
Bob the builder: Scoop's missing

Bob the builder and his team are going to new building site. On the way Scoop takes a wrong turn and gets lost. Now he wants to get back but another team won't let him. In fact they are more than meets the eye. (Contains little bit of violence and ocs)

StupitPizza_Da_20 · TV
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12 Chs

Seems like a cloud with silver lining

Muck was suprised that he took the wall down by himself.

"What happened to you?" Muck asked when he saw Scoop. Yellow digger said that it dosen't matter. "We are free now," Scoop said. "Nice work, Muck!" praised Bob his red machine. They went trough the hole. "Who even closed it?" asked Bob:" Gem?" "I don't think so," said Scoop:" She told me everything what i needed to know." Gem drove there and asked if Scoop's alright. "Been better," said Scoop.

At the same time Dizzy met Cougar again. "Hey liar!" she shouted. Cougar asked:" What do you want?" His voice was sharp. Dizzy told him:" I want that you stop being mean to others." "How i am mean?" asked orange telehandler (yes, it's his machine type). "You lied to us about Scoop," she said:" When he needed us then you just said that he's dead. We believed that. But why did you did it?" "I didn't want to be scrapmetal," Cougar said:" Here's that thing that when you broke their trust then you're scrapmetal. Telling you truth meant that i am just that." "I understand it now," Dizzy said little softly:" But why are you more important then others?" Cougar didn't tell anything. Dizzy then left. "Screw this!" he said and followed her.

Muck helped Scoop to the gate but then Gem drove in front of them. "Don't!" she said:" I forgot to mention that they installed the electric collar to him." What?" asked Bob:" Where?" "I don't know," Gem said:" They installed them all of us. They can use it by themselves or it will go off when he get out of the gate. Somewhere must be a generator what gives the power to gate." "Alright," said Bob:" Let's find it."

Some time later they found it. But Kye was front of it. "I see that you have betrayed us, Gem," he said. Gem said that she isn't afraid of him. Kye said:" It's pity. I thought that i don't have to use it." On his hand was a remote control. He pressed a button on it and the electricity gave a shock to Gem. "You will pay for this!" Scoop shouted and tried to get to Kye but he was also shocked. It was a big suprise to him that he crashed into the crates and he left hanging on the edge of the ditch. Bob shouted his name. Muck just standed there and wasn't sure what do to.

"Stop that now!" Cougar shouted. "Cougar," shouted Kye:" What are you doing?!" Cougar drove towards Kye. Kye ducked when the orange machine almost hit him. Then Cougar helped Scoop to get far of the edge. "Thanks," said Scoop. "That's alright," Cougar said:" Sorry about all of that. When i wasn't so selfish then it all could be avoided." "But now you are doing the right thing," Bob said. "But what about Liz and Kye?" Gem asked weakly. "Well," said Bob:" Can we get them?"

"Yes we can!" said the machines in union.