
Body collection file

Since time immemorial, people have died and left their bodies. But few people know that there are many secrets hidden inside the body. Curse corpse, live corpse, horizontal corpse, resentful corpse, two sections of corpse... Every body has a story of its own! My name is He Yongheng, I am a funeral home body collector.

DaoistS77PJD · Horror
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25 Chs

Chapter 20: The Iron Coffin

Fearing that the coffin might be opened by its contents, I rushed up with the sappers' shovel.

But Zhang Sanfen reached out to stop me, his face was ferocious, and his tone was indescribable anger: "How! Let's make some effort to get the coffin out tonight!"

"I want to know who would dare to do such a senseless thing!"

That's when I realized my boss wasn't scared, he was angry.

His face was so twisted with anger that his body trembled slightly! Even little Ho was called Old Ho!

But what on earth is this coffin that should make the boss so angry?

I have never seen the boss so angry, for a moment a little scared.

Zhang Sanfen took a deep breath and said: "OK, cut the rope of the two elder sisters hanging on the tree and put it in the pit and bury it!"

"They are no longer angry, so don't let them suffer on the tree."

I quickly nodded, the two poor women were tortured to death by her husband's family, thinking that after death, they could be over, but the body was still hanging on the tree when the swing was shaken by the mountain wind.

It's two poor people.

I made my way up the tree and cut the rope with an engineer's shovel.

In fact, the rope has long been rotten, I cut a few times, suddenly snapped in two.

I put on my gloves, placed the two decomposing bodies where the coffins had been before, and said, "Boss, that's it?"

'Don't you want a coffin or something?

Zhang Sanfen angrily said: "When alive are confused, dead is the pursuit of refinement?"

"Why, I tell you, the reason people live is because they have a soul and a mind. When the soul dies, it's nothing! It's just a piece of skin, don't take it too seriously!"

I saw the boss a little angry, quickly brandished the engineer shovel began to bury the soil.

Burying the ground and thinking about what the boss said.

That seems to make sense.

The reason why people live is because they have a soul and a mind.

If you don't even have a soul, you're no different than a dead man.

What do you care if you're dead?

Poor people have always looked at the afterlife more important than life, especially the ancient emperors, even do not know how many people to use to build their own mausoleums.

That's ridiculous.

I've buried both women as we speak.

When I looked at Zhang Sanfen again, his mood had recovered a lot.

Only then did I dare to ask, what is the origin of this iron coffin? Why are there zombies in there?

Zhang Sanfen sneered: "How, I tell you, this coffin can be very valuable!"

"Believe it or not, if we get it back tonight, someone will come for us tomorrow!" You can offer a million, five million, or even tens of millions, and no one will counter!"

It's a bit of a surprise to hear how valuable the body inside this coffin is.

But the boss suddenly said: "Then Lao Zi just don't agree! And burn the coffin in the incinerator in front of him!"

"Laozi has a professional incinerator, even steel can be turned into iron slurry!" I can't believe this coffin can withstand thousands of degrees of heat!"

"I'm going to kill that bastard who put in that coffin!"

Speaking of this, he swore again: "No one's fucking advice can work!" Anyone who dares to persuade, I will turn against anyone!"

As he spoke, he greeted me and said, "Go! Drag the coffin!"

I immediately cried bitterly, you know, the parking place is not close to the mass grave, the coffin is at least a few hundred pounds, really want to drag back, not tired to death?

But the boss has spoken, and he's so angry. I had to pull the rope, and then together with the boss, dragging the coffin on the narrow path.

The coffin was heavy, but the boss was strong.

So much so, I think, that 80 percent of the weight is being carried by the boss.

But he remained calm, as if he were dragging a straw.

I secretly admire, also do not know how the boss in the end to get this body.

If I had that strength, I'd be good in a fight.

But it took a lot of effort to drag the coffin to the parking spot.

When carrying the coffin to the car, the coffin inside again made a scratching sound, and even plop plop, like kicking the coffin board.

This time the boss is not used to each other, from the modified trunk inside took out a bundle of red rope, the coffin bundle solid.

Not only that, he took out a lump of something like ointment, and evenly smearing it on the coffin.

In an instant, the zombies who had just been making noise suddenly calmed down.

The red rope is used to ward off evil spirits, and the milky cream, also called soft corpse incense, is not known to be made of.

Anyway, if you apply it to the surface of the coffin, the effects will gradually seep in, soften the zombie, knock him out.

It's expensive. I read about it in the night shift management manual, like 50 grand for half a kilo.

It is estimated that tens of thousands of dollars will be gone by the boss.

After that, the boss took one look at me and said; "Disengaged?"

I nodded.

I was really tired hauling the coffin just now, even if the boss bore most of the weight, the rest is enough for me to drink a pot.

Zhang Sanfen said: "Collect acid don't drive, I will drive."

"By the way, did you get the black soil?"

I took out the little bottle and said, "Boss, it's all here. Not as much as you say."

Zhang Sanfen sneered: "Of course not so much. It's all been sucked up by this guy in the back, so there's nothing wrong with that."

"If we were two or three days late, we wouldn't even be able to touch this little black soil!"

I looked back. No wonder there was so much black dirt.

I got it all from this guy behind me.

Looking at Zhang Sanfen in a better mood, I carefully asked: "Boss, what is the origin of this thing, how do you live so atmospheric?"

Zhang Sanfen said: "Angry? It's not just a matter of being angry!"

"Why, there is a very powerful corpse in the coffin. This thing has already tricked the body, and it's so good that they put it in a steel coffin, welded all around it, to prevent it from breaking out."

"Then the person who keeps the corpse will bury the coffin in the place where there is resentment, and specially use the resentment to nourish the body, so that the body becomes more and more fierce."

"If the complaints are not enough, the cadaver will continue to look for a new cadaver and bury the coffin in another place."

"Until the body inside has absorbed enough resentment and is strong enough to break the steel coffin, it is done!"

I listened to the horror, quickly looked back at the iron coffin.

Who knows how much resentment this body has absorbed? Does it meet the exhumation criteria?