
The Movie Ninjago

I woke and groaned. "Are you hurt?" Lloyd asked.

"No," I muttered sitting up. "Do you pass out when we go to a new place?"

He shook his head. "No, I am able to stay awake."

"Okay, where are we this time?" I asked as I pulled Hydra out of my pocket and put her on my shoulder.

He winced. "We're in a new Ninjago. Or a sideways version of it."

"So this place has Ninja?"

"Yes." He looked around. "Garmadon attacks a lot here and no one knows who the Ninja are."

I smiled a little. "We do."

He snorted. "We can't give them away. They're keeping this a secret for a reason."

I frowned. "Lloyd, we're going to have to disguise you because you'll look just like the Lloyd here."

He rubbed his temples. "I know."

"We have to call you another name too," I added.

He looked at me. "You're the decorator."

"I know. We'll give you brown hair and we'll call you Louis."

"Louis?" He said frowning.

I sighed. "You got a better name?"

"No, I'm just thinking it might be better to get rid of the L."

"Oh." I thought for a minute. "How's Evan?"

He looked at me thoughtfully. "Sure."

"Now for your hair color."

"Can we go black instead of brown?"

I hesitated. "Sure, but I chose brown because it wouldn't remind you of Morro."

He kissed me quickly. "I know. But I just don't think brown hair will match me."

"Blond is the only color that matches," I muttered. I went to a store and came back with hair dye which I used and made Lloyd's hair ink-black.

"He looks nice," Hydra said.

"Hydra thinks you look nice," I told Lloyd.

He smiled. "Thanks. Now are we planning to go to the school and stuff."

I smirked. "Yes."

"Damn," he muttered which made me laugh. We went to the school and watched everyone fall silent when Lloyd's look-alike got off the bus. "Jeez."

I nodded in agreement. We went inside and our lockers weren't far from The other Lloyd and his group. "Nya looks so much cooler here," I murmured.

I saw my Lloyd take a picture of all the others. I raised my eyebrow. He shrugged. "What? They should get to see what they look like here."

I rolled my eyes and then froze. A male cheerleader walked over to Lloyd (Movie). "Hey, it's Garmadork and the dork squad. Do you want to hear our new cheer?" The cheerleader said. "L-L-O-Y-D his dad is bad and so is he. Boo Lloyd. Boo Lloyd. BOO LLOYD!"

I saw my Lloyd's hands curl into fists. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Let me," I said quietly. I walked over. "Hello," I said cheerfully.

The cheerleader stared. "Hi, beautiful."

I felt Lloyd (Series) stiffen. I gave him a small shake of my head. "Chill," I muttered. I turned back to the cheerleader. "I'm Y/n L/n. This is my friend Evan. What's your name?" I asked remaining cheerful.

He puffed out his chest. "I'm Chen."

"Not something to be proud of," Lloyd (Series) growled quietly.

Ugh, this was going to be difficult. My Lloyd really wanted to attack this guy. "Why don't you leave these people alone?" I asked smiling. "After all they aren't the ones puffing out their chests like pouter pigeons."

Chen's eyes narrowed. "Who do you think you are?"

"Someone who doesn't like seeing other people get bullied," I said coolly.


"Culo," I replied.

Chen frowned as my Lloyd snickered. "What did you say?"

I shrugged. "Nothing of importance."

Chen glared. "Tell me what you said!"

"Hmm, let me think about it. No." 

He turned on his heel and left with the rest of his cheerleader friends following him. My Lloyd turned to this world's Lloyd. "Why do you let him do that? Why don't you fight back?" He asked.

Lloyd's (Movie) eyes widened. "How do you know...?"

"Evan and I know a lot so we do know who the Secret Ninja force is," I said hastily giving Lloyd (Series) a dark look.

Kai looked from me to my Lloyd and back. "Who are you two?"

I hesitated. "Um, can we meet somewhere after school? It would be better to keep who Evan and I really are private."

Nya was watching me carefully. "There's a warehouse that we keep everything in. YOu can meet us there. If you get there before us just tell Lloyd's uncle that you have something important to tell us all."

I nodded. "Okay." My Lloyd and I knew everything that these people were teaching and I could see that he was really bored. I caught his eye and smirked. He rolled his eyes in response. After school, we went to the warehouse and got there just as the others were getting there. 

This world's Lloyd turned to us. "Now tell us how you know who we are."

My Lloyd snorted and used spinjitsu. Surprisingly that took off the hair dye. I groaned. "That took forever to put in your hair," I complained.

Nya stared. "How...?"

Lloyd (Series) looked at her. "Y/n and I are from the Mirror version of this world. I'm the Green Ninja there."

I snorted. "He conveniently forgot to mention that I'm the princess in that world and he is my bodyguard. However, recent events turned him into my boyfriend."

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Recent events?"

"Yes." I turned to the others. "There are other versions of you too. But I think the most notable one would be that you guys don't go to school there."

Jay's eyes widened. "Really? No school?"

"Now you conveniently forgot that I was in a school," my Lloyd said.

I smirked. "I didn't. You got kicked out of it a lot and once you became the Green Ninja you didn't have to go to school."

He scowled. "You really are irritating."

I shrugged. "Not something I'm going to change."

"I hate you."

"I know," I said cheerfully.

"Aw, isn't this sweet," a deep familiar voice said.

My heart sank. "Liam," I breathed.


Culo = Ass