
Avoiding Planning the Wedding

I've been staying at the monastery for two weeks and have been avoiding Nya, Pixel, and Skylor the entire time. They want me to start planning the wedding but I want to wait for a little while. I mean, I want to marry Lloyd but I wouldn't mind just being engaged to him for a while. So I decided to take a walk today. I let Lloyd know and quickly ran out of the monastery so the girls couldn't corner me. I was holding down the main road when I saw someone they made me freeze. "Harumi?" I blurted.

She turned. "Oh," she said nervously. "Hello."

"Hi," I said just as nervously. I haven't seen her since she gave the royal stuff to my family. "I thought you left Ninjago City."

"I did. But I just couldn't help coming back. I heard you quit being a princess."

I smiled. "I did. But that's only because my parents tried to get me to leave my boyfriend, who recently became my fiancee." 

Her eyes widened. "Who is it?"

I blushed. Uh-oh. "Um, Lloyd."

She smiled. "I'm not going to hurt you for being in a relationship with Lloyd."

"But didn't you love him?"

"I did but I've found someone else."

I blinked. "Who?"

She looked around. "You can't tell anyone but Lloyd, okay?"

I nodded. "I won't."

"Morro came back and now he's my boyfriend."

"That's great! I'm so glad you're with someone."


"Yeah." I looked around. "Would you like to walk with me?"

"Sure." We started off. So how are the wedding plans coming?"

I wrinkled my nose. "I'm not planning anything yet. I want to just be engaged to Lloyd for a little while before I start doing that." I sighed. "One of the reasons I'm out walking right now is because I'm avoiding Nya, Pixel, and Skylar. They want me to start planning the wedding now."

"Okay, so what's the other reason?"

"When I was captured the first time by Liam I found out I could talk to animals. I made a lizard friend and her name was Hydra. Every time we traveled by travelers tea I would put her in my pocket so I didn't lose her. But when Liam captured me the second time and took me away with travelers tea I hadn't been able to put Hydra in my pocket so I lost her. I just miss her."

"Does Lloyd know about this?"

I winced. "I think he knows I lost her but I'm not sure. But I was kind of dying when we met up again and then I had to stop him from destroying the city so we've never really had a chance to talk about it."

"Will you talk to him about it though?"

I shook my head. "There is no reason to add to his worries. I can handle my grief over her on my own."

"Y/n! There you are," Skylor called.

I groaned. "Crap." I grabbed Harumi's wrist and we both ran into an alley. Skylar walked right past us. "That was close," I muttered.

She laughed quietly. "You're going to need to start planning eventually."

"You and Morro and invites. There, I planned some."

She snorted. "One, that's not planning. Two, do you think Lloyd and the Ninja will be okay with that?"

"They don't have a choice," I said confidently. "You're my friend and I want you there."

"What about Vania? Is she invited?"

I nodded. "Or will be when I write up and send out the invitations."

"Y/n, you know Lloyd might let me come but not Morro. I mean, Morro possessed him and he's not going to be happy about it."

"But he loves me and will let Morro come," I said fiercely. 

"Are you two talking about me?" A male voice said.

Haruni giggled. "Just about whether Lloyd will let you go to his and Y/n's wedding."

He stood beside her and kissed her briefly. "Am I invited?" He asked me.

I nodded. "You and Harumi are both invited."

"Or will be when she starts doing wedding stuff," Harumi said.

I huffed. "Is it too much to ask to just be engaged to Lloyd for a while?"

"Yes!" Nya said running into the alley with Pixel and Skylor.

I groaned. "Dammit!" I scowled at them ."How did you find me?"

Nya smirked. "We followed Morro. By the way, Lloyd knows Morro's back and that he's dating Harumi. He also knows Harumi is your friend which automatically invites them both."

"Good." Then I shook my head. "I'm not planning the wedding yet."

"Oh, come on, Y/n. Please?" Skylar pleaded.


Harumi looked at me. "What day was it that you told me you wanted to get married when we first became friends?"

I frowned. "December first."

She smirked. "Then that's when your wedding will be."

I blinked. "Wait, what!?! Harumi!"

She turned to the girls. "The flowers were violets and I know who will be invited. We could meet at your noodle house, Skylar, and start planning."

"Perfect," Skylar said.

"Excuse me?" I said. "You four aren't planning anything. I'm not marrying Lloyd yet."

Harumi sighed. "Come on, Y/n. You love Lloyd, right?"


"And you want to marry him, right?"


"Then the wedding will happen December first."

"Will it?" A green figure landed beside me.

"Lloyd!" I exclaimed hugging him.

He took off his mask and smiled. "Hey, Y/n." He hugged me back.

I looked him up and down. "You put the bracelet back on."

He shrugged. "I decided it would be best to do that since it freaks some people out." He turned to the girls. "It's our choice when we get married and I'd like to just be engaged to Y/n for a year."

"A year?!?" All the girls said at the same time.

Morro snorted. "He's right. You girls can't plan anything without running it by them first."

Harumi glared. "Who's side are you on?"

He shrugged. "My own at the moment." He left before Harumi could reply.

Nya turned to me. "Please, Y/n? Please, let us plan the wedding," she pleaded.

I shook my head. "No," I said firmly.

"Be honest, were you actually planning to wait a year, Y/n?" Harumi asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"And in that year will you tell him that you're grieving the loss of Hydra?"

"Harumi!" I yelped.

Lloyd frowned. "What does she mean?"

She smirked. "Only that the second time she was captured she hadn't been able to put Hydra in her pocket so she lost her. She wanted to keep it from you because you're busy and she wants to grieve alone."

"Callarse la boca," I snapped.

Lloyd looked at me. "Y/n? Is this true?"

I sighed. "I didn't want to worry you. I'm fine, I just think about her every now and then and need a minute."

"So all the times you've locked yourself in our room was when you were...?"

"Grieving? Yes." Well, that and I'm upset about my parents but I'm not planning to tell anyone that.

He thought for a minute. "Okay. If you need time to yourself every now and then, then I'll give you that time."

I kissed him. "Thank you."

He smiled. "I'm here for you."

"Damn, I thought he would get upset," Harumi muttered. Nya, Pixel, and Skylar nodded in agreement. Harumi and Skylar went to their houses and the rest of us went back to the monastery. I was glad I had a very understanding fiancee.


Callarse la boca = Shut up