting in forever, I couldn't... help myself."

The door slams open and Hamarie clicks her tongue in disgust as they gained a third member. A figure walks in with a scowl on his face, a green light pulsing within his chest can be seen even through his dark armor. Rory studies Varkos, the Sin of Envy, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent light. "Ah, how delightful," Hamarie says, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "The Sin of Envy has graced us with his presence."

Varkos snarls, his face twisted in a scowl. "I'm only here because I have to be. I have no interest in your petty games, Hamarie."

Rory watches the exchange with interest, her eyes flicking between the two Sins. She knows that Varkos has always been resentful of the rest of the Sin's power and influence, and it seems that little has changed.

Hamarie chuckles, her eyes glinting with hostility. "Oh, come now, Varkos. Don't be so grumpy. We're all just one big happy family here."

Varkos's scowl deepens, his eyes flashing with anger. "You think you're so clever, don't you, Hamarie? But you have no idea what I'm capable of."

Varkos ignores the two Sins however as he makes his way to the seat at the head of the table. Hamarie raises an eyebrow at this, but then giggles as Varkos reluctantly finds the seat right next to it.

The next few minutes is filled with silence until the doors open again and a metallic clunk echoes through the room. Dark cloak fluttering around the ten foot tall golem, it steps into the room. Monarcha, the Sin of Greed.

Monarcha wastes no time walking towards the reinforced seat right next to Hamarie, his neon blue metallic armor contrasting with the dark decor of the room.

Hamarie breaks the silence once again. "Hello Monarcha." Monarcha's helmet turns to gaze at her, it's visor gleaming with a faint blue light, before facing straight ahead once again. Hamarie pouts at this, making her look even more alluring, Varkos had to look away, lest he be charmed. "Well you're no fun."

The doors open again with not one but two new faces. "Ah. It appears I'm not too early. wonderful." The representative of the elven conglomerate declares as he makes his way to a seat.

The Sundow champion behind him shakes her head whispering insults at the elf, before making her way to her seat, right next to said elf.

Hamarie rolls her eyes at this, before blowing a kiss to the elf. "Hello Thalion. Did you miss me?" Hamarie lets out a chuckle when she notices Kaelith flinch from this, as the elf blushes.

Rory waves at the Sundow champion however. "Hey Kaelith, how are you?"

The Sundow warrior sends a quick glare to Hamarie before turning to the Sin of Wrath. "Uhm, yeah. I'm doing well. Still trying to put the elves in their place but I'm doing well nonetheless."

Thalion raises an eyebrow at this. "Put us in our place? How can a clan of muscle brained idiots be anything but below us?"

Kaelith immediately levels her fist at Thalion. "Just keep running your mouth long ears, see where that gets you!!"

Rory nervously chuckles at the two representatives bickering as the door opens once again. A blur immediately zooms into the room, a gust of wind blowing through the hair of it's occupants.

"Monarchaaaaaa!!" Varkos' face twist in disgust as Talia, the Sin of Gluttony latches on to the golem's face in a hug.

As Talia begins rubbing her cheek with that of the golem, Hamarie smiles. "Talia dear, won't you take a seat?"

Talia immediately hisses at the Sin of Lust. "No! I wanna stay with Monarcha."

Varkos immediately sighs under his breath. "Worthless creature."

The doors open again and this time silence ensues. A transparent figure, almost ghost like floats into the room. A closer look however reveals its nature. A young lamia covered in azure scales slithers while floating a few inches off the ground. Ymir, the Sin of Sloth, or rather, her projection as her true body was far too large and dangerous to be so close.

The residents if the room watch as the projection slithers slowly... Slowly... Very slowly, slowly (well you get the point) taking around six minutes to get to her seat.

Rory can't help but wonder. "If she's just a projection, why can't she just project herself to her seat?"

Not long after the Sin of Sloth's grueling trek to her seat, the occupants resume their conversations.

Their conversation is cut short however as the large doors slowly open, a man walking in. The air around him shimmering like flames been stoked, Garuth Starblaze, the Sin of pride has arrived, behind him a woman.

She wore a flowing black gown, its silken folds draping gracefully around her curves. The fabric seemed to shimmer and ripple, as if infused with a magic that responded to her every movement. Around her neck, a glittering silver pendant in the shape of a crescent moon hung, casting a gentle glow. Sapphire, the representative of the Witch queen.

The silence is unnerving as Garuth makes his way to the head of the table. Sapphire, however, smiles warmly as she takes her seat besides Garuth.

Garuth's eyes scan the room, his gaze lingering on each of the sins before settling on the Sundow warrior. "Why are you here?"

Kaelith shivers from the Sin of Pride's gaze for only a moment before rising from her seat. Garuth, however, raises his arm. "Sit." A single statement, filled with acknowledgement. Thalion releases his breath as she sits.

"Can we please just get on with the meeting? I have better things to do than to listen to you all bicker." Varkos glances at Garuth, his eyes laced with defiance.

Garuth ignores the Sin of Envy as he turns to the Sin of Greed. "Monarcha, please ca-"

The doors is immediately slammed open and Hamarie raises an eyebrow as a figure walks in. "You wouldn't want to start without little old me, would you?" Namarie declares as she struts into the room.

Hamarie smiles at her sister's antics as Varkos looks like he's about to pop a blood vessel. "What is the meaning of thi-" his words are halted however as another figure walks into the room.

The entire room suddenly trembles as the walls are painted red in an instant, the air almost solidifying from the pressure.

Varkos, however, is not the only one who reacts at the newcomer as the rest of the occupants in the room immediately turn to the newcomer with different reactions.

Monarcha's visor immediately gleam red in response to the sudden pressure. Kaelith and Thalion immediately place their hands on their weapons. Talia watches the newcomer with a curious look on her face. Ymir... well, she was already sleeping (how!!! She's a projection for crying out loud.)

Rory immediately tenses, her fist glowing as if prepared for battle. Hamarie has a look of dread on her face along side Sapphire. Garuth, however, watches the little girl in black armor with his eyebrows raised.

Just as quickly, the pressure is gone, and the walls are clean again like an illusion.

Maple, the leader of Maple Tree, has arrived.

Sorry it took so long, got really busy, couldn't find the time to just sit down and write. I'm going to be quite busy now so I hope I can still keep releasing daily, if not every two days.

SaberGlorycreators' thoughts