
Body collection file

Since time immemorial, people have died and left their bodies. But few people know that there are many secrets hidden inside the body. Curse corpse, live corpse, horizontal corpse, resentful corpse, two sections of corpse... Every body has a story of its own! My name is He Yongheng, I am a funeral home body collector.

DaoistS77PJD · Horror
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25 Chs

Chapter 9: The Autistic Girl

I was suddenly happy.


You know, I've heard of a dead man, but I've never seen a dead man talk before.


What kind of fraud is this? The victim must have been brought to the funeral home while still alive.


This kind of thing is not rare, there have been old people in bed for a long time, the result is asleep, breathing is particularly shallow.


The unconscionable son and daughter-in-law had long wanted the old man to die early, so they did not even check, and when they saw the old man did not breathe, they sent him to the funeral home.


The old man woke up again during the cremation and nearly scared the corpse burner to death.


At that moment, a woman in full dress rushed out of the hall, barefoot, limping after him. She carried a wailing stick in her hand and beat the crowd in the face.


The boss was right. You can see humanity in a hospital, you can see it in a funeral home.


Since it is not a fraudulent body, I simply looked at the excitement with a smile on the side.


I saw a woman wearing a dress chasing all the chickens flying dogs jumping, some people stopped to point, and people with ghosts in their hearts are still pale and fled in panic.


Gu Director with the staff hurried to stop, some people also called the 110 alarm, which also mixed with the "dead" angry abuse, probably means that a pair of rape silver woman to their own sleeping pills disguised suicide, the result is a little impatient, people have not died yet sent to the funeral home.


The melon I eat a big cry of addiction, by the way to help Gu director to close the funeral home door, anyway, no one on the scene want to run, wait for the police to say again.


I was looking at it with relish, and suddenly someone pulled my pants leg.


I looked down and saw that it was a little girl of five or six, carrying a handbag, looking up at me.


Her eyes were full of fear, and it was obvious that she had come after gathering courage.


When I looked down, he did not speak, just pushed the handbag in front of me and took two steps back.


I subconsciously opened my handbag and was shocked.


Inside the bag is a red piece, and all of them are hundred-dollar bills! At a glance, there are at least fifty or sixty thousand!


I closed my handbag quickly, but my head glanced around.


Then the first thing I saw was Zhao Fei peeking around the corner.


Perhaps sensing that I had spotted him, Zhao Fei drew back quickly.


But I picked up the little girl, three steps two steps rushed to the past, angry; "Zhao Fei! Try running!"


Zhao Fei shivered, then turned around and grinned: "Oops! Little brother! It was very kind of you to accept the work, knowing the child's fate."


"Boss Zhang has employees like you, he deserves his career thriving, more and more famous!"


I instantly understood what was going on.


Dog day Zhao Fei, knowing that I do not want to accept the mutilated body work, let the daughter of the deceased personally come to send money!


According to the rules of the funeral home, I collect the money, and I have to do it!


I flew into a rage: "Lao Zhao, you can! That's how they used it!"


Zhao Fei, aware of the loss, said with a smile: "Little brother, the money is accepted, we have to do this job."


"You see how poor the child is, and if anything should happen to him, you would be sorry, wouldn't you?"


I wanted to call the money to Zhao Fei's face, but I turned to look at the little girl and found that her eyes were full of blood, the impression was black, and the whole person looked depressed.


I found that I was looking at her, and even picked up the railing next to her with both hands, as if this would give her a sense of security.


The anger in my heart suddenly disappeared.


My face was calm and I said, "Lao Zhao, you're just here to fuck with me!"


"Take the child and come with me!"


With that, I walked quickly down the hallway and pushed through an empty reception room.


Zhao Fei followed quickly with the child, and as soon as he entered the room, he apologized again: "Little brother, old brother, this is really no way."


"If the gambler's body can't be collected, something will happen."


"Why don't you take pity on the boy instead of making money?"


I dragged over a chair and asked the child to sit down.


Then he said to Zhao Fei seriously, "First of all! Fifty grand isn't enough to get me this job! Two hundred thousand!"


Zhao Fei bared his teeth: "Little brother, you see, my old brother is not rich on hand..."


Seeing my fierce eyes, Zhao Fei immediately changed his words: "OK! Two hundred thousand is two hundred thousand!"


"But first, when you write out the ticket, it must say three hundred thousand!"


Oh, my God, this is a fake invoice!


What a fucking iron cock! He doesn't pull a hair!


I said, "Don't even think about it! Pay as much as you want, or find someone else to do it!"


Zhao Fei said with a bitter face, "Go, go, you have the ability, you are a big uncle."


I said, "Well, now you tell me what's going on with this gambler."


When it came to business, Zhao Fei's face became serious.


He took one look at the child, then removed a document from the briefcase he was carrying and said, "It's all here!"


I took the information, casually glanced at it, and immediately avoided the child's sight.


There are a few photos mixed in with the data, and it is not suitable for children to see.


According to the information, the gambler's name is Ma Congjun, 35 years old, and he is a security guard in the community.


Security doesn't pay very well, and my colleagues are all men. This guy learned to play cards with his colleagues.


It is difficult to quit playing cards once it is tainted, so Ma served in the army for three years.


In the past three years, from the small quarrels of ten dollars and eight dollars, to the winning of four or five thousand cards, Ma's army is also deeply involved in it.


How many times his wife advised, how many times they quarreled, Ma was in the army regardless. If you have no money, you ask your wife for it, and if you can't get it, you cheat with relatives and friends.


Also because of dirty hands and feet, petty theft into the jail.


I lost my job over this, too.


Later, there was a tragic loss, a night back more than 80,000 gambling debts, after going home to try to sell what to change money to turn the capital.


But the house is rented, the furniture is broken, and even the mobile phone that has been used can only change the kitchen knife and basin.


I don't even have anything to sell.


In a flash, I saw my five-year-old daughter, remembered that one of the gamblers knew the traffickers, and immediately made a phone call.


Ask the price, hold the baby to sell.


When he called, he happened to catch his wife coming back from the night shift and heard it clearly outside the door.


The desperate wife rushed in with a kitchen knife and struck the gambler's shoulder blade.


The next thing is not to say more, anyway, desperation mixed with hatred, this miserable woman cut her husband a dozen times, on the spot did not breathe.


After that, they set fire to boiling water and divided the body into a dozen pieces, ready to boil and wash down the drain.


It is worth mentioning that the house Ma rented from the army is very small, so when she did these things, her five-year-old daughter has been watching.