
Bodacious kiss

The life of a young billionaire named Sean was ordinary and calm, though he had PTSD. Because of the accident that brought his parents And also the parenting style of his uncle during this time. A girl named Adel, under the experienced comic on romance is currently being charged by her editor to make comics with romantic love stories. Adel tried to get her love story to be an inspiration while making comics. Also, other problems come from her mother who told Adel to immediately have a boyfriend. If not, then Adel must continue with the underwear configuration in her family. Due to the insistence of her mother and editor for Adel, she was trying to pursue Sean to create a romantic comic inspired by the man. However, in the middle of Adel's persistence after Sean, Come Jason. The man is very contrary to his attitude and behavior toward Sean. Creating a stubborn and ambitious girl got Sean, the north poleman who always built the wall between him and the people around him. Or Adel would choose a friendly and humble Jason?

PuanAlf · Urban
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5 Chs


Adel pursed her lips even more. She put back a sheet of the letter of agreement and Samantha immediately took it.

"You said 1 year earlier, huh? Okay, mommy wrote it here 1 year from now." Samantha wrote down another extra point in the letter. "Well done! Sign now!"

Adel snatched the paper. The look on her face was still the same as before, frowning. "But here it is, mom. In this 1 year period, if my comic career is good, don't force me to change mommy's position, don't have an arranged marriage! Ok?"

Samantha squinted her eyes, glancing sideways. She considered the decision Adel made. The mother-of-one nodded, agreeing to her daughter's request. Because, if she think about it again, arguing with Adel will be endless.

Adel smiled as she picked up the pen on the table. Happily, herself signed the letter.

Adel stood facing her mother. "It's nice to do business with you, mrs. Samantha." She shook her mother's hand and handed over the letter of agreement.

The sun bath replaces the rain. Adel, who had been sullen, is now cheerful and warm again. She immediately stepped her feet towards the door.

However, Samantha quickly shouted to her daughter. "Where are you going? Just came, do you want to go again?"

In passing, the girl who had always been at her own pace immediately replied, "Want to washing clothes my future husband, mom!" Adel laughed cheerfully and continued walking, ignoring her mother's reaction.

Samantha rounded her black eyes as soon as she heard the word "future husband" coming out of Adel's mouth. How could the child she knew never date and now talk like that?

Before going home and washing Sean's shirt, Adel took the time to go to the store to buy the best laundry soap there. Adel wanted to make a good impression on the man she targeted.

Finished with her activities in the market, Adel immediately rushed to the boarding house to clean up the mess on the white shirt that was scalded by coffee earlier. Before washing it, Adel Inhale the shirt.

It was already like a cat sniffing the scent it liked, just like that anyway, Adel at this time. This beautiful girl could smell the perfume what's left behind on the cloth.

"Woah, it's crazy anyway, this...." Adel was still inhaling the scent of the shirt while closing her eyes. ''Hmm ..., the clothes just smell good, let alone the people. The fragrance is constantly there." Adel chuckled at the thought of Sean.

When Adel was washing clothes, suddenly the sound of her cell phone rang. She immediately checked who contacted her during a busy day like this. There are only two possibilities, if not her parents, then it is Sandra.

Adel sighed after finding out who was calling her. "Sandra..., why else is this burden of life?" grumbled the round-eyed girl.

Just as Adel pressed the accept button, Sandra immediately shrieked first.

"Del, it's bad ..., urgent!" Sandra sounded panicked as hell.

Adel instead casually lowered her lip line and looked at the nails of his fingers. "What?"

"So I mis-looked at the comic collection schedule. It turned out not to be tomorrow, but...."

Adel immediately shrugs, "But now? Hmm ..., Habits!"

"Yes...." Sandra chuckled lightly, afraid that Adel would be angry. "Today's five o'clock Del, there are no two hours from now. How about it?" The chatty editor panicked again.

"Relax, I already have a picture of what you guys want."

Adel proudly showed off what was inside her mind at the moment. Similarly, Sandra was very happy with what she heard. Because it is not usually, Adel can work on time.

"You can send it now? How many panels have you gotten? I'll check it out first!"

"Hmm, That...." Now it was Adel's turn to laugh at her mistake. "I haven't drawn it yet. But calm down, it's already in my brain. I'll draw it right away and I promise, it won't be more than an hour."

Not wanting to waste any longer, Sandra immediately had Adel draw a picture and ended her call.

Meanwhile, Adel, with great enthusiasm and excitement, began to cross out her gadget using a stylus pen. She described Sean as long and charismatic, tall, high nose, charming round bright blue eyes. Tall as well as athletic, all of that is perfect!

Don't know what crazy things made Adel become infatuated with Sean's like this. Even Adel also described how Sean walked in an indifferent style with his surroundings as she saw in the video this morning.

As she promised Sandra just now, that Adel would finish in less than an hour. After finishing, she directly sent it to the best friend.

As soon as she saw the results of her own picture, Adel folded her arms together while shaking her head slowly. "The power of urgent!" Adel is really proud of himself.

This young comic artist is very excited. Moreover, when she managed to portray Sean's figure so calmly. She is also very sure, if the readers later will also like this new comic of her.

How come? The author alone really enjoys her role, let alone reading?

One message came in from Sandra,

Sandra: How come? Just fell in love, huh? This alone hasn't been colored already looks good, especially if the package is complete. Keep upgrading beastie!

Adel just laughed reading the praise from her editor. Uncharacteristically, when Sandra told her to revise the comic. Indeed, this job is very hard for some people. However, for Adel, a hobby that can make money, why not?

And of course, instead of having to pass on the title as "princess lingerie" Adel would feel like in a jail. Restrained!

Adel sat by the window that led to the backyard where she was drying clothes. Immediately, she saw a white shirt waving in the wind.

Oh, no! Just looking at his shirt alone, it was able to make Adel smile on her own. If anyone sees it, it will probably think that Adel is crazy.

The sudden flash of thunder seen above the clouds made Adel resuscitate from her reverie train.

"Ouch! It's raining?" Adel looked out the window.

The long-haired girl immediately ran to save her clothes from the drizzle that was slowly beginning to fall. A few pieces of clothes that had dried, Adel put by the ironing table.

Don't know what was in Adel's mind at this time, instead of finishing her work, the girl took the business card that Sean gave her just now. She read the name and the phone number listed on the box paper.

"Woah...." Adel's eyes rounded instantly. "The uncle of a lecturer turned out to be? No wonder, the aura is different from others. Oh, but you already have a wife yet, huh? Ah, how about it?"

Adel scratched her head which suddenly felt itchy. Indeed, Sean's tall, sturdy and long-standing stature made Adel overthink. Their age gap is only five years apart.

"Stupid period, it can be confirmed later. Now I have to contact him, continue to return the shirt."

Of course, Adel hopes to reunite with Sean. Not wanting to waste any longer, Adel immediately picked up the number listed on the business card.

It's this girl's wishful thinking that's too high, or is it really that they're dating together? Indeed, it is felt that it is very impossible. But this is what challenges Adel to keep trying to get the Sean.

It seems that it has become a law of nature when the ignorant are always pursued. Meanwhile, those who are already in sight, are always stretched out.